Mr. Boucif Belhachemi, 1948 - 2010
(Consultant on World Bank Project, Algeria and Canada)

Boucif Belhachemi, a national of Algeria and Canada, was working on a World Bank project in Haiti.
Originally from Béni Saf, northwest Algeria, he had been working in Montreal, Canada, since 1993. He had just arrived in Haiti to start consultancy work on an electricity project with Electricité d’Haïti, Haiti’s state-owned electrical utility, which was financed by the World Bank.
“He was a good person,” said a family member. “His job took him to developing countries, allowed him to achieve what he loved doing most – which was to help others.”
A friend added, “He had a rare intelligence and unlimited generosity. He was an exquisite man, and a sincere and loyal friend.”
Boucif was proud of his home city of Béni Saf and always spoke fondly of its beautiful natural environment.
Friends and family members will always remember his selfless nature and the deep value he placed on human rights.
A humanitarian at heart, he co-founded Horizon Béni Saf in 2007, an association that provides medical materials and information to handicapped individuals in his hometown.
“He was everywhere where there was a cry for help,” said a friend. “With his smile and his fun sense of humour, he knew how to alleviate the suffering of others. His motto was ‘Yes, of course’ because he was always ready to take on challenges.”
He had a doctorate in physics from l’Ecole nationale supérieure des arts et métiers in Paris, and a degree in engineering from l’Institut nationale polytechnique de Grenoble. Before his work as an international consultant, he was a professor at l’Université d’Oran in Algeria, and regional director for Algeria’s National Copyright Office. He was also considered an expert in the project management model called Project Evaluation and Review Technique.
Experienced in international affairs, he worked in Togo for over a decade, as well as in Burundi and Senegal. He had a deep love for Africa.
He especially admired the spirit of the children and their joviality in times of hardship. He had worked in Port-au-Prince on numerous occasions and is believed to have been in Hotel Montana at the time of the earthquake.
Ceremonies were held in his honour in both Canada and Algeria where he is buried.
Boucif is survived by family members in Algeria, Canada, France and Morocco.