United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
Thirtieth Meeting (Opening: 6 July 2020 - Plenary meetings: 24-26 August 2020 - Deliberations through virtual platforms, written exchanges and in person: 30 October-9 December [TBC])
- Notification dated 14 April 2020 convening of the Thirtieth Meeting of States Parties English | French
- Note verbale transmitting a letter dated 11 May 2020 from the President of the twenty-ninth Meeting of States Parties concerning the postponement of the thirtieth meeting English | French
- Letter dated 18 May 2020 from the President of the twenty-ninth Meeting of States Parties addressed to the President of the General Assembly concerning the postponement of the thirtieth meeting
- Note verbale transmitting a letter dated 23 June 2020 from the President of the twenty-ninth Meeting of States Parties concerning the modalities of the thirtieth meeting English | French
- Letter dated 26 June 2020 from the President of the twenty-ninth Meeting of States Parties addressed to the President of the General Assembly concerning preparations for the thirtieth meeting
- Notification: Addendum dated 29 June 2020 concerning the opening of the Thirtieth Meeting of States Parties English | French
- Letter dated 6 July 2020 from the President of the twenty-ninth Meeting of States Parties addressed to States Parties declaring open the thirtieth meeting and circulating a draft decision on the procedure for taking decisions during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. English | French
- Notification: Addendum dated 6 July 2020 concerning the credentials for the Thirtieth Meeting of States Parties English | French
- Note verbale transmitting a letter dated 9 July 2020 from the President of the twenty-ninth Meeting of States Parties concerning the outcome of the consultations concerning the proposed Procedure for taking decisions of the thirtieth Meeting of States Parties to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. English | French
- Note verbale transmitting a letter dated 21 July 2020 from the President of the twenty-ninth Meeting of States Parties circulating a revised draft decision concerning the Procedure for taking decisions of the thirtieth Meeting of States Parties to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. English | French
- Note verbale transmitting two letters dated 24 July 2020 from the President of the twenty-ninth Meeting of States Parties concerning the adoption of decision 30/1 about a Procedure for taking decisions of the thirtieth Meeting of States Parties to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic and the election of the President of the thirtieth Meeting of States Parties, respectively. English | French
- Note verbale transmitting a letter dated 29 July 2020 from the President of the twenty-ninth Meeting of States Parties concerning the election of the President of the thirtieth Meeting of States Parties. English | French
- Note verbale transmitting a letter dated 30 July 2020 from the President of the thirtieth Meeting of States Parties circulating two draft decisions on the election of Vice-Presidents and the adoption of the agenda. English | French
- Note verbale transmitting a letter dated 5 August 2020 from the President of the thirtieth Meeting of States Parties concerning the outcome of the consultations concerning the proposed draft decisions Adoption of the Agenda and "Election of Vice-Presidents"
- Note verbale transmitting a letter dated 11 August 2020 from the President of the thirtieth Meeting of States Parties circulating three draft decisions on the election of Vice-Presidents, the adoption of the agenda and the appointment of the Credentials Committee
- Note verbale transmitting a letter dated 14 August 2020 from the President of the thirtieth Meeting of States Parties concerning the adoption of decision 30/3, entitled Adoption of the agenda; decision 30/4, entitled Election of Vice-Presidents; and decision 30/5, entitled Appointment of the Credentials Committee
- Note verbale dated 19 August transmitting a letter dated 18 August 2020 from the President of the thirtieth Meeting of States Parties concerning the Organization of work(Rectified Note verbale)
