at the World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and related Intolerance
Durban ,South Africa
Thank You, Madame Chair.
I would like to begin, on behalf of the Canadian Human Rights Commission, by
thanking the Government and the people of South Africa for hosting this conference.
No other country in the world would be as fitting - or as inspiring - a place
for a World Conference against racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and
related intolerance.
This Conference brings together some 15,000 representatives of governments,
NGOs, indigenous peoples, members of Parliament, the private sector and national
human rights institutions. We need to ensure that all can find a place at this
conference to express their views and tell their stories. Far too many are still
victimized because they belong to a particular group or because of a complex
interplay of multiple discrimination, whether on the grounds of race, national
or ethnic origin, colour, religion, language, gender, disability, sexual orientation
or social and economic status. Every country in the world experiences racism,
racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance and the final documents
from this World Conference need to reflect the full diversity of experience
of people around the world.
Within Canada, although we are justifiably proud of the legal and institutional
framework designed to protect human rights, we are not immune to racism. Instances
of racial discrimination - including individual complaints of overt or covert
racism and evidence of systemic racism - occur all too often. Cases involving
hate messages over the Internet are multiplying. Aboriginal peoples, as a group,
remain among the most disadvantaged of all Canadians. Visible minorities, particularly
African Canadians and members of the Asian community still face barriers to
full participation in society.
Madame Chair,
The Secretary General of the United Nations opened this conference by reminding
.us. tl ~ we must not leave this city without agreeing on practical measures
to address racism and related intolerance. National human rights institutions
have worked hard over the past few days in their pre-meeting in Johannesburg
and in Durban itself, to do just that. For the first time ever, national human
rights institutions have agreed on a common plan of action, with a range of
concrete measures to address racism and related intolerance. These range from
efforts to foster positive representations in the media and take action against
hate speech, to ensuring effective remedies for victims of racism and developing
educational programmes which instill tolerance. National Institutions also pledge
to protect human rights defenders and to conduct public inquiries into human
rights violations. Consistent with the Statement adopted here, the Canadian
Human Rights Commission calls on the Government of Canada to develop a National
Plan of Action against racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related
Madame Chair,
Included in the draft Declaration and Programme of Action and in the National
Institutions Statement are a range of positive, forward-looking measures which
could make a difference for victims of racism and related intolerance. These
measures are not necessarily the big issues which are attracting all the media
attention at this Conference. They include teaching tolerance in our schools,
positive reflections of diversity in our media and ensuring that covert or systemic
racism in the workplace is addressed - smaller issues perhaps, but vital to
the daily struggle against racism.
The results of this World Conference risk becoming hollow words on paper unless
governments, NGOs, indigenous peoples and human rights institutions are vigilant
in working together to ensure concrete follow-up. National Human Rights Institutions
agreed on a plan of action and a process to follow-up on the World Conference
by meeting this coming year to share best practices and lessons learned in addressing
racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance. We hope that
governments will be able to do the same.