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World Conference
against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance![]() Department of Public Information - News and Media Services Division - New York |
Durban, South Africa 31 August – 7 September 2001 |
RD/D/38 5 September 2001 |
On Tuesday, 4 September, Working Group I on the draft declaration for the World Conference on Racism and Working Group II on the draft programme of action for the Conference each held three meetings. Working Group I is being chaired by Marc Bossuyt of Belgium, and Working Group II is being chaired by Bonaventure M. Bowa of Zambia.
Texts Adopted -- Working Group I, Draft Declaration
On Tuesday, the group, adopted eight paragraphs of the draft declaration (document A/CONF.189/4), including preambular paragraph 24, and seven operative paragraphs as follows: 24, 72, 73, 106, 108, 129, 133 and 140.
Since the opening of the Conference on 31 August, Working Group I has adopted a total of 28 paragraphs and has deleted two.
The texts adopted by Working Group I are contained in Annex I.
Texts Adopted -- Working Group II, Draft Action Programme
On Tuesday, the group adopted the following 13 paragraphs of the draft programme of action (document A/CONF.189/5): 204, 208, 211, 217, 217 bis, 218, 219, 224, 228, 231, 232, 232 bis and 233.
Since the opening of the Conference on 31 August, Working Group II has adopted a total of 27 paragraphs.
The texts adopted by Working Group II are contained in Annex II.
The following paragraphs were adopted by Working Group I:24. Affirming that racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance where they amount to racism and racial discrimination, constitute serious violations of and obstacles to the full enjoyment of all human rights, and deny the self evident truth that all human beings are born free, and equal in dignity and rights, are an obstacle to friendly and peaceful
relations among peoples and nations, and are among the root causes of many internal and international conflicts including armed conflicts and the consequent forced displacement of populations; (ADOPTED by WG on 4/9)72. We affirm that the ethnic, cultural, linguistic and religious identity of minorities where they exist must be protected and that persons belonging to such minorities should be treated equally and enjoy their human rights and fundamental freedoms without discrimination of any kind; (ADOPTED by WG on 4/9)
73. We recognize that members of certain groups with a distinct cultural identity face barriers arising from a complex interplay of ethnic, religious and other factors as well as their traditions and customs, and call upon States to ensure that measures, policies and programmes aimed at eradicating racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance address the barriers that this interplay of factors creates; (ADOPTED by WG on 4/9)
106. We also recognize the need to promote the use of new information and communication technologies, including Internet, to contribute to the fight against racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance. In fulfilling this need, new technologies can assist the promotion of tolerance and respect of human dignity, and the principles of equality and non-discrimination; (ADOPTED by WG on 4/9)
108. We reaffirm that the stigmatization of people of different origins by acts or omissions of public authorities, institutions, the media, political parties or national or local organizations is not only an act of racial discrimination but can also incite the recurrence of such acts, thereby resulting in the creation of a vicious circle which reinforces racist attitudes and prejudices, and which must be condemned; (Adopted by the 3rd PrepCom, except part in brackets / ADOPTED by WG on 4/9)
129. We recall the importance of enhancing international cooperation to promote (a) the fight against racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance; (b) the effective implementation by States of international treaties and instruments that forbid these practices (c) the goals of the Charter of the United Nations in this regard (d) the achievement of the goals established by the conferences held by the United Nations in the 1990s in Rio de Janeiro, Vienna, Cairo, Copenhagen, Beijing, Istanbul and Rome, making sure that such goals will encompass with equity all the victims of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance; (Adopted by the 3rd PrepCom, except part in brackets / ADOPTED by WG on 4/9)
133. We recognize the important role relevant regional bodies, including regional associations of national human rights institutions, can play in combating racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, and the key role they can play in monitoring and raising awareness about intolerance and discrimination at the regional level, and reaffirm support for such bodies where they exist and encourage their establishment; (Adopted by the 3rd PrepCom, except bracketed parts / ADOPTED by WG on 4/9)
140. We recognize that international and national exchange and dialogue, and the development of a global network among youth are important and fundamental elements in building intercultural understanding and respect, and will contribute to the elimination of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance; (ADOPTED by WG on 4/9)
The following paragraphs were adopted by Working Group II on the Draft Programme of Action as at 9 p.m. 3 September:204. Invites States to include the subject of the struggle against racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance in the work programmes of the regional integration agencies and of the regional cross-boundary dialogue forums; (ADOPTED by WG on 4/9)
208. Encourages States, in cooperation with non-governmental organizations, to undertake campaigns aimed at clarifying opportunities, limitations and rights in the event of migration so as to enable everyone, in particular women, to make informed decisions and to prevent them from becoming victims of trafficking; (ADOPTED by WG on 4/9)
211. Requests adequate resources for the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination in order to enable the full discharge of its mandate and stresses the importance of providing adequate resources for all United Nations human rights treaty bodies; (ADOPTED by WG on 4/9)
217. Invites the Inter-Parliamentary Union to contribute to the activities of the International Year of Mobilization against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance by encouraging national Parliaments to review progress on the objectives of the World Conference; (ADOPTED by WG on 4/9)
217 bis Encourages States to participate in regional dialogues on problems of migration and invites them to consider negotiating bilateral and regional agreements on migrant workers and designing and implementing programmes with States of other regions to protect the rights of migrants; (ADOPTED by WG on 4/9)
218. Urges States, in consultation with civil society, to support or otherwise establish, as appropriate, regional, comprehensive dialogues on the causes and consequences of migration that focus not only on law enforcement and border control, but also on the promotion and protection of the human rights of migrants and on the relationship between migration and development; (ADOPTED by WG on 4/9)
219. Encourages international organizations having mandates dealing specifically with migration issues to exchange information and coordinate their activities on matters involving racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance against migrants, including migrant workers, with the support of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights; (ADOPTED by WG on 4/9)
224. Encourages States to conclude bilateral, subregional, regional and international agreements to address the problem of trafficking in women and children, in particular girls, as well as the smuggling of migrants; (ADOPTED by WG on 4/9)
228. Urges international organizations, within their mandates, to contribute to the fight against racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance; (ADOPTED by WG on 4/9)
231. Invites the United Nations and UNESCO to continue to organize high-level and other meetings on the Dialogue among Civilizations and, with this purpose, to mobilize funds and promote partnerships; (ADOPTED by WG on 4/9)
232. Encourages the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to continue and expand the appointment and designation of goodwill ambassadors in all countries of the world in order to, inter alia, promote respect for human rights, a culture of tolerance and to increase the level of awareness about the scourge of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance; (ADOPTED by WG on 4/9)
232 bis Calls upon the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights to continue its efforts to further increase awareness of the work of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination and other United Nations human rights treaty bodies; (ADOPTED by WG on 4/9)
233. Invites the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, in consultation with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, and non-governmental organizations active in the field of the promotion and protection of human rights, to undertake regular consultations with them and to encourage research activities aimed at collecting, maintaining and adapting the technical, scientific, educational and information materials produced by all cultures around the world to fight racism; (ADOPTED by WG on 4/9)
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