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Follow-up to CSD-17 Decisions

Multistakeholder Dialogue on Implementing Sustainable Development

1 Feb 2010
UNHQ, New York


Name Title/Affiliation Presentation

* Summary Report *

Opening Remarks
H.E. Luis Ferrate Minister For Environment Of Guatemala And Chair Of CSD-18 Opening Remarks
Hans Hoogeveen
(representing Minister Verburg, Chairperson of CSD-17)
Director-General for International Affairs, Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality of the Netherlands Opening Remarks
Sha Zukang Under-Secretary-Genegral For Economic And Social Affairs Opening Remarks
Presentations & Statements
Banuri, Tariq Director,
Division for Sustainable Development
Sustainable Development Knowledge Partnership (SDKP) - A global partnership to organize and prepare knowledge for CSD
BