of H.E. Dr. Carlyle G. Corbin, Jr.
Minister of State for External Affairs
Government of the U.S. Virgin Islands
in the
General Debate
World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination,
Xenophobia and Related Intolerance
Durban, Republic of South Africa
September 2001
Madam. President,
Representatives of Non-Governmental Organisations
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I bring warmest greetings from the government and people of the Virgin Islands,
and wish to congratulate Your Excellency/Her Excellency the Minister for Foreign
Affairs of South Africa on your/her election to chair this World Conference
Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance.
My delegation joins with the many expressions of condolence on the passing
of our elder Govan Mbeki, a hero to our people throughout the diaspora.
We wish to thank the member states of this Assembly for facilitating our participation
in these historic deliberations as an associate member of the Economic Commission
for Latin Arnerica and the Caribbean.
Madam/Mr. President
The themes of this conference are of particular relevance to the Virgin Islands,
emerging as we did from centuries of slavery as the former Danish West Indies.
In fact, it was only a few months ago, on 3rd July that we celebrated the
153rd anniversary of our emancipation from that brutal system - an event we
commemorate each year to pay homage to the bravery of our forefathers in taking
back their freedom. Our ancestors, who originated from the area between Upper
Guinea through Angola of the western part of this beloved continent, had been
forcibly uprooted from their homes and transported via the infamous trans
Atlantic slave route to the Caribbean.
They were but a portion of the millions of Africans who were taken against
their will and forced into slavery - clearly a blatant abuse against humanity.
As so eloquently observed by the non-governmental organization Africa Action,
"the enslavement of Africans was a unique tragedy in the history of humanity
which is unparalleled not only because of Its abhorrent barbarism, but also
in terms of its enormous magnitude, its institutionalized nature, its transnational
dimension, and especially its negation of the very essence of the human nature
of Africans and African descendents. " UNESCO reminds us that this barbaric
system could not have lasted as long as it did had it not been accompanied
by an ideology of moral justification and a legal apparatus as its underpinning.
In the face of these facts, we concur with the view expressed in the Declaration
of the African Regional Preparatory Meeting held in Dakar last January that
"the first logical and credible step to be taken at this juncture of
our collective struggle is for the World Conference against Racism to declare
solemnly that the international community as a whole fully recognizes the
historical injustices of the slave trade, " and that "colonialism
and apartheid are among the most serious and massive institutionalized forms
of human rights violations."
We note that some express an apprehension in addressing the issue of remedial
action, despite this overwhelming evidence. We note that others appear to
practice a sort of selectivity of memory of the objective reality of their
role in this difficult period of history.
We remain confidant, however, that this conference can forge a new global
awakening, and conclude an agreement establishing a mutually acceptable mechanism
to redress the damages caused over the centuries.
Madam/Mr. President,
Among the many issues contained in the draft Program of Action before us is
the call for
"The creation and implementation of a programme to restore to the
country of origin the many invaluable art objects, historical artifacts, and
documents that have been unjustly removed from Af ica and the Americas...
over the centuries, and the provision off nancial assistance to equip the
relevant states with museums and related facilities that will be required
to preserve and store those articles properly. "
In this connection, my government has entered into two agreements with the
Kingdom of Denmark for the preservation and repatriation of the historical
documents and artifacts removed from the former Danish West Indies during
the period of Danish rule. It is our view that the consumation of these two
bilateral agreements with Denmark, and a third under consideration, serve
as an important first step, in the full implementation of proposed remedies
contained in the draft programme of action of this conference. We applaud
the Government of Denmark for their enlightened cooperation thus far, and
look forward to the expansion of such programmes in future.
Madam/Mr. President,
Throughout the draft declaration and program of action, and in a number of
the national statements in the general debate, are numerous acknowledgments
of colonialism as a past practice. But colonialism should not be viewed in
the past tense alone. It is very much a present condition as well.
There remain some 17 non-self-governing territories, mostly in the Caribbean
and Pacific regions under formal review by the General Assembly under its
Agenda Item 18. A Special Committee on Decolonisation which was so important
to the successful self determination and subsequent emergence of African and
Caribbean states in the 1960s through the independence of Namibia atr the
beginning of the 1990s still remains seized on this matter.
The political inequality of these remaining territories is an unfortunate
holdover from the last millennium, and still very much a feature of the new
millennium. The General Assembly has a sacred obligation to ensure that the
people of these territories achieve absolute political equality. The successful
constituent election in East Timor on 30th August is an example: of the successful
implementation of that mandate, and evidence of the role the United Nations
can play in this process if the political will exists to do so.
In this connection, we axe pleased that negotiations have resulted in the
retention of the paragraph in the draft Declaration of this conference referencing
the 1960 Decolonisation Declaration, consistent with the United Nations Charter,
the International Convenant on Civil and Political Rights, the first International
Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism declared by the General Assembly
from 1990 - 2000, and the current International Decade for the Eradication
of Colonialism for the period 2001- 2010.
Decolonisation remains the unfinisher business of the United Nations. We sincerely
hope that delegations bear this fact in mind with a renewed sense of awareness.
In closing, I wish to recall the wisdom of the Jamaican/Caribbean/African
patriot Robert Nesta Marley who reminded us in his verse that
In this great future before us, we - the survivors - cannot - indeed, we will
never forget - the past.
And as our hero Nelson Mandela has advised us,
"With an iron will, " we can - and will - turn this past misfortune
into our advantage.
Thank you Madam/Mr. President