- Note verbale dated 21 August 2020 transmitting a letter dated 21 August 2020 from the President of the thirtieth Meeting of States Parties concerning risk assessment, mitigating measures, logistical and procedural aspects for the election of seven members of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea; and communication from the Delegations of Italy and Malta
- Letter dated 24 August 2020 from the President of the thirtieth Meeting of States Parties announcing the result of the first round of balloting for the election of seven members of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
- Note Verbale dated 25 August 2020 transmitting a letter dated 25 August 2020 from the President of the thirtieth Meeting of States Parties announcing the result of the second round of balloting for the election of seven members of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
- Note Verbale dated 25 August 2020 transmitting a letter dated 25 August 2020 from the President of the thirtieth Meeting of States Parties transmitting a Note Verbale dated 25 August 2020 from the Permanent Mission of Brazil concerning the withdrawal of a candidate for the election of seven members to the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
- Note Verbale dated 26 August 2020 transmitting a letter dated 26 August 2020 from the President of the thirtieth Meeting of States Parties announcing the result of the third round of balloting for the election of seven members of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
- Letter dated 12 October 2020 from the President of the thirtieth Meeting of States Parties to transmit a letter dated 6 October 2020 from the Secretary-General of the United Nations
- Note verbale dated 27 October 2020 transmitting a letter dated 27 October 2020 from the President of the thirtieth Meeting of States Parties outlining the proposed timetable and modalities for the consideration of the pending agenda items
- Note verbale dated 30 October 2020 transmitting a letter dated 30 October 2020 from the President of the thirtieth Meeting of States Parties circulating the timetable and modalities for the consideration of the pending agenda item
- Note verbale dated 11 November 2020 transmitting a letter dated 11 November 2020 from the President of the thirtieth Meeting of States Parties proposing actions and decisions concerning agenda items 11 (a,b,d) and 10 (c)
- Note verbale dated 16 November 2020 transmitting a letter dated 16 November 2020 from the President of the thirtieth Meeting of States Parties concerning the actions and decisions on agenda items 11 (a,b,d) and 10 (c)
- Note verbale dated 23 November 2020 transmitting a letter dated 23 November 2020 from the President of the thirtieth Meeting of States Parties proposing actions and decisions concerning agenda items 8, 9, 10 (a) and 15
- Note verbale dated 24 November transmitting a letter dated 24 November 2020 from the Acting-President chairing the open-ended Working Group on Financial and Budgetary Matters proposing Draft Decisions on budgetary matters of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea for 2021–2022
- Note verbale dated 27 November 2020 transmitting a letter dated 27 November 2020 from the President of the thirtieth Meeting of States Parties concerning the actions and decisions on agenda items 8, 9, 10(a), 11 (c) and 15
- Note verbale dated 30 November 2020 transmitting a letter dated 28 November 2020 from the Co-Coordinators of the Open-ended Working Group on the Conditions of Service of the Members of the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf circulating a Draft Decision regarding the conditions of service ofthe members of the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf
- Note verbale dated 30 November 2020 transmitting a letter dated 30 November 2020 from the President of the thirtieth Meeting of States Parties providing an update concerning agenda items 10 (b)
- Notification: Addendum dated 1 December 2020 concerning the resumption of in-person meetings of the Thirtieth Meeting of States Parties English | French
- Note verbale dated 7 December 2020 transmitting (i) a letter dated 7 December 2020 from the President of the thirtieth Meeting of States Parties concerning the organization of work for the resumed plenary meeting and transmitting working group reports; and (ii) information on the logistical and procedural aspects for the resumed plenary meeting.
