United Nations Publications prepared by the Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea, Office of Legal Affairs
The present study is devoted to the legislative history of articles 61 and 62 dealing respectively with conservation and utilization of the living resources in the zone. While the Convention has established the sovereign rights of the coastal State over the living resources of the exclusive economic zone in accordance with article 56, it has imposed a series of duties regarding their conservation and utilization.
The international community has long recognized the special value of straits used for international navigation as a means of linking one part of the oceans with another, with evident significance for global communication and trade. The following two volumes (divided into three parts) examine the evolution of the regime of transit passage for straits used for international navigation. Part One (volume I) covers the work of the International Law Commission and the First United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea. Part Two (volume I) contains statements of delegations, as well as proposals made in the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of the Seabed and the Ocean Floor beyond the Limits of National Jurisdiction. Part Three (volume II) contains a detailed study of the work of the Third United Nations Conference from its second to eleventh sessions. It illustrates how an informal proposal of the Private Group on Straits provided the basis for a compromise text which evolved into what is now Part III of the Convention.
The question of "archipelagos" was discussed in several academic intergovernmental forums after the turn of the century, mostly in connection with the question of baselines, however (until the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea) without conclusive results. This study focuses on the legislative history of articles 46 to 54 (Part IV) of the Convention - Part IV (archipelagic States). It examines the statements by delegations, proposals and other texts presented at the Third Conference in order to trace the evolution of the concept of archipelagos.. Please note related publication "Practice of Archipelagic States" in the sub-division below.
This study is devoted to the legislative history of the three key articles: article 56, 58 and 59, which lay down the fundamental characteristics of the exclusive economic zone. These articles deal with the rights, jurisdiction and duties of the coastal State in the zone; rights and duties of other States in the zone; and the basis for the resolution of conflicts regarding the attribution of rights and jurisdiction in the zone.
The study focuses on article 246 of Part XIII of the Convention which deals with the regime of consent for marine scientific research to be conducted in the exclusive economic zone and on the continental shelf, by a State other than the coastal State.
The study traces the legislative history of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, Part VII, Section 1, Articles 87, 89, 90, 94, 96 and 98 which address the main issues relating to navigation on the high seas. The study first reviews the historical background of the aforementioned articles prior to the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea and then focuses on the their evolution in the light of the declarations, proposals and other relevant texts of the Conference.
This study presents the legislative history of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, Part VIII (Regime of Islands). It consists of two parts: the first part focuses on the regime of islands as established by the Geneva Conventions on the Law of the Sea; the second part is devoted to the work in the Second Committee of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea. This part presents, in chronological order, the discussions of the Conference on this subject and also contains the successive negotiating texts.
"Land-locked States" are guaranteed the right of access to and from the sea. This publication examines the historical evolution of this right, taking into account previous instruments, declarations, proposals, negotiation texts and other relevant documents which led to the final text contained in the Convention.
Ocean dumping - as the deliberate disposal of certain toxic, harmful, noxious or persistent substances and materials into the sea by or from ships, aircraft, platforms or other man-made structures at sea - constitutes one of the major sources of pollution of the marine environment. This study traces the legislative history of those provisions of the Convention on the Law of the Sea which address the problems of the establishment of rules and standards to prevent pollution by dumping and of the enforcement of those rules and standards (article 1, paragraph 1 (5) and articles 210 and 216 of Part XII of the Convention). The study describes the activities of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of the Sea-Bed and the Ocean Floor beyond the Limits of National Jurisdiction and contains proposals, negotiating texts, amendments and other relevant documents of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea.
The study is devoted to the legislative history of those articles of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea which deal directly with the concept of the common heritage of mankind (articles 133 to 150 and 311(6). As stated in the preamble of the Convention, one of its objectives is to develop the principles embodied in General Assembly resolution 2749 (XXV) of 17 December 1970, in which the Assembly declared that the area of the seabed and ocean floor and the subsoil thereof,beyond the limits of national jurisdiction, are the common heritage of mankind. The study contains excerpts from the proceedings, as well as other materials, documents, negotiating texts, etc., of the First United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea, the United Nations General Assembly, the Seabed Committee and of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea.
The present study is devoted to the legislative history of article 218, dealing with enforcement by port States of vessel-source pollution perpetrated outside the internal waters, the territorial sea or the exclusive economic zone of such States in violation of applicable international rules and standards established through the competent international organization or general diplomatic conference. This publication lays down the basic legal regime of a port State's competence in respect of pollution control when a vessel is voluntarily within its port or at its offshore terminal.
The present study is devoted to the legislative history of article 220 in part XII of the Convention, which establishes the enforcement powers exercisable by coastal States in areas under national jurisdiction in order to prevent, reduce, and control pollution from vessels. 3) NATIONAL LEGISLATION COVERING AREAS UNDER
National Claims to Maritime Jurisdiction - Excerpts of Legislation and Table of Claims | ||
E.91.V.15 | 145pp. | $19.50 |
The revision of national legislation, particularly those regulating the nature and breadth of marine areas subject to sovereignty or jurisdiction, was one of the most important consequences of the adoption of the Convention on the Law of the Sea in 1982. This publication provides quick and convenient access to updated information on the status of national
legislation concerning maritime zones around the world. The tabulation is based on the maritime legislation of 145 coastal States which was available through the year 1990. The first part provides a table of claims: territorial sea, contiguous zone, fishery zone, and exclusive economic zone, while the second part reproduces relevant extracts of the test of those provisions.
Baselines - National Legislation with Illustrative Maps | ||
E.89.V.10 | 391pp. | $42.00 |
Illustrates the practice of States in relation to the establishment of straight baselines, giving the relevant excerpts from national laws, which are organized in alphabetical order and illustrated by maps.
National Legislation on Territorial Sea, the Right of Innocent Passage and the Contiguous Zone | ||
E.95.V.7 | 422pp. | $48.00 |
In examining the power of the coastal State in the territorial sea, it has sovereignty, it is essential to know that some limits can be imposed in line with the needs of international navigation. Carefully regulated, the right of innocent passage is one of the oldest concepts of international law. In the contiguous zone the coastal State can only exercise specific jurisdiction. This volume presents the legislation of coastal States covering both of these zones of jurisdiction. They are arranged alphabetically by country.
National Legislation on the Exclusive Economic Zone | ||
E.93.V.10 | 403pp. | $45.00 |
The Convention on the Law of the Sea gives coastal States the right to establish an exclusive economic zone which may extend up to 200 nautical miles from the baselines from which the territorial sea is measured. This publication is a compilation of the national legislation of States on the exclusive economic zone, including declarations made at the time of ratification of the Convention as of 1992. The information presented is listed in alphabetically order by country.
National Legislation on the Continental Shelf | ||
E.89.V.5 | 302pp. | $30.00 |
A compilation of the national legislation of States on the continental shelf as of 1989. Most of this is based on the 1958 Geneva Convention.
The Regime for the High-seas Fisheries - Status and Prospects | ||
E.92.V.12 | 48pp. | $10.00 |
This survey of the present status of the regime relating to high-seas fisheries focuses on the legal, institutional and management aspects of problems that have arisen since the conclusion of the 1982 United Nations Conference of the Law of the Sea. It discusses means for promoting more effective implementations of the high-seas fisheries regime and proposes some guidelines.
MULTILATERAL TREATIES - A reference guide to multilateral treaties and other international instruments related to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (Revised and updated as of 31 December 1996) | ||
E.97.V.9 | 184pp. | $25.00 |
The publication complies for reference purposes a comprehensive list of multilateral treaties and instruments of a global or regional character organized according to the issues covered by the Convention for use by Governments as well as scholars and other experts in the area of the law of the sea. It contains the status of major multilateral conventions, protocols and other instruments relevant to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, dating from 1945 to the present.
The objective for such a reference guide is to provide information on all relevant treaties, agreements and instruments so as to encourage an integrated and comprehensive approach to the implementation and monitoring of existing legal instruments.
