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1st Implementation Cycle - Review Session
14-30 Apr 2004
New York

Preparatory Process


Regional Implementation Meetings

The Plan of Implementation adopted at the WSSD in 2002 stated that the implementation of Agenda 21 and the outcomes of the Summit should be effectively pursued at the regional and subregional levels, through the UN Regional Commissions and other institutions and bodies.

The CSD, at its eleventh session, invited the United Nations Regional Commissions to consider organizing regional implementation meetings, in collaboration with the secretariat of the CSD, in order to contribute to the work of the CSD and to advance implementation of Agenda 21, the Programme for the Further Implementation of Agenda 21 and the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation.

In 2003 and 2004, UN Regional Commissions organized a series of review and assessment meetings in preparation of CSD 13, as follows:

Africa RIM

8-12 December 2003
UNCC, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Asia and the Pacific RIM

27-28 October 2003
ESCAP Headquarters, Bangkok

Europe RIM

15-16 January 2004
ECE Headquarters, Geneva

Latin America and the Caribbean RIM

5-7 November 2003
La Paz, Bolivia
Regional Forum of Ministers of Housing and Urban Dev

17-18 November 2003
Santiago, Chile
Expert group meeting on WSSD Outcomes Review

20-25 November 2003

Western Asia RIM

19-21 October 2003
Cairo, Egypt

Additional information

Additional information on the work of the UN Regional Economic Commission in the area of sustainable development is available on the Commissions’ Websites: