TENTATIVE & PROVISIONAL PROGRAMME OF WORK : WEEK OF 3 – 7  JUNE 2013    Committee for Programme and Coordination • FIFTY-THIRD  SESSION



10AM – 1PM



10AM – 1PM



10AM – 1PM



10AM – 1PM



10AM – 1PM


10 – 10.30AM
Bureau meeting 


2nd Formal Meeting
Item 2. Adoption of the agenda & organization of work: E/AC.51/2013/1

General discussion



Followed by informal briefing:

1] Organizational issues of the session

2] OIOS on Evaluation issues 



10 – 10.30AM
Informal briefing

1] OIOS on Evaluation issues [cont.]


10.30AM – 1PM
3rd Formal Meeting
1] Item 3.Programme questions:
b) Evaluation

Strengthening the role of evaluation and the application of evaluation findings on programme design, delivery and policy directives: A/68/70

Introduction & general discussion





5th Formal Meeting
1] Item 5.Reports of the Joint Inspection Unit
- Financing for humanitarian operations in the United Nations system: A/67/867,  Add.1  

Introduction & general discussion


2] Item 3.Programme questions:
b) Evaluation

- Programme evaluation of the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs: E/AC.51/2013/3

Conclusion of general discussion




7th Formal Meeting
Item 3.Programme questions:
b) Evaluation

1] Programme evaluation of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime: E/AC.51/2013/4

Introduction & general discussion


2] Programme evaluation of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees: E/AC.51/2013/5

Introduction & general discussion



Informal consultations

Item 3.Programme questions:
b) Evaluation

Strengthening the role of evaluation and the application of evaluation findings on programme design, delivery and policy directives: A/68/70 



3PM – 6PM

3PM – 6PM

3PM – 6PM

3PM – 6PM

3PM – 6PM

Informal consultations







4th Formal Meeting
Item 3.Programme questions:
b) Evaluation

1] Programme evaluation of the United Nations Environment Programme: E/AC.51/2013/2

Introduction & general discussion


2] Programme evaluation of the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs: E/AC.51/2013/3

Introduction & general discussion





6th Formal Meeting
1] Item 5.Reports of the Joint Inspection Unit

Strategic planning in the United Nations system: A/67/873, Add.1 

Introduction & general discussion





8th Formal Meeting
1] Item 4.Coordination questions
a) Report of the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination
– Annual overview report of the United Nations System Chief Executives board for 2012: E/2013/60 

Introduction & general discussion


2] Item 3.Programme questions:
a) PPB 2014-2015
Proposed revisions to the Regulations and Rules Governing Programme Planning, the Programme Aspects of the Budget, the Monitoring of Implementation and the Methods of Evaluation: A/68/74

Introduction & general discussion


Informal consultations

Item 3.Programme questions:
b) Evaluation

Programme evaluation of the United Nations Environment Programme: E/AC.51/2013/2




All Formal Meetings and  Informal consultations  take place in Conference Room 5(NLB). | Informal informals take place in Conference Room 5(NLB) unless indicated otherwise.

TENTATIVE & PROVISIONAL PROGRAMME OF WORK : WEEK OF 10 – 14  JUNE 2013    Committee for Programme and Coordination • FIFTY-THIRD  SESSION



10AM – 1PM



10AM – 1PM



10AM – 1PM



10AM – 1PM



10AM – 1PM

Informal consultations

Item 5.Reports of the Joint Inspection Unit

Strategic planning in the United Nations system: A/67/873,  Add.1 



Informal-informal consultations

Item 3.Programme questions:
b) Evaluation

Strengthening the role of evaluation and the application of evaluation findings on programme design, delivery and policy directives: A/68/70

Followed by informal consultations

Item 3.Programme questions:
b) Evaluation

Programme evaluation of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime: E/AC.51/2013/4

12.30 PM: 9th Formal Meeting

Item 3.Programme questions:
b) Evaluation

Programme evaluation of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees: E/AC.51/2013/5
Conclusion of general discussion

11th Formal Meeting  [Conf Rm 6 (NLB)]
1] Item 3.Programme questions:
a) PPB 2014-2015

Programme 11: Environment: A/68/75; A/67/6/Rev.1; A/68/6 (Sect.14)
General discussion



13th Formal Meeting  [Conf Rm 6 (NLB)]
Item 3.Programme questions:
a) PPB 2014-2015

1] Programme 16: Economic and social development in Asia and the Pacific: A/68/75; A/67/6/Rev.1; A/68/6 (Sect.19)
General discussion

2] Programme 3: Disarmament: A/68/75; A/67/6/Rev.1; A/68/6 (Sect.4)
General discussion


Followed by informal consultations

Item 5.Reports of the Joint Inspection Unit

Strategic planning in the United Nations system: A/67/873,  Add.1 


15th Formal Meeting  [Conf Rm 6 (NLB)]
1] Item 3.Programme questions:
a) PPB 2014-2015