Practice of Archipelagic States | ||
E.92.V.3 | 257pp. | $32.00 |
This publication is complementary to an earlier study devoted to Part IV (Archipelagic States) of the Convention, which provides a legislative history of articles 46 to 54 of the Convention as it evolved during the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea. It examines the practice of States in relation to the concept of archipelagic waters. The first part consists of a compilation of legislation relating to maritime claims, with illustrative maps when available, showing archipelagic baselines. Reproduced in the second part are bilateral and multilateral treaties related to the delimitation of the maritime areas.
National Legislation, Regulations and Supplementary Documents on Marine Scientific Research in Areas Under National Jurisdiction | ||
E.89.V.9 | 306pp. | $32.00 |
Contains national laws, regulations and procedures that are relevant to the conduct of marine scientific research by other States and international organizations in areas under the jurisdiction of the coastal States.
Maritime Boundary Agreements | |||
1942/69 1985/91 |
E.91.V.11 E.92.V.2 |
105pp. 97pp. |
$25.00 $15.00 |
The delimitation of maritime boundaries has become an important element of the practice of States in the modern Law of the Sea. The adoption of new limits for areas under national jurisdiction has forced States to seek agreement with their neighbours to establish precise boundaries and clearly define zones in which they can exercise their sovereignty. This publication was published in three volumes covering different years and includes illustrative maps.
Current Developments in State Practice | ||
E.87.V.3 No.I
E.89.V.7 No.II E.92.V.13 No.III E.95.V.10 No.IV |
219pp. 340pp. 294pp. |
$23.00 $45.00 $45.00 |
These publications focus on current developments in the areas of national legislation, declarations and treaties on maritime jurisdiction that have been adopted since the enactment of the 1982 Convention on the Law of the Sea. The information is listed by State in alphabetical order and whenever a communication by a State relates to the content of a particular piece of legislation it follows directly. Treaties are included in the chronological order of their adoption.
Digest of International Cases on the Law of the Sea | |||
E.07.V.5 | 278pp. | $59.00 |
The present publication is a compilation of selected summaries of cases dealing with Law of the Sea issues from the late nineteen century to the present time. The 33 cases selected have been deemed useful in understanding the evolution of jurisprudence concerning the Law of the Sea.
Marine geospatial information management | |||
E.24.V.1 | 84 pp. (Main text and Annex 1) 107 pp. (Annex 2) 62 pp. (Annex 3) |
Spanish |
This publication provides an overview of marine geospatial information management. It addresses important elements for well-structured and integrated marine geospatial information management, including with regard to its infrastructure and systems and population with reliable, timely and quality marine geospatial data that is standardized, interoperable, integrated, and available and accessible for cross-sectoral and multi-disciplinary research, as well as for policy development, decision-making and strategic actions. The publication further discusses the important role of marine geospatial information management in improving our understanding of challenges related to the sustainable future of the ocean and the planet and developing effective risk mitigation strategies.
Guidelines on deposit with the Secretary-General of charts and lists of geographical coordinates of points under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea | |||
E.21.V.1 | 17 pp. | $20.00
See the UN Publications Catalogue online |
The present publication endeavours to provide practical information to the Governments of coastal States by providing an overview of deposits with the Secretary-General of charts and lists of geographical coordinates of points under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. The Guidelines describe the act of the deposit, the format of the deposited information, as well as procedural and administrative aspects of deposit and due publicity under the Convention.
Law of the Sea, The: Training Manual for Delineation of the Outer Limits of the Continental Shelf Beyond 200 Nautical Miles and for Preparation of Submissions to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf | ||
E.06.V.4 | 530 pp. | $45.00 |
F.06.V.4 (Français) | $45.00 | |
S.06.V.4 (Español) | $45.00 |
The legal regime established by the United Nations Law of the Sea Convention for the delineation of the outer limits of the extended continental shelf combines both legal and scientific concepts, rendering its interpretation challenging to both legal practitioners with no scientific background, and marine scientists with no legal training. For this reason, the present Manual covers, to the extent possible, all relevant legal, scientific, logistical and procedural aspects of the delineation of the outer limits of the extended continental shelf in its nine modules.
