World Conference against Racism,
Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance,
Statement by
Peter Plot
Executive Director
Durban, 4 September 2001
distinguished delegates,
ladies and gentlemen,
Across the road from the Durban Exhibition Centre and the International Conference
Centre is a park which many of you will have walked past. There is a giant
red ribbon in the park and you may have read the plaque commemorating the
life of Gugu Dlamini. Gugu Dlamini may not be known to many of you but she
was stoned to death for disclosing her HIV/AIDS status on World AIDS Day a
couple of years ago. This park stands as a symbol of the discrimination that
many people living with HIV/AIDS have to endure.
Nothing illustrates the global impact of discrimination and intolerance better
than the global AIDS epidemic, which has become one of the greatest tragedies
and challenges of our time.
HIV-related stigma and discrimination are immense barriers to effective responses
to the epidemic.
HIV stigma comes from the powerful combination of shame and fear. HIV is transmitted
through sex and so is surrounded by taboo and moral judgement. But we do not
need to be prisoners of shame and fear. The AIDS epidemic can be turned back,
and to do so, we must defeat HIV-related stigma and discrimination.
Giving in to HIV/AIDS by blaming `others' for transmitting HIV creates the
ideal conditions for the virus to spread: denying there is a problem, forcing
those at risk or already infected underground, and losing any opportunity
for effective public education or treatment and care.
Shame must be replaced with solidarity. People living with HIV are part of
the solution, not part of the problem - they are the world's greatest untapped
resource in responding to the epidemic.
Solidarity, knowledge and hope make an effective platform for fighting the
HIV epidemic. An all-out attack on HIV-related stigma and discrimination is
a central plank of this platform. Across the world, successful responses to
AIDS have been built on respect for human rights, promoting the dignity of
those affected, and building social solidarity.
Intolerance attaches new fears to old forms. In many cases, HIV-stigma has
attached itself to pre-existing stigmas - to racial stereotypes and to discrimination
against women and sexual minorities. At the same time, HIV vulnerability comes
from the social inequality which has been shaped by long-term patterns of
racial and sexual inequality.
The reality is that HIV affects rich and poor, white and black, men and women.
However, over time, as the HIV epidemic matures, its effects tend to become
largest among portions of the population that are most disadvantaged, whether
on racial, gender or economic grounds.
There is no mysterious conspiratorial force at work that gravitates AIDS towards
the disadvantaged. People who are vulnerable to HIV have less capacity to
avoid risks - they are more likely to have no alternative but to trade sex
for money food or shelter, or be dislocated from their families in order to
find work. When HIV does strike, they have fewer resources to cope with its
impact. People who are socially excluded as a result of racial or other intolerance
are deprived of the sense that their future is worth protecting.
The fact that today the overwhelming majority of people with HIV in the developing
world do not have access to life-saving treatment is the most crying discrimination
against the poor Success is possible against the HIV epidemic. HIV stigma
can be attacked and discrimination overcome. The chains that link HIV to racism
and inequality can be broken.
There are very concrete steps . we need to take to attack HIV-related stigma
and discrimination. Here are five points for immediate action.
First: leaders at all levels, from politicians to religious leaders to local
heroes, need to challenge visibly HIV-discrimination, spearhead public campaigns,
and speak out against the multiple discriminations that poor people, women,
ethnic minorities and gay men face in relation to HIV/AIDS.
Second: document HIV-related violations of human rights and conduct public
inquiries into them.
Third: support groups of people living with HIV and ensure both that they
have access to mechanisms to redress discrimination and that they are fully
involved in the response to the epidemic.
Fourth: ensure that a supportive legislative environment exists so that discrimination
can be tackled, in relation both to the impact and spread of the epidemic.
And fifth: ensure that both prevention and care services are accessible to
all parts of the population, making particular efforts to overcome the barriers
of racial, gender and other discrimination.
Building a response to the HIV epidemic grounded in respect, dignity and human
rights is a moral imperative. But experience over the past twenty years tells
us it is also the only pragmatic, practical solution to containing the spread
of the epidemic and alleviating its impact.
Within UNAIDS, including all our co-sponsoring organisations, we have embraced
human rights principles in tackling the epidemic. Equally, the myriad world
bodies tackling racism, discrimination and rights, need to take on the global
HIV epidemic as a central concern.
In fifty years time, will there be a conference that deplores the vast global
AIDS epidemic as a legacy of racism and discrimination? Or will there be a
conference that celebrates the great global movement that arose to fight the
threat of AIDS, setting aside the divisions of race and gender and inequality?
It is up to us to choose.
Thank you.