DPI event summary
Speakers Debate Place of Sexual, Reproductive Rights as General Assembly Charts Progress towards International Population and Development Goals (9 October 2014)
Secretary-General of the United Nations opening statement of the 29th special session
ICPD beyond 2014 - General Assembly, 29th special session, 1st plenary (Part 1)
ICPD beyond 2014 - General Assembly, 29th special session, 1st plenary (Part 2)
ICPD beyond 2014 - General Assembly, 29th special session, 1st plenary (Part 3)
ICPD beyond 2014 - General Assembly, 29th special session, 1st plenary (Part 4)
Executive Director UNFPA on ICPD beyond 2014 (Press conference)
Population Issues to be considered at the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) (Press conference)
DPI event summary
Speakers call for greater global efforts in implementing goals of 1994 Conference on Population and Development, as General Assembly reviews progress (22 September 2014)
Cairo+20: General Assembly reaffirms UN population and development goals (22 September 2014)
Press release
World leaders to reaffirm their commitments to placing people at the centre of development and consider new population challenges (22 September 2014)
Press briefing
Population issues to be considered at UNGA Special Session (19 September 2014)
Realizing population and development commitments (19 September 2014)