Last updated: 02 March 2004
The general approach is to establish Course Development
Units (CDUs) within training/academic institutions who have expressed an
interest in cooperating with each other to solve coastal/ocean management
problems through training. However, in other cases TRAIN-SEA-COAST has
established CDUs within an NGO such as the Centre for Environment and
Development in Africa (CEDA) in Cotonou, Benin or the
International Center for Living Aquatic Resources (ICLARM)
Management in Manila, Philippines.
Units/ Programme Established |
Institutions | Contact | Address |
United Nations Secretariat | Ms. STELLA MARIS
VALLEJO Coordinator Tel: 212 963 3363 Fax: 212 963 5847 e-mail: vallejo@un.org Mr. ROBERT J. GRUSZKA Ms. ALICE HICUBURUNDI Mr. YASIN MOHAMMED |
Room DC2-422 United Nations New York, NY 10017 USA |
Programme/ BRAZIL 1995 |
Fundação Universidade do Rio Grande |
Fundação Universidade do Rio Grande Av. Italia Km.8 Cx.P.474 96201-900, Rio Grande RS Brazil |
Programme/ THAILAND 1995 |
Coastal Resources Institute (CORIN) | Dr. SOMSAK
BOROMTHANARAT Manager Tel: 66 (74) 212-800 Fax: 212-782 email: corin@ratree.psu.ac.th http://www.ratree.psu.ac.th/~corin Asst. Prof. AYUT NISSAPA Ms. BUSSABONG CHAIJAROENWATANA |
Prince of Songkhla
University Hat Yai, Songkhla 90112 Thailand |
Programme/ FIJI 1995 |
The University of the South Pacific | Prof. G. ROBIN
SOUTH Director, IOI-South Pacific Manager Tel: (679) 305-272/305 446 Fax: 301-490 e-mail: south_r@usp.ac.fj Ms. VINA RAM-BIDESI Mr. SEREMAIA TUQIRI Mr. I. VEITAYAKI Ms. I. CHIEF |
The University of
the South Pacific Marine Studies Programme PO Box 1168 Suva Fiji |
Programme/ PHILIPPINES 1997 |
Philippines Council for Aquatic and Marine Research and Development (PCAMRD) | Dr. RAFAEL D.
GUERRERO III Executive Director Manager Tel: (63) (49)536-1582 Fax: 536-0016 Ms. MARI-ANN M. ACEDERA |
Philippines Council
for Aquatic and Marine Research and Development (PCAMRD) Laguna 4030 Philippines |
Programme/ PHILIPPINES 1995 |
International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management (ICLARM) | Ms. SHEILA VERGARA Team Leader-Reef Base Project Tel: (63-2) 845 0563/69/70/73/75 Ext. 6892 Fax: (63-2) 891 1292 e-mail: s.vergara@cgiar.org Ms. AUDREY BANZON Course Developer Tel: (63-2) 818-0466/817-5255 Fax: 816-3183 e-mail: a.banzon@cgnet.com |
Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management (ICLARM) MC PO Box 2631 Makati Metro Manila 0718 Philippines |
Programme/ FRANCE 1997 |
Université de Nice
- Sophia Antipolis Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches sur le Droit des
Activités Maritimes (CERDAM) |
Professeur ALAIN
PIQUEMAL Manager Director Tel: (334) 92 15 70 43/60 94 91 40 Fax: 93 96 01 31 e-mail: piquemal@unice.fr http://www.unice.fr/CERDAM |
Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches sur le Droit des Activités Maritimes (CERDAM) 7, Avenue Robert Schuman 06050 Nice Cédex,1 France |
Programme/ UK 1995 |
University of Wales College of Cardiff |
Dr. HANCE SMITH Manager Tel: 44(1222) 874-000 Fax: 44(1222) 874-301 e-mail: SmithHD@cardiff.ac.uk |
Department of Maritime Studies and
International Transport PO Box 907 Cardiff CF1 3YP United Kingdom |
Programme/ GERMANY 2000 |
Institute of Geosciences University of Kiel |
Dr. ROBERTO MAYERLE Manager TSC/Germany Professor, Head of the Coastal Research Laboratory Institute of Geosciences University of Kiel Otto-Hahn-Platz 3 24118 Kiel, Germany Tel: (49) (0) 431 880 - 3641 Fax: (49) (0) 431 880 - 7303 Email: rmayerle@corelab.uni.kiel-de Dr. FEDERICO FODERS Dr. Karl.H. RUNTE |
Institute of
Geosciences University of Kiel Otto-Hahn-Platz 3 24118 Kiel, Germany |
Programme/ USA 1995 |
University of Delaware | Ms. BILIANA
CICIN-SAIN Manager Tel:(302) 831 8086 Fax:(302) 831 3668 e-mail: bcs@udel.edu Mr. JOSEPH G. FARREL |
University of
Delaware Graduate College of Marine Studies Sea Grant Marine Advisory Service 700 Pilottown Rd Lewes, Delaware 19958 USA |
Programme/ BLACK SEA 1998 |
Black Sea University | Ms. GABRIELLA
STANCIULESCU Manager Black Sea University 50, Primaverii Blvd Bucharest - 1 Romania Ms. LUMINITA IVANCIU Mr. EDEN MAMUT |
Black Sea
University 50 Primaverii Blvd Bucharest - 1 Romania |
Programme/ BENGUELA CURRENT 1998 |
University of Western Cape | PROFESSOR DEREK W.
KEATS Manager University of Western Cape Bellville 7535 South Africa Tel: (27-21) 959 2304 Fax: (27-21) 959 2266 e-mail: derek@botany.uwc.ac.za Dr. HOWARD WALDRON Dr. NEVILLE SWEIJD Academic Assistant Botany Department University of Western Cape South Africa Tel: (27-21) 959 3782 Fax: (27-21) 959 3573 e-mail: jcollins@uwc.ac.za |
University of Western Cape Bellville 7535 Republic of South Africa University of Cape Town |
Programme/ GULF OF GUINEA 1998 |
Centre for Environment and Development in Africa (CEDA) | PROFESSOR SIKOROU
ADAM Manager Centre for Environment and Development in Africa (CEDA) 081 BP 7060, 081 Benin Tel: (229) 33 19 17 Fax: (229) 33 19 81 e-mail: ceda@bow.intnet.bj Dr. PHILIPPE ADEDJOBI LALEYE Mr. MOUFTAOU LALEYE Assistant Professor Department of Animal Physiology University of Benin Tel: (229) 30 7531 Fax: (229) 30 7599 e-mail: ceda@bow.intnet.bj |
Centre for
Environment and Development in Africa (CEDA) 081 BP 7060 081 Benin |
Programme/ RIO DE LA PLATA 1998 |
TORRES DOS SANTOS Manager PROBIDES Ruta 9, Km 204 Rocha - Uruguay Tel. & Fax: (598 - 47) 25005 e-mail: Probides@adinet.com.uy Mr. FLAVIO ALBERTO SCASSO ROBAINA MR. DANIEL COLLAZO PONTE Research Assistant-Faculty of Social Sciences University of the Republic Montevideo, Uruguay Tel: (598-2) 409 5322 e-mail: savila@montevideo.com.uy Dr. SONIA ELENA FERNANDEZ AMORIN |
PROBIDES Ruta 9, Km 204 Rocha Uruguay |
Programme/ RED SEA 1998 |
Red Sea University | Dr. OSMAN MOHAMED
FARAH Manager Associate Professor Fisheries Research Station P.O. Box 730 Port Sudan Sudan Tel: 249 311 24667 Fax: 259 311 30555 Mr. ABD EL MAGID HABOB AHMED Dr. ABD ALLAH MOHAMED ELTOM IBRAHIM Ms RIHAB ABD GADIR ABDALLA MAHMOUD Mr. IMAD MAKKI AHMED HARONE |
Red Sea University P.O. Box 24 Port Sudan Sudan |
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