September-4, 2001
This is the third World Conference against Racism and Related
Forms of Intolerance, but the first to be held in the post-apartheid era. No
longer do we have the luxury of pointing fingers at "official racism".
Now we must look in the mirror and address the deeper, subtler, and more entrenched
issues of racism and intolerance in each of our societies and each of our hearts.
For the IDB, this World Conference and the events surrounding it have served
as a catalyst for our own efforts to bring the issue of racism and its links
with poverty and inequality into the forefront of our development agenda. With
a loan portfolio of over 47.6 billion dollars, and annual new commitments of
about 6 to 9 billion dollars, the IDB is the largest of the regional development
banks and the largest development lender to Latin America and the Caribbean.
Poverty reduction and growth are the central objectives of our organization,
and we have become increasingly convinced that we cannot address either of these
goals without addressing the issues of race and social exclusion within our
The countries of Latin America and the Caribbean are home to an extraordinary
richness of peoples,, cultures, and ethnic heritages. The region is one of the
most racially diverse in the world. This cultural diversity permeates every
aspect of life in the region, and provides a wealth of resources and knowledge
that can form the basis for development with identity.
It is estimated that more than one-third of the population of Latin America
and the Caribbean, or more than 150 million people, is of African or indigenous
descent. In fact, the largest concentration of peoples of African descent outside
of Africa is found in Brazil. Other countries with large populations of African
descent include Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Honduras and Nicaragua, and of course,
the Caribbean islands, some of which also are home to significant numbers of
people of East Indian descent.
Indigenous peoples are found throughout Latin America and the Caribbean comprising
400 different ethnic groups, each with its own language, social organization,
and mode of production adapted to the ecosystem it inhabits. In spite of this
heterogeneity, indigenous peoples share similar concerns and visions of development.
Five countries (Peru, Mexico, Guatemala, Bolivia and Ecuador) account for almost
ninety percent of the indigenous people of the region.
However, today's diversity was bought at the price of centuries of colonialism,
slavery, and forced labor. And the costs of this history of racism and exclusion
continue with us today, costs that are the shadow side of the potential gains
that could accrue if the human potential of the region were fully realized.
Acknowledgement of this history, and of the devastating impact, past and present,
of racism and exclusion, is a fundamental first step in moving forward to achieve
that potential.
In recent years, as democracy has been consolidated throughout our region, there
has been a growing recognition of the rights of indigenous peoples and Afro-descendant
communities. These rights have often been formally set forth in national laws
and constitutions. Now, the challenge is to move beyond written laws to successful
implementation of public policies.
A principal stumbling block is the lack of data. Indeed, we know more about
the diversity of our region's industrial output than we do about the diversity
of its people. Less than one-third of the countries in the region collect information
on their populations of African descent in censuses or household surveys. While
most do collect data on indigenous peoples, the data is often incomplete.
Nevertheless, in the few countries of the region where the data do exist, the
analysis speaks volumes about the links between race, ethnicity, and poverty.
Our analyses show that indigenous peoples in Guatemala, Peru, and Bolivia, and
blacks in Brazil have on average less than half the number of years of schooling
as have dominant groups. Less education translates into jobs that are lower
paid, and with fewer benefits. And even when Afro-descendants or indigenous
peoples have the same levels of education, the continued presence of discrimination
in the labor market leads to lower salaries than for whites. And women of color
bear the burden of double discrimination in the family, the classroom, and the
labor market.
Health indicators also reveal the cost of social exclusion. 'In Brazil, infant
mortality rates for the children of black mothers are almost twice as high as
are those for the children of white mothers.
The IDB has set high priority on assisting countries in their efforts to make
the invisible visible, through loans and technical assistance to national census
and household surveys that explicitly incorporate dimensions of race and ethnicity.
Representation of diverse groups in national statistics not only validates their
political rights but also serves as the starting point for the informed design
and implementation of public policy. This is a sound investment. Our analyses
show how the whole economy suffers when entire segments of the population are
undereducated, underpaid, and underemployed.
Over the past year, we at the MB have worked, in partnership with our clients
and with other international agencies, to build knowledge and awareness on the
costs of racial discrimination and exclusion. We are also seeking to increase
development funding to Afro-descendant and indigenous communities and to promote
diversity within our own organization. From the South of Chile to the Atlantic
Coast of Central America, we are implementing participatory community development
projects, helping ethnic and racial communities plan and shape their own future.
The IDB stands ready -- through our loans, our policy dialogue, and technical
cooperation -- to support our member countries in their efforts to fight racism
and its consequences. We have developed an Action Plan on Social Inclusion.
We believe our comparative advantage is in data development and dissemination,
institution building, and projects in education, health, and justice. The battle
for inclusion is a battle for people's hearts and minds, and education and the
media are powerful tools for changing perceptions and attitudes.
The IDB is committed to keeping the momentum from this Conference going. We
are ready, willing, and able to work together with our member governments, civil
society, and partner agencies in constructing a true "New World",
one in which the full human potential of all its peoples is realized, and in
which diversity is truly valued.