Durban, South Africa, 1 September 2001
Madam President,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
On behalf of the Republic of Slovenia, I would like to express
sincere gratitude to the United Nations and the Government of South Africa for
organising the World Conference against Racism, taking place in the country
that has overcome the apartheid regime in its historic struggle for human dignity,
freedom and equality.
True understanding and cooperation among nations can be developed
only on the basis of the full recognition of ethnic, religious and cultural
diversity of mankind. Different crises over the world clearly show how quickly
the rejection of diversity can escalate into the most dreadful manifestation
of violence. Gross human rights violations can no longer hide behind the competence
of the state. The global responsibility for the protection of human rights should
be once more strongly reconfirmed.
There is general consensus that racism and racial discrimination
must be fought by all legal means. Hopefully, this consensus could soon be reflected
in the universal ratification of the International Convention of the Elimination
of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. Each state party should implement it
faithfully in the way that best addresses its own specific situation of racism
and xenophobia, taking into account also recommendations of the Committee on
the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
Slovenia applauds the latest developments in the area of the
international criminal law and practice. Criminal tribunals for Former Yugoslavia
and for Ruanda paved the way by holding individuals responsible for war crimes
and crimes against humanity, especially with break-through cases establishing
responsibility for the crime of genocide. It is to be hoped that the Rome Statute
of the International Criminal Court will enter into force soon and I might add
that its ratification is one of the most important Slovenian foreign policy
priorities in the field of human rights.
Madam President,
Under the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia, everyone
is guaranteed the right to preserve and develop his or her ethnic identity,
to foster his culture and to use his own language. In addition, the Constitution
stipulates a corpus of special individual and collective rights for Italian
and Hungarian national minorities and for the Roma community. These rights are
realised through different laws in various fields of social life, from education
and media to direct representation in decision-making process. Regarding Roma,
special Government programme is focused not only on assisting them in their
special needs, but also on suppressing still existing prejudices towards them
among other population. While the protection of those minorities is well beyond
valid regional and universal standards, we are on the other hand also looking
for ways to better address other situations in present-day Slovene society,
such as so-called new minorities that resulted from economic migrations, refugees
and asylum-seekers.
I would particularly like to emphasise the need to fight racism
and intolerance through promotive activities, especially education. Young generations
must be taught not just to tolerate, but also to understand and accept diversity
as normal characteristic of every modern society. Human rights education is
an important part of awarenessraising activities and it is being integrated
into the curricula of elementary and secondary schools. Combating racism and
intolerance is the primary responsibility of the state and us politicians, however
the role of media, civil society and nongovernmental organisations is also crucial.
Slovenia is a party to all core human rights instruments. In
the framework of national preparations to the World Conference against Racism,
the Government of Slovenia decided to recognise the competence of the Committee
on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination to receive individual communications
alleging violations of the Convention rights. This will open new complaint possibility
at the international level but is also likely to contribute to further improvement
of the human rights protection system at the national level.
Madam President,
In the past, people and also citizens of European countries
used to invest and articulate their interests at the national level, while the
trust and confidence to supranational institutions was lacking, it was lagging
behind. We live in an era of globalisation, which is, predominantly, a positive
development. As we all know, globalisation has produced "interference"
in national affairs. Humanitarian intervention has affected notions such as
national sovereignty. This has brought relief to minorities and underprivileged
groups, but it has, on the other hand, mobilised antiglobalist groups that,
in many cases, fight for a continuation or a restoration of an old order. We
have not studied enough these new developments, their positive and negative
results. They are perhaps the most serious challenge of our time.
In recent years, European continent was confronted with the
worst collapse of interethnic relations after the Second World War. The region
of South Eastern Europe, which lies South-East of Slovenia, was marked with
hatred of the most abhorrent practices arising from ideas of superiority of
particular nation. Nationalism resulted in thousands of dead, masses of refugees
and displaced and the overall destruction of inter-ethnic tolerance. Necessary
conditions for the stability and prosperity of the region should be built on
the basis of diversity-management approach that takes fully into account complete
ethnic, cultural and religious variety of the region. Recognising the importance
of inter-ethnic relations for the future of South Eastern Europe, Slovenia initiated
several activities in the field of human rights and rights of minorities, especially
within the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe.
Madam President,
The preparatory process of the conference has opened up different
sensitive questions, which are still being negotiated. It is my conviction that
all of us are realising the responsibility we have to make this conference successful
in our joint endeavours to eradicate racism and intolerance globally and nationally.
Therefore, we all should bear in mind words of the High Commissioner Mary Robinson:
"Inequality is the pressing challenge of our times. Durban is crucial and
it must succeed. Its success lies in hands of all of us, everyone should play
their part all the way to a successful outcome. Let us all respond positively
and constructively."
Thank you.