CPC                                     PROGRAMME OF WORK
44th session                         Week of:  7 to 11 June  2004           

Monday, 7 June
Morning & Afternoon

Tuesday, 8  June
Morning  & Afternoon

Wednesday, 9 June

Thursday, 10 June

Friday, 11 June
Morning & Afternoon

Item 2:  Adoption of the Agenda & Organization of work
E/AC.51/2004/1; E/AC.51/2004/L.1/Rev.1; E/AC.51/2004/L.3*
Item 3:  Programme questions
( c)     Evaluation
Reports of OIOS on:
- Further development of topics for a pilot evaluation (E/AC.51/2004/2)
- In depth evaluation of the law of public administration, finance & development (E/AC.51/2004/3)
- Triennial review of the in-depth evaluation of sustainable development (E/AC.51/2004/4)
-Triennial review of the in-depth evaluation of the population programme (E/AC.51/2004/5 & E/AC.51/2004/5/Corr.1)
Introduction & general discussion

Item 4 :  Coordination questions
(b)  New Partnership for Africa's Development
UN Support system for NEPAD (E/AC.51/2004/6)
Introduction & general discussion
Programme questions
(a)   Programme  planning
- Programme performance of the UN for biennium 2002-2003 (A/59/69)
Introduction & general discussion
( c )  Evaluation
-Strengthening the role of evaluation findings in programme design delivery and policy directives (A/59/79)
Introduction and f general discussion

Item 3:  Programme questions
(a)   Programme  planning
- Programme performance of the UN for biennium 2002-2003 (A/59/69)
( c )  Evaluation
-Strengthening the role of evaluation findings in programme design delivery and policy directives (A/59/79)
Conclusion of general discussion

Followed by informal consultations on:
Item 3 Programme questions
C.    Evaluation
- Further development of topics for a pilot evaluation (E/AC.51/2004/2)
- In depth evaluation of the law of public administration, finance & development (E/AC.51/2004/3)
- Triennial review of the in-depth evaluation of the sustainable development (E/AC.51/2004/4)
-Triennial review of the in-depth evaluation of the population programme (E/AC.51/2004/5 & E/AC.51/2004/5/Corr.1)

1. Item 4 :  Coordination questions
(a)  Report of the CEB
- Annual overview report of CEB for 2003 (E/2004/67)
Introduction & general discussion

Followed by informal consultations on:
Item 4 :  Coordination questions
(b)  New Partnership for
Africa's Development
-UN Support system for NEPAD (E/AC.51/2004/6)

No meeting






Item 3:  Programme questions
( c)     Evaluation
Reports of OIOS on:
- Further development of topics for a pilot evaluation (E/AC.51/2004/2)
- In depth evaluation of the law of public administration, finance & development (E/AC.51/2004/3)
- Triennial review of the in-depth evaluation of sustainable development (E/AC.51/2004/4
-Triennial review of the in-depth evaluation of the population programme (E/AC.51/2004/5 & E/AC.51/2004/5/Corr.1)
Conclusion of general discussion

Item 3:  Programme questions
(a)   Programme  planning
- Programme performance of the UN for biennium 2002-2003 (A/59/69)
( c )  Evaluation
­-Strengthening the role of evaluation findings in programme design delivery and policy directives (A/59/79)
Continuation of general discussion

Informal consultations on:
Item 3 Programme questions
(a)   Programme  planning
- Programme performance of the UN for biennium 2002-2003 (A/59/69)
( c )  Evaluation
­-Strengthening the role of evaluation findings in programme design delivery and policy directives (A/59/79)

No meeting

No meeting

CPC                                               PROGRAMME OF WORK
44th  session                                 Week of:  14  to 18  June  2004                                                                

14 June
Morning & Afternoon

Tuesday, 15 June
Morning  & Afternoon
16 June
Morning  & Afternoon

Thursday,17  June
Morning  & Afternoon

Friday, 18 June

Item 3: Programme questions
(b)   Proposed strategic  framework for the period 2006-2007
Part one:  Plan Outline (A/59/6(PART ONE))
Introduction & general discussion
Item 4 :  Coordination questions
(a)  Report of the CEB
Annual overview report of CEB for 2003 (E/2004/67)
Conclusion of general discussion


Item 3:  Programme questions:
(b)  Proposed strategic  framework for the period 2006-2007
Part one:  Plan Outline (A/59/6(PART ONE))
Programme 5:  Peaceful Uses of outer space (A/59/6(PROG .5)) *
Programme 24:  Management & support services (A/59/6(PROG.24))
Prog. 24(b) UNOV*
Programme  3:  Disarmament (A/59/6(PROG.3))
General Discussion

Item 3:  Programme questions:
(b) Proposed strategic  framework for the period 2006-2007
Programme 14:  Economic and social development in Africa (A/59/6(PROG.14))
Programme 15:  Economic and Social development in Asia and the Pacific (A/59/6(PROG.15))
Programme 16:  Economic development in Europe (A/59/6(PROG.16))
General discussion

Item 3:  Programme questions:
(b) Proposed strategic  framework for the period 2006-2007
Programme 21:  Palestine refugees (A/59/6 (PROG.21))*
Programme 19:  Human rights (A/59/6(PROG.19))*
General discussion

Item 3:  Programme questions:
(b) Proposed strategic  framework for the period 2006-2007
Programme 13:  International drug control crime prevention & criminal justice (A/59/6(PROG. 13))*
-Programme 18:  Economic and social development in Western Asia (A/59/6(PROG.18)) -Programme 7:  Economic and Social Affairs (A/59/6(PROG.7))

General discussion






Informal consultations on:
Item 4 :  Coordination questions
(b)  New Partnership for
Africa's Development
-UN Support system for NEPAD (E/AC.51/2004/6)1. Item 3:  Programme questions
(a)   Programme  planning
- Programme performance of the UN for biennium 2002-2003 (A/59/69)
( c ) Evaluation
-Strengthening the role of evaluation findings in programme design delivery and policy directives (A/59/79)
- In depth evaluation of the law of public administration, finance & development (E/AC.51/2004/3)
- Triennial review of the in-depth evaluation of sustainable development (E/AC.51/2004/4)


Item 3:  Programme questions
(b) Proposed strategic  framework for the period 2006-2007

General discussion

Item 3:  Programme questions
(b)  Proposed strategic  framework for the period 2006-2007
Programme 17:  Economic & social development in Latin America and the Caribbean (A/59/6(PROG.17))

General discussion

Item 3:  Programme questions
(b) Proposed strategic  framework for the period 2006-2007
Programme 26:  Jointly financed activities (A/59/6(PROG.26))

Programme 7:  Economic and Social Affairs (A/59/6(PROG.7))

General discussion

Item 3:  Programme questions
(b)  Proposed strategic  framework for the period 2006-2007
- Programme 11:  Environment (A/59/6(PROG.11))
Programme 12:  Human settlements (A/59/6(PROG.12))
Programme 20:  Protection and assistance to refugees (A/59/6(PROG.20))

General discussion

* By video conference

 CPC                                                                            PROGRAMME OF WORK
44th session                                                               Week of:  21 to 25 June 2004

Monday, 21  June
Morning & Afternoon

Tuesday, 22 June
Morning  Afternoon

Wednesday, 23 June
Morning  & Afternoon

Thursday, 24  June
Morning  & Afternoon

Friday, 25 June

Item 3:  Programme questions:
(b)  Proposed strategic  framework for the period 2006-2007
Programme 8:  Least developed countries, landlocked developing countries & small island developing states (A/59/6(PROG.8))
Programme 10:  Trade & Development (A/59/6(PROG.10))

Item 3:  Programme questions:
(b)  Proposed strategic  framework for the period 2006-2007
-Programme 4: Peacekeeping operations
Programme 25:  Internal oversight (A/59/6 (PROG.25))

General discussion



Item 3:  Programme questions:
(b)  Proposed strategic  framework for the period 2006-2007

Programme 9:  UN support for NEPAD (A/59/6(PROG.9))
 Programme 6:  Legal Affairs (A/59/6(PROG.6))
-Programme 22: Humanitarian assistance (A/59/6(PROG. 22) A/59/6(PROG.22)/Corr,1)-



