Madam President,
Madam High Commissioner,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
On behalf of the Government of
Mongolia I most warmly congratulate you, Madam President, on your unanimous
election to the Presidency of this historic Conference. I also wish to
congratulate and thank the Government and people of South Africa for an
outstanding organisation of our forum.
Our congratulations and thanks also go
out to Madam High Commissioner whose inspiring efforts contributed so much to
focusing the attention of the world on the Conference and the noble causes it
stands for.
Madam President,
The timing and venue of this
Conference could not have been indeed any better. On the threshold of the new
millennium and spurred by an ever-increasing pace of globalisation, we, the
family of nations, owe it to the generations part and future to say a resolute
"NO" to racism, discrimination and intolerance in all its forus, and, through
adopting action-oriented Declaration and Plan of Action, move beyond rhetoric to
joint actions. It took the mankind centuries~to abolish the criminal practices
of slavery. It took the United Nations half a century to eradicate colonialism.
Now we must unite in a struggle against the ideology and psychology of racism
and discrimination, perhaps the most dangerous enemies of justice, freedom and
Madam President,
We, in Mongolia, with our ancient
culture of nomadic traversing and curiosity, firmly believe in the creative
dynamism of diversity and curing effects of tolerance. We have a proud history
to have once united under the roof of one empire the cultures, nations and
civilisations of Asia and Europe. Marco Polo, when he first visited Kharakorum,
the capital of the Mongolian Empire of the XIII century, was awe struck by the
unparalleled by the standards of the time cultural and religious diversity and
tolerance of the empire. Muslim mosques, Buddhist temples and Christian churches
peacefully next to each other, and people of different races and
colours lived together in harmony.
In"today's Mongolia we strive to
maintain and enrich the traditions of the past and fulfil our obligations under
more than thirty international human rights conventions to which we are a party
to. The 1992 Constitution of Mongolia contains a separate sub-chapter on human
rights and in its Article 14 it prohibits discrimination on the basis of
nationality, origin, language, race, age, gender, social standing and origin,
wealth, occupation, religion and education. Article 70 of the Criminal Code of
Mongolia makes it a criminal offence p punishable by an imprisonment for up to
three years to incite racial and nationalistic disturbances, and to infringe
directly or indirectly upon one's rights and freedom on the account of race,
nationality and origin.
Madam President,
As we see it, the
prejudices of racism and discrimination originate in poverty, ignorance and
subconscious culture of domination. Eradication of poverty and giving power back
to people - these are the twin pillars of the human rights policy of the
successive Mongolian governments. In implementing these policies, we are
beginning to realise the over-riding importance of legal and judicial reforms
for developmental and human rights purposes. Major pieces of draft legislation
currently under scrutiny in the parliament, such as Civil and Criminal Codes,
and Civil and Criminal Procedure Codes, are designed to provide, inter alia, for
better safeguards against human rights abuse and for stringent penalties for
those who perpetrate them.
One of the first laws adopted by the new
Parliament of Mongolia, formed last July, was a law establishing Human Rights
Commission of Mongolia. The Commission up and running since 1 January this year,
is already making its impact felt. The Government of Mongolia will do its utmost
to help the Commission to develop into a full fledged and effective human rights
protection machinery.
In implementation of the 1993 Vienna Declaration,
the new Government of Mongolia organised last December a national conference on
human rights and earlier this year it launched preparatory activities to develop
National Human Rights Action Programme. To assess the current status of human
rights protection in Mongolia, and sketch the basic parameters for the National
Action Programme, we have conducted a nation-wide survey on human rights
awareness and protection. We have also used the survey to carry out some
educational programmes and raise public awareness of the destructive
consequences of human rights abuse, including racism and discrimination in its
various forms. The preliminary results of the survey indicate that much remains
to be done in Mongolia in this field, and we in the Government of Mongolia
intend to do what it takes to bring the human rights protection in our country
up to international standards. The local human rights action programmes will be
adopted by local legislatures later this year, with the National Action
Programme scheduled for discussion and adoption by the Parliament next spring.
We believe that the National Action Programme, with its two-prong goal of
developing a comprehensive human rights safeguard mechanisms and improving the
capacity of governmental and civil society institutions to detect and remedy
human rights violations, will become a pivotal instrument in our national fight
against racism and discrimination in all its forms.
The United Nations
Centre for Human Rights and UNDP are providing us with much needed help both
with the Human. Rights Commission and National Action Programme. I take this
opportunity to thank the dedicated staff of these two UN bodies for the job well
done and wish them further success in their noble endeavours.
In a follow up of this Conference, we plan to stage a wide
range of national educational and awareness programmes aimed at preventing and
eradicating racism and discrimination. In this we count on the co-operation of
non-governmental organisations, educational institutions and media. We plan to
focus our attention on psychological and cultural aspects of these degrading
phenomena and create an atmosphere of unacceptance of and intolerance to racism
and discrimination.
We stand ready to learn and, in fact, are already
learning from the experience of other countries. It was interesting to learn,
for example, of the existence of the National Consultative Committee on Racism
and Intercultural Committee in Ireland or the establishment of the Ministry for
Gender Equality in the Republic of Korea.
Madam President,
believe that on-going comprehensive judiciary reforms in Mongolia will have a
critical impact on the ability of victims of human rights abuse, including
racism and discrimination, to find an effective redress and recourse in the
courts of law. The reform efforts will include significant training and
re-education of judges, prosecutors and advocates, enhanced ethical standards
and new modern principles of court administration and case management. More
often than not, people suffer human rights violations, racism and discrimination
at the hand of government bureaucrats of various shape and form. Therefore, we
in the new Government of Mongolia took it upon ourselves to draft on a priority
basis a law on administrative courts, the ones that will handle complaints
against actions and decisions of government officials. The draft law is already
in the Parliament and we expect it to be passed next year.
critically important for the purposes of this Conference chain in the Government
machinery is law enforcement apparatus. We tend to forget that police and
security forces are often the first contact point with the government for those
who are discriminated against, abused and vulnerable. Multilateral and bilateral
donors and international organisations tend to shy away from extending a helping
hand to these agencies on the pretext that they could, in theory discriminate
and ill-treat the vulnerable groups of the society. Yet with better training,
equipment and incentives these very agencies could and should become the first
line of defence against racism and discrimination.
In this regard, we
note with satisfaction the preparation and distribution by the Centre for Human
Rights of manuals and handbooks on Human Rights and Pre-Trial Detention and
Human Rights and Law Enforcement, and we urge the Centre to expand its
activities in this direction. We also welcome the decision by the High
Commissioner to establish a separate anti-discrimination unit reporting directly
to her.
Madam President,
For us this Conference symbolises our
condemnation of the crimes of the past, our acknowledgement of the problems of
the present and our resolve for a better future. We have gathered here to take
stock of complex and inter-twined nature and causes of racism and discrimination
ranging from poverty, social inequality and ignorance to deep-rooted
psychological and cultural prejudices. The 18-month long preparatory process
provided us with an opportunity to stress the role of education and media as
well as the importance of inter play between governmental and civil society
We in Mongolia see the Conference as a milestone event in
nurturing common intellectual and practical strategy to combat racism and
discrimination. We are confident that the Conference will be crowned with
success and its action-oriented final documents will help us build for the
generations to come a diverse and multi-cultural world free from the curses of
racism and discrimination.
We in Mongolia stand ready to make our modest
contribution to this noble and titanic labour.
Thank you, Madam