Programme 12: Human Settlements: A/68/75; A/67/6/Rev.1; A/68/6 (Sect.15)
General discussion


Followed by informal consultations

Item 3.Programme questions:
b) Evaluation

Programme evaluation of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees: E/AC.51/2013/5

3PM – 6PM

3PM – 6PM

3PM – 6PM

3PM – 6PM

3PM – 6PM

Informal consultations

Item 5.Reports of the Joint Inspection Unit
Financing for humanitarian operations in the United Nations system: A/67/867,  Add.1   



10th Formal Meeting
1] Item 3.Programme questions:
a) PPB 2014-2015
Statement  on implementation of GA res. 58/269 & 62/224 with regard to A/68/6 Sections:.2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H,  30, 34
– Consolidated report of the SG on the changes to the biennial programme plan as reflected in the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2014–2015: A/68/75 


Followed by informal consultations:
Item 4.Coordination questions
a) Report of the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination
– Annual overview report of the United Nations System Chief Executives board for 2012/13: E/2013/60 

12th Formal Meeting  [Conf Rm 6 (NLB)]
1] Item 4.Coordination questions
b) New Partnership for Africa’s Development

United Nations system support for the New Partnership for Africa’s Development: E/AC.51/2013/6 

Introduction & general discussion



Followed by informal consultations:
[Conf Rm 6 (NLB)]

Item 3.Programme questions:
b) Evaluation
Programme evaluation of the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs: E/AC.51/2013/3 



14th Formal Meeting  [Conf Rm 6 (NLB)]
1] Item 3.Programme questions:
a) PPB 2014-2015

Proposed revisions to the Regulations and Rules Governing Programme Planning, the Programme Aspects of the Budget, the Monitoring of Implementation and the Methods of Evaluation: A/68/74
Continuation of general discussion


Followed by informal consultations
Item 3.Programme questions:
b) Evaluation

Programme evaluation of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime: E/AC.51/2013/4


16th Formal Meeting  [Conf Rm 6 (NLB)]
1] Item 3.Programme questions:
a) PPB 2014-2015

Programme 10: Trade and development: A/68/75; A/67/6/Rev.1; A/68/6 (Sect.12)
General discussion


Followed by informal consultations:
Item 4.Coordination questions
a) Report of the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination
– Annual overview report of the United Nations System Chief Executives board for 2012/13: E/2013/60 


All Formal Meetings and  Informal consultations  take place in Conference Room 5(NLB). | Informal informals take place in Conference Room 5(NLB) unless indicated otherwise.

TENTATIVE & PROVISIONAL PROGRAMME OF WORK : WEEK OF 17 – 21  JUNE 2013    Committee for Programme and Coordination • FIFTY-THIRD  SESSION



10AM – 1PM



10AM – 1PM



10AM – 1PM



10AM – 1PM



10AM – 1PM

17th Formal Meeting  [Conf Rm 6 (NLB)]
1] Item 3.Programme questions:
a) PPB 2014-2015

Programme 15: Economic and social development in Africa: A/68/75; A/67/6/Rev.1; A/68/6 (Sect.18)
General discussion


Followed by informal consultations:
[Conf Rm 6 (NLB)]

Item 5.Reports of the Joint Inspection Unit
Financing for humanitarian operations in the United Nations system: A/67/867,  Add.1      


Informal consultations

Item 3.Programme questions:
a) PPB 2014-2015

Programme 11: Environment: A/68/75; A/67/6/Rev.1; A/68/6 (Sect.14)

Informal consultations

Item 3.Programme questions:
a) PPB 2014-2015

Programme 16: Economic and social development in Asia and the Pacific: A/68/75; A/67/6/Rev.1; A/68/6 (Sect.19)   


Programme 3: Disarmament: A/68/75; A/67/6/Rev.1; A/68/6 (Sect.4)

Informal consultations

Item 3.Programme questions:
a) PPB 2014-2015

Programme 10: Trade and development: A/68/75; A/67/6/Rev.1; A/68/6 (Sect.12)








Item 3.Programme questions:
b) Evaluation

Programme evaluation of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees: E/AC.51/2013/5

Informal consultations

Item 5.Reports of the Joint Inspection Unit

Strategic planning in the United Nations system: A/67/873, Add.1


Item 3.Programme questions:
a) PPB 2014-2015

Programme 11: Environment: A/68/75; A/67/6/Rev.1; A/68/6 (Sect.14)



3PM – 6PM

3PM – 6PM

3PM – 6PM

3PM – 6PM

3PM – 6PM

Informal consultations  [Conf Rm 6 (NLB)]

Item 3.Programme questions:
b) Evaluation
Strengthening the role of evaluation and the application of evaluation findings on programme design, delivery and policy directives: A/68/70


Item 5.Reports of the Joint Inspection Unit

Strategic planning in the United Nations system: A/67/873, Add.1



Informal consultations

Item 4.Coordination questions
b) New Partnership for Africa’s Development

United Nations system support for the New Partnership for Africa’s Development: E/AC.51/2013/6 


