Stanley Sainte Rose, 1973 - 2010
Security Guard (Haiti)

Stanley Sainte Rose, a national of Haiti, was working as a driver for the Political Affairs Section of the UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH).
Stanley had a varied technical background, having taken courses in the fields of fire safety and computer science. In addition to earning certificates from L’Ecole de commerce Maurice Laroche and Amerex International High Performance Fire School, he received a diploma from Diesel Institute of Haiti, where he became a certified diesel mechanic and technician.
From 1995 to 1999, Stanley held various posts as a driver, including for the United Nations Development Programme and for the United Nations Civilian Police Mission in Haiti (MIPONUH).
Between 2000 and 2005, Stanley served as a chauffeur and logistics assistant to the Organization of American States and the International Federation of the Red Cross. He also worked as a fire safety technician for a company called Internegoce.
In 2005, Stanley became chauffeur to Gerard Le Chevallier, MINUSTAH’s Chief of Political Affairs and Planning, who also died in the earthquake.
A former friend and colleague from the Department of Political Affairs said, “Stanley was an incredibly open, friendly and helpful colleague. Even before I arrived in Haiti, former colleagues who had worked with him told me not to worry because ‘Stanley is the man’ and would sort me out with a car and help find me a house.”
The friend added, “We often talked about family and we used to joke, rolling our eyes, about our crazy boys destroying anything nice in the house.”
Remembering a farewell party for a colleague who was leaving Haiti and held shortly before Christmas 2009, a friend of Stanley’s reported that he was “a great dancer” and was even rumored to have owned a dance school at some point.
Stanley was married to Guerline Jean Baptiste, and had two sons, Kevin Mattheu, 9, and Steven Hermes, 11.