Respuestas en inglés 2006
I will convinse my parens to Hold up Sign or Vote for peace I'll do eneyting for peace so please stop the war please!

I can donate money to some organizations. I could sent a letter to the United Nation, telling them to make peace; it probably would not work but it could help.

I can be friendly to other people, make shirts with the word ‘PEACE’ on it and sell them. I will give the money to people in other countrys who are dying and suffering and need it.

bind a middle idea and negotiate

Make posters for peace because the posters will be in the street and people will see them.

We could make peace bracelets and hand out peace cards.
I can ignore argument and fights and pray for people who need peace.

I helped default land mines in Afghanistan. By raising money and sending it to church World Service.

I can convins people 18 or older to vote fore a god presudent

I can convince my parents to vote for good world leaders.

I can start a club to raise money for the UN

I can donate money to a peace keeping charity, hand out flyers and tell people and make signs.

When I grow up, I can stay away from drugs and guns. I can also run for president and make drugs and firearms illegal.

I would say plese stop Fighting for peace.

Andinet means unity & oneness in the Ethiopian language of Amharic. We will teach the message of peace by teaching unity and working together for the common good.

Formalize and continue to promote an already existing forum “The PARAGON”. It is an evening discussion session held on Saturdays fortnightly for people with examplery characters “to share their secrets”. It inspires the young to grow up to to be goo”.

As a Soroptimiste, we help to advance the status of women, encouraging equality, human rights and friendship. Peace starts with me at my little corner, with my family, friends & colleague. Visiting and councelling women faces marital violence.

I can convince my parents to do something about the wars that are going on right now like Darfur.

I can try to Be Peaceful with me and my friends.

By planting peace plant every where I go.

What can I do?
I wrote to the UK’s Foreign Secretary asking her to continue pressure on Burma to come to the UN Security Council. I’m especially concerned about the plight of the prisoner of conscience Aung San Suu Kyi in Burma.
Thanks for your efforts.

What can you do for peace? I would not fight when other people fight because it is wrong to fight with other people. Saying bad words in bad because it is mean. Doing wrong things or bad because you will get in trouble

Don’t figth with our friend. Do not kill. Don’t be bad. Dont say bad words in school or somewhere that you go to. Don’t punh a person.