Item 3.Programme questions:
b) Evaluation
Programme evaluation of the United Nations Environment Programme: E/AC.51/2013/2

18th Formal Meeting

Item 3.Programme questions:
a) PPB 2014-2015
Proposed revisions to the Regulations and Rules Governing Programme Planning, the Programme Aspects of the Budget, the Monitoring of Implementation and the Methods of Evaluation: A/68/74
Conclusion of general discussion


Followed by Informal consultations

Item 3.Programme questions:
a) PPB 2014-2015

Programme 12: Human Settlements: A/68/75; A/67/6/Rev.1; A/68/6 (Sect.15) 




Informal consultations

Item 3.Programme questions:
a) PPB 2014-2015
Programme 15: Economic and social development in Africa: A/68/75; A/67/6/Rev.1; A/68/6 (Sect.18)  


Item 5.Reports of the Joint Inspection Unit
Financing for humanitarian operations in the United Nations system: A/67/867,  Add.1     



Informal consultations

Item 3.Programme questions:
a) PPB 2014-2015

Programme 12: Human Settlements: A/68/75; A/67/6/Rev.1; A/68/6 (Sect.15)


Programme 10: Trade and development: A/68/75; A/67/6/Rev.1; A/68/6 (Sect.12)



All Formal Meetings and  Informal consultations  take place in Conference Room 5(NLB). | Informal informals take place in Conference Room 5(NLB) unless indicated otherwise.

TENTATIVE & PROVISIONAL PROGRAMME OF WORK : WEEK OF 24 – 28  JUNE 2013    Committee for Programme and Coordination • FIFTY-THIRD  SESSION



10AM – 1PM



10AM – 1PM



10AM – 1PM



10AM – 1PM



10AM – 1PM

Informal consultations

10 – 10.15 AM
Item 3.Programme questions:
a) PPB 2014-2015
Programme 3
: Disarmament: A/68/75; A/67/6/Rev.1; A/68/6 (Sect.4)


10.15 AM – 1PM
Item 3.Programme questions:
b) Evaluation
Programme evaluation of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime: E/AC.51/2013/4


Item 4.Coordination questions
a) Report of the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination
– Annual overview report of the United Nations System Chief Executives board for 2012: E/2013/60 

Informal consultations

Item 3.Programme questions:
a) PPB 2014-2015

Programme 16: Economic and social development in Asia and the Pacific: A/68/75; A/67/6/Rev.1; A/68/6 (Sect.19)


12.00 PM – 1PM

Item 4.Coordination questions
b) New Partnership for Africa’s Development

United Nations system support for the New Partnership for Africa’s Development: E/AC.51/2013/6 


Informal consultations

Item 3.Programme questions:
a) PPB 2014-2015

Programme 11: Environment: A/68/75; A/67/6/Rev.1; A/68/6 (Sect.14)


Item 4.Coordination questions
a) Report of the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination
– Annual overview report of the United Nations System Chief Executives board for 2012: E/2013/60 



Informal consultations

Item 3.Programme questions:
a) PPB 2014-2015

Programme 11: Environment: A/68/75; A/67/6/Rev.1; A/68/6 (Sect.14)


Item 4.Coordination questions
a) Report of the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination
– Annual overview report of the United Nations System Chief Executives board for 2012: E/2013/60 


19th Formal Meeting
1] Adoption of the report of the Committee on its fifty-third session

E/AC.51/2013/L.4, and addenda


2] Provisional agenda for the fifty-fourth session of the Committee: E/AC.51/2013/L.3


3] Closure of work of the Committee at its fifty-third session



3PM – 6PM

3PM – 6PM

3PM – 6PM

3PM – 6PM

3PM – 6PM

Informal consultations

Item 3.Programme questions:
a) PPB 2014-2015

Programme 11: Environment: A/68/75; A/67/6/Rev.1; A/68/6 (Sect.14)

Informal consultations

3 PM – 4 PM
Item 3.Programme questions:
b) Evaluation

Programme evaluation of the United Nations Environment Programme: E/AC.51/2013/2


4 PM – 6 PM
Item 3.Programme questions:
b) Evaluation

Strengthening the role of evaluation and the application of evaluation findings on programme design, delivery and policy directives: A/68/70



Informal consultations

Item 3.Programme questions:
b) Evaluation
Strengthening the role of evaluation and the application of evaluation findings on programme design, delivery and policy directives: A/68/70

Item 3.Programme questions:
a) PPB 2014-2015

– Consolidated report of the SG on the changes to the biennial programme plan as reflected in the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2014–2015: A/68/75 

Proposed revisions to the Regulations and Rules Governing Programme Planning, the Programme Aspects of the Budget, the Monitoring of Implementation and the Methods of Evaluation: A/68/74

Informal consultations


All outstanding issues





All Formal Meetings and  Informal consultations  take place in Conference Room 5(NLB). | Informal informals take place in Conference Room 5(NLB) unless indicated otherwise.