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28 Apr-9 May 2003
New York


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First Bureau Meeting
24-25 Feb 2003
New York

Bureau Meetings

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Note on the outcome of the first meeting of the Bureau of the Eleventh Session

  1. The first meeting of the Bureau of CSD 11 took place in New York on 24-25 February 2003. It was chaired by H.E. Mr. Valli Moosa, Chairperson of the Commission and attended by the four Vice-Chairs, namely Ms. Nadine Gouzée (Belgium), Mr. Hossein Moeini Meybodi (Islamic Republic of Iran), H.E. Mr. Bruno Stagno Ugarte (Costa Rica), and Ms. Irena Zubčević (Croatia). Staff from the Secretariat of the CSD and officials from South Africa, Belgium, and Costa Rica were also involved. In conjunction with the meeting of the Bureau the first round of informal consultations was organized in the lead up to the 11th session of the CSD. The main outcomes of the meeting are outlined below.
  2. The Bureau agreed on the political significance of the forthcoming 11th session of the CSD, and thus that the High Level Segment should lead off the session. The session has a crucial role to play to ensure that sound political direction is given to the implementation of Johannesburg outcomes and Agenda 21 and to the next phase of the Commission’s own work.
  3. It was agreed that the session must be organised in such a way that would keep up the momentum of Johannesburg, provide opportunities to share views and ideas aimed at practical implementation of WSSD outcomes, and lay the ground for future work on sustainable development at all levels, and shape the Commission’s programme and methods of work over the coming years. Hence, it was agreed that the session would be organised to provide for an active, participatory and more meaningful role for political leaders, global and regional implementation institutions, major groups and other stakeholders.
  4. The Bureau also underscored that the Ministerial Segment of CSD-11 and of future sessions of the Commission should not be limited to environment ministers, but should actively involve ministers dealing with the various dimensions and sectors of sustainable development, as reiterated in the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation.

Organization of Work during CSD11

  1. After discussion among the members of the Bureau and taking into account views and proposals made during informal consultations with delegations, the Bureau agreed on the Organisation of Work of the 11th session of the CSD (See Annex).
  2. The Bureau agreed that it would further elaborate specific details of the organisation of work at its next meeting and requested the Secretariat to prepare relevant proposals for the Bureau's consideration.

Second round of informal consultations in preparation for the 11th session of the CSD

  1. It was agreed that the second round of informal consultations would take place in New York on Monday 24 March (starting at 3.00 p.m.) and continue until the end of Wednesday, 26 March 2003.
  2. The consultations will focus on the future programme, organisation and methods of work of the CSD. The discussion will be based on the proposals contained in the report of UN Secretary-General entitled "Follow-up to Johannesburg and the Future Role of the CSD - The Implementation Track", along with other proposals and ideas delegations and groups may have on this matter. All delegations and groups were encouraged to study these proposals further in their respective capitals and coordinate group positions in preparation for next round of informal consultations.
  3. It was agreed that the Chairperson would prepare an agenda for the second round of informal consultations on the basis of the main clusters of proposals contained in the report of the Secretary-General and circulate it in advance of the meeting.

Co-ordinating organisations from Major Groups

  1. The Bureau agreed that it would be effective to invite the same group of co-ordinating organisations from the major groups as those who carried out this function during the WSSD, namely:
    • Women - Women’s Environment and Development Organization
    • Children And Youth – WSSD/CSD Youth Caucus
    • Indigenous People - CSD Indigenous Peoples’ Caucus
    • NGOs - ELCI, Third World Network, Danish 92 Group
    • Local Authorities - International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives
    • Workers And Trade Unions - International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (through Trade Union Advisory Council to the OECD)
    • Business And Industry- International Chamber of Commerce, World Business Council for Sustainable Development
    • Scientific And Technological Communities - International Council for Science (ICSU), World Federation of Engineering Organizations
    • Farmers - International Federation of Agricultural Producers
  2. Given concerns over the North-South balance among representatives of major groups in the session of the CSD, the Bureau invited interested donor countries and/or foundations to support this purpose with voluntary funding. It was also agreed that the Chairperson would write letters on this matter to donor countries. 

Next meeting of the Bureau 

  1. It was agreed that the next meeting of the Bureau would take place in New York on Monday, 24 March 2003 (during the morning), and continue after the second round of informal consultations to take stock of progress and agree on next steps.