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The working group on monitoring and indicators launched its report "Statistics and indicators for the post-2015 development agenda" in Geneva on 4 July 2013. During a side event at the annual Economic and Social Council Annual Ministerial Review, panellists discussed the report, including its assessment of MDG indicators and recommendations for national statistical capacities. The report also identified challenges and opportunities involved in the selection of indicators in thematic areas that will be relevant for a holistic development agenda, such as population dynamics, inequalities, linking sustainability and development, and data disaggregation.

The event was chaired by the Director of the Statistical Division at the UN Economic Commission for Europe, Lidia Bratanova. Key note speakers included the UN High Commissional for Human Rights, Navanethem Pillay and Assistant Secretary General Shamshad Akhtar of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs who provided an overview of the post-2015 process.

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