Item 3:  Programme questions:
(a) Programme planning
- Priority setting (A/59/87)

Introduction & general discussion

Item 4 :  Coordination questions
(a)  Report of the CEB
- Annual overview report of CEB for 2003 (E/2004/67)
Followed by informal consultations on:
(b)  Proposed strategic  framework for the period 2006-2007
Prog. 5: Peaceful uses of outer space
Prog. 13: Drugs
Prog. 14: ECA
Prog.16: ECE
Prog. 26 Jointly financed activities

  Informal consultations on:
Item 3:  Programme questions:
(b)  Proposed strategic  framework for the period 2006-2007
Prog. 10: Trade & Development

Prog. 18: ESCWA
Prog.20: Protection of refugees
Prog. 21: Palestine refugees







Item 3:  Programme questions:
(b)  Proposed strategic  framework for the period 2006-2007
Programme 23:  Public Information (A/59/6(PROG.23))

Programme  1:  General Assembly & Economic & Social Council affairs and conference services  (A/59/6(PROG.1))

General discussion

Item 3:  Programme questions:
(b)  Proposed strategic  framework for the period 2006-2007

Programme 2:  Political Affairs (A/59/6(PROG.2))
-Programme 22: Humanitarian assistance (A/59/6(PROG. 22) A/59/6(PROG.22)/Corr,1)-

Informal consultations on:
Item 3:  Programme questions
(a)   Programme  planning
- Programme performance of the UN for biennium 2002-2003 (A/59/69)
( c ) Evaluation
-Strengthening the role of evaluation findings in programme design delivery and policy directives (A/59/79)
- In depth evaluation of the law of public administration, finance & development (E/AC.51/2004/3)
- Triennial review of the in-depth evaluation of sustainable development (E/AC.51/2004/4)


Informal consultations on:
Item 3:  Programme questions:
(b) Proposed strategic  framework for the period 2006-2007
Prog. 12: Human settlements
Prog 15: ESCAP
Prog. 17: ECLAC

Informal consultations on:
Item 3:  Programme questions:
(b) Proposed strategic  framework for the period 2006-2007
Prog. 13: Drugs
Prog. 17: ECLAC
Prog. 12: Human settlements



 CPC                                                                     PROGRAMME OF WORK
44th session                                                       Week of:  28 June to 3 July 2004

Monday, 28  June
Tuesday, 29 June
Wednesday, 30 June
Thursday, 1 July
Friday, 2 July

nformal consultations on:
Item 3:  Programme questions:
(b)  Proposed strategic  framework for the period 2006-2007
Prog. 23: Public Information
Prog. 11: Environment
Prog. 9 UN Support for Nepad
Prog. 24: Management and support services
Prog. 2: Political affairs

Informal consultations on:
Item 3:  Programme questions:
(b)  Proposed strategic  framework for the period 2006-2007
 Prog. 13: Drugs
Prog. 3: Disarmament
Prog. 19: Human rights

Informal consultations on:
Item 3:  Programme questions:
(b)  Proposed strategic  framework for the period 2006-2007
 Prog. 4: PKOs
Prog. 6: Legal affairs
Prog. 1 DGACM


Informal consultations on:
Item 3:  Programme questions:
(a) Programme planning
- Priority setting

-all outstanding issues


To be determined






Item 6:  Improving the working methods & procedures of CPC

Informal consultations on:
 Item 3:  Programme questions:
(b)  Proposed strategic  framework for the period 2006-2007
Prog 7: ESA
Prog. 8: LDCs LLDCs and SIDs
Prog. 25: Internal oversight

Informal consultations on:
Item 4 :  Coordination questions
(a)  Report of the CEB
Annual overview report of CEB for 2003 (E/2004/67)

Informal consultations on:
Item 3:  Programme questions:
(b)  Proposed strategic  framework for the period 2006-2007

All outstanding issues

1. Item 7:  Provisional agenda for the 45th session (E/AC.51/2004/L.4)
2.  Item 8:  Adoption of the report of the committee on the work of its 44th session (E/AC.51/2004/L.5 & Add. 1 to 37)

Closure of the 44th session of the Committee for Programme & Coordination