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In Memoriam -
In remembrance of those members of the UN Family who lost their lives
in the earthquake in Haiti, 12 January 2010

Rachelle Laime, 1980 - 2010 

Security Guard (Haiti)

Ms. Rachelle Laime

Ms Rachelle Laimé, a national of Haiti, was a Security Guard for the UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) since 2009.

Rachelle was born and brought up in Port-au-Prince. In 2000, she received her diploma from Collège Bellevue in Port-au-Prince. For the next few years, she studied to become a kindergarten teacher at the Ecole Normale de Carrefour in Port-au-Prince and obtained her teaching certificate. After working as a kindergarten teacher until 2004, she worked in a bursar’s office.

For a few years before she joined the UN, Rachelle looked after her three children on a full-time basis and she used this time to pursue a secretarial course at EFTEC in Lalue, Port-au-Prince.

Her UN colleagues called her “Rachelle Bon Bagay,” Creole for “it’s all good,” which they said meant that she essentially always did her best and that she had an entrepreneurial quality about her.

According to a friend, Rachelle felt it was important to be kind to everyone around her and “she always had a nice word for everyone.”

Rachelle is remembered as having a calm demeanour and always smiling. “She liked her work and actively participated in the success of her section,” a colleague added.

While Creole was Rachelle’s mother tongue, she also spoke English, French and Spanish.

Rachelle was widowed and is survived by a son, Gilbert Christopher, 11 and three daughters, Emmanuella Royal, 6, Assandrine Royal, 4, and Sarafina Esther, an infant.