31 August-7 September
Durban, South Africa
World Conference against Racism
30 July -10 August
Geneva, Switzerland
Third Session of the Preparatory Committee
21 May - 1 June
Geneva, Switzerland
Second session of the Preparatory Committee for the World Conference 
Draft Declaration and Programme of Action (PDF)
7-11 May
Geneva, Switzerland
Inter-sessional Open-ended Working Group
6-9 March
Geneva, Switzerland
Inter-sessional Open-ended Working Group
Suggestions for Draft Declaration
19-21 February
Teheran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Asian Regional Meeting
22-24 January
Dakar, Senegal 
African Regional Meeting
15-16 January
Geneva, Switzerland
Informal Consultations of the Preparatory Committee


16-18 February 
Geneva, Switzerland
Expert Seminar on remedies available to victims of racial  discrimination
1-5 May 
Geneva, Switzerland
First session of the Preparatory Committee for the World Conference
5-7 July 
Warsaw, Poland 
European Regional Seminar of Experts
Report (PDF)
5-7 September 
Bangkok, Thailand 
Asian Regional Seminar of Experts
4-6 October
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
African Regional Seminar of Experts
11-13 October 
Strasbourg, France 
European Conference against Racism (Council of Europe)
25-27 October 
Santiago, Chile
Latin American Regional Seminar of Experts
4-7 December 
Santiago, Chile
Regional Conference for the Americas


24-26 March
Geneva, Switzerland
Sessional open-ended working group to review and formulate proposals for the World Conference against Racism
Report        Corr.1        Corr.2 
(All 3 documents in PDF)
6-8 December 
Geneva, Switzerland
Expert group meeting on racism and refugees
Report (PDF)

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