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1st Implementation Cycle - Review Session
14-30 Apr 2004
New York

Preparatory Process

Workshop on Governance for WSSD Implementation in Countries in Transition
Istanbul, 16-18 Sep 2003

A total of 80 people from 24 countries met in Istanbul from 16 to 18 September 2003 for a Workshop on Governance for the Implementation of Outcomes from the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in Countries with Economies in Transition.

The Workshop, which was organized by the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN/DESA) and hosted by the Government of Turkey, addressed the following main themes:

  • country experiences with implementing sustainable development
  • institutional arrangements for implementing sustainable development
  • the role of governance and public administration in the achievement and implementation of sustainable development; and
  • the role of regional organisations in promoting good governance for the implementation of WSSD outcomes.

This event was a follow-up activity to WSSD (held in Johannesburg, South Africa, August-September 2002) and also to the Regional Workshop on Capacity-Building in Governance and Public Administration for Sustainable Development in Countries with Economies in Transition (held in Thessaloniki, Greece, July 2002).

Participants in the Workshop included senior government officials and representatives from the non-governmental community from countries with economies in transition and from the host country, Turkey. Representatives of UN agencies and other international and regional organisations also attended.

The report of the Workshop will be submitted to the twelfth session of the Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD-12) and to the meeting of the ECOSOC Committee of Experts on Public Administration, both to be held in 2004.

For more detailed information, please follow the links on the right.