Handbook on the delimitation of maritime boundaries | ||
01.V.2 (English) | 222pp. | $10.00 |
01.V.2 (Español) | 224pp. | $10.00 |
Arabic | 234pp. | TBC |
In order to facilitate the negotiating process to which States with adjacent or opposite coasts will have to resort in case of overlapping claims, the Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea, United Nations Office of Legal Affairs, prepared a Handbook on the delimitation of maritime boundaries. The Handbook covers legal, technical and practical information deemed essential in negotiating maritime boundary delimitation between coastal States. It also contains information concerning the peaceful settlement of disputes in case the negotiations are unsuccessful. The Handbook consists of seven chapters and nine annexes.
Baselines: An Examination of the Relevant Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea | ||
E.88.V.5 | 79pp. | $8.50 (out of print, pdf text available, 3, 5 Mb) |
F.88.V.5 | 79pp. | (out of print, pdf text available, 3, 0 Mb) |
S.88.V.5 | 79pp. | (out of print, pdf text available, 2, 7 Mb) |
A.88.V.5 | pdf text available |
Examines the provisions of the articles in the Convention dealing with baselines and attempts to give guidance on their application, without prejudging controversial matters of law. It also contains a flow chart designed to guide the reader through the individual decisions necessary for establishing baselines.
Definition of the Continental Shelf | ||
E.93.V.16 (English) | 49pp. | $8.00 |
F.93.V.16 (French) | 49pp. | $8.00 |
Clarifies some of the highly technical aspects of the relevant provisions of the Convention and serves as a guide for coastal States when establishing the outer limits of their continental shelves. A glossary of technical terms is also included.
Marine Scientific Research - A revised guide to the implementation of the relevant provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (text available in pdf format) | ||
E.10.V.12 | 71pp. | See the UN Publications Catalogue online |
The Guide, among other things, includes practical guidance on the implementation of the provisions of the Convention on the Law of the Sea relating to marine scientific research based on the outcome of the meeting of the Group of Experts. The General Assembly of the United Nations has consistently highlighted the importance of marine science for eradicating poverty, contributing to food security, conserving the world's marine environment and resources, helping to understand, predict and respond to natural events and promoting the sustainable development of the oceans and seas.
Marine Scientific Research - A guide to implementation of the Relevant Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea | ||
E.91.V.3 | 39pp. | $ |
This publication reflects the benefits of the advice given by a group of international experts in research vessel clearance procedures on the most practicable ways to facilitate interpretation and application of the regime on marine scientific research, as contained in articles 248 and 249.
Protection and Preservation of the Marine Environment | ||
E.90.V.3 | 95pp. | $12.00 |
A repertory of global and regional rules arranged on a source of marine pollution basis, each entry contains details on the relevant treaties, including its date, signatories, geographic scope, amendments, and reference sources. A table of ratifications of each of the instruments listed is included for easy reference.
Enhancing Ocean Capacity: Capacity-building Programme of the Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea | |||
E.22.V.20 |
45 pp. |
See the UN Publications Catalogue online |
This publication provides an overview of the diverse portfolio of capacity-building programmes and trust funds administered by the Division, and the opportunities they represent for Member States. Capacity-building is essential to ensure that States, especially developing countries, are able to effectively implement the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, benefit from the sustainable development of the ocean and participate fully in global and regional ocean affairs and the law of the sea related processes.
Annual Review of Ocean Affairs Law and Policy - Main Documents | |||
1990 |
E.94.V.1 |
740pp. |
$75.00 |
This publication gives an overview of developments, outlines trends and facilitates access to the large and diverse body of international documentation on ocean affairs. Areas covered include: Peaceful Uses; General Environmental Issues; Marine Environmental Protection; Maritime Safety; Illicit Drug Trafficking, Piracy; Offshore Industry; Jurisdictional Immunities; and Fisheries Management. The volumes are organized so that they deal with activities on a year-by-year basis.
Bibliography on the Law of the Sea 1968-1988 | ||
B.91.V.7 | 483pp. | $25.00 |
This one convenient volume, presented in English and French, contains an accumulation of literature published from 1968 to 1988 concerning the Law of the Sea. These countless publications bear witness to the historic revolution in the law and shed considerable light on the background as well as the complex process of that revolution. It also contains valuable insights for the future needs and further evolution of the law.
Bibliography on the Law of the Sea Two Decades of Law-Making, State Practice and Doctrine | ||
M. 93.V.15 | 405pp. | $30.00 |
This publication is a supplement to Bibliography on the Law of The Sea 1968-1988 (English and French) and contains references to material written in Arabic, Chinese, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish. It provides information on books, articles in periodicals and other material dealing with the Law of the Sea and related questions.
Law of the Sea: 35 Year Law of the Sea Bibliography 1967-2002 (CD-ROM) | ||
04.V.19 | CD/ROM | $125.00 |
This CD-ROM contains bibliographic citations dealing with all aspects of the law of the sea from 1967 through 2002, the equivalent to a printed document of over 3,200 pages. It contains bibliographic citations from more than 5,600 authors writing in some 454 journals as well as books and compendia. The Bibliography is divided into 11 Parts and some 64 sections and subsections. The entire CD is searchable with its own built-in search engine tailored to law of the sea terminology.
Select Bibliography | |||
1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998
2000 2001 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 |
E.91.V.2 E.92.V.6 E.93.V.12 E.94.V.10 E.95.V.11 E.96.V.7 E.97.V.6 E.98.V.6 E.99.V.9
E.01.V.7 E.02.V.6 E.04.V.8 E.05.V.8 E.06.V.6 E.08.V.3 08.V.12 09.V.6 E.10.V.7 E.12.V.4 E.13.V.1 E.14.V.4 E.19.V.9 E.14.V.10 E.19.V.11 E.19.V.12 E.19.V.13 E.19.V.14 |
73pp. 64pp. 61pp. 64pp. 65pp. 72pp. 60pp. 80pp. 66pp.
84pp. 120pp. 96pp. 130pp. 128pp. 126pp. 128pp. 112pp. 104pp. 54pp. 68pp. 68pp. 84pp. 67pp. 71pp. 51pp. 39pp. 34pp. 38pp. |
$15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00
$17.00 $17.00 $17.00 $20.00 $20.00 $22.50 $25.00 $25.00 $30.00 $25 print / $12.50 PDF $25 print / $12.50 PDF $25 print / $12.50 PDF $25 print / $12.50 PDF $25 print / $12.50 PDF $25 print / $12.50 PDF $25 print / $12.50 PDF $25 print / $12.50 PDF $25 print / $12.50 PDF $25 print / $12.50 PDF |
The bibliography is divided into subject categories based mainly on the major topics of the Convention on the Law of the Sea. The books and articles within each category are listed alphabetically by author and a complete author index is also included.
Master File Containing References to Official Documents of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea | ||
E.85.V.9 | 176pp. | $19.50 |
Contains a bibliographical listing of all reports, meeting records and other documents issued during the Conference from 1973-1982.
Compilation of the Official Records of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea (CD-ROM) | ||
04.V.20 | CD/ROM | $95.00 |
This CD-ROM contains PDF files of all 17 volumes of Official Records of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea, covering the 11 sessions of the Conference from 1973 through 1982. Also included are other documents, such as all negotiating texts, some of which were not included in the original volumes, that chart the evolution of the Convention, giving the researcher a full range of texts in order to illuminate the legislative background. It also includes the complete text of the Convention, its Final Act and related resolutions of the Conference and of the United Nations General Assembly.
Multilateral Treaties Relevant to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea | ||
E.85.V.11 | 116pp. | $14.50 |
A comprehensive list of multilateral treaties and instruments of a global or regional character which are still in force and which touch upon the issues covered by the Convention.
Ecosystem Approaches and Oceans: Panel Presentations during the United Nations Open-ended Informal Consultative Process on Oceans and the Law of the Sea (Consultative Process) - Seventh Meeting, United Nations Headquarters, New York, 12-16 June 2006 | ||
E.07.V.4 | 160pp. | $35.00 (print version) |
For the most recent publications and current prices, please consult the UN Publications Catalogue (English) which is continuously updated. Other languages please refer to UN Publications Home Page which contains French and Spanish catalogues and appropriate ordering instructions.