Statements submitted by Delegations with regard to the items on the agenda of the thirtieth Meeting of States Parties to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, are available here |
Documents of the meeting, published as they become available:
- SPLOS/30/L.1/Rev.1 - Provisional agenda
- SPLOS/30/1 Thirtieth Meeting Agenda
- SPLOS/30/2 - Annual report of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea for 2019
- SPLOS/30/3 - Report on budgetary matters for the financial periods 2017 2018 and 2019 2020 - Presented by the Registrar of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
- SPLOS/30/4 - Appointment of Auditor for the financial years 2021 2024 - Presented by the Tribunal
- SPLOS/30/5 - Draft budget proposals of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea for the budget period 2021 2022 - Presented by the Tribunal
- SPLOS/30/5/Add.1 - Draft budget proposals of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea for the budget period 2021 2022 -Addendum
- SPLOS/30/6 - Amendments to the Financial Regulations of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
- SPLOS/30/7 - Election of seven members of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea - Note by the Registrar of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea on the election procedures
- SPLOS/30/8 - Election of seven members of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea - List of candidates nominated by States parties - Note by the Registrar of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
- SPLOS/30/8/Add.1 - Election of seven members of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea - List of candidates nominated by States parties - Note by the Registrar of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
- SPLOS/30/9 - Curricula vitae of candidates nominated by States Parties for election to the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea - Note by the Registrar
- SPLOS/30/CRP.1 - Complete curricula vitae of candidates nominated by States Parties for election to the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, including list of publications (English | Francais)
- SPLOS/30/10 - Letter dated 13 April 2020 from the Chair of the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf addressed to the President of the thirtieth Meeting of States Parties
- SPLOS/30/10/Add.1 - Letter dated 13 April 2020 from the Chair of the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf addressed to the President of the thirtieth Meeting of States Parties-Addendum dated 7 May 2020
- SPLOS/30/10/Add.2 - Letter dated 13 April 2020 from the Chair of the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf addressed to the President of the thirtieth Meeting of States Parties-Addendum dated 10 July 2020
- SPLOS/30/10/Add.3 - Letter dated 13 April 2020 from the Chair of the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf addressed to the President of the thirtieth Meeting of States Parties-Addendum dated 14 September 2020
- SPLOS/30/10/Add.4 - Letter dated 13 April 2020 from the Chair of the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf addressed to the President of the thirtieth Meeting of States Parties-Addendum dated 5 October 2020
- SPLOS/30/10/Add.5 - Letter dated 13 April 2020 from the Chair of the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf addressed to the President of the thirtieth Meeting of States Parties-Addendum dated 7 January 2021
- SPLOS/30/10/Add.6 - Letter dated 13 April 2020 from the Chair of the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf addressed to the President of the thirtieth Meeting of States Parties-Addendum dated 15 February 2021
- SPLOS/30/11 - Options to address the working conditions of the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf - Note by the Secretariat
- SPLOS/30/12 - Practice of the Secretary-General in respect of the deposit of charts and/or lists of geographical coordinates of points under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea - Note by the Secretariat
- SPLOS/30/13 - Credentials of representatives to the thirtieth Meeting of States Parties to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea: Report of the Credentials Committee
- SPLOS/30/14 - Report of the thirtieth Meeting of States Parties
- SPLOS/30/14/Add.1 - Report of the thirtieth Meeting of States Parties - Addendum
- SPLOS/30/15 -Letter dated 12 October 2020 from the President of the thirtieth Meeting of States Parties to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea addressed to representatives of the States Parties to the Convention
- SPLOS/30/INF/1/Rev.2- List of Delegations
- SPLOS/30/16 - Decision relating to the amendments to the Financial Regulations of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
- SPLOS/30/17 - Decisions on the budget of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea for the period 2021–2022
- A/74/350 - Oceans and the law of the sea - Report of the Secretary-General
- A/75/70 - Oceans and the law of the sea - Report of the Secretary-General
- SPLOS/2/Rev.5 - Rules of Procedure for Meetings of States Parties
- SPLOS/201 - Arrangement for the allocation of seats on the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea and the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf
- SPLOS/231 - Report of the twenty-first Meeting of States Parties
- SPLOS/29/9 - Report of the twenty-ninth Meeting of States Parties (New York, 17-19 June 2019)
- A/RES/74/19 - Oceans and the law of the sea - Resolution by the General Assembly
Secretariat contact:
Secretary of the Meeting of States Parties
Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea
Office of Legal Affairs
Room DC2-0450
United Nations
New York, New York 10017
Telephone: |
(212) 963-3962 |
Facsimile: |
(212) 963-5847 |
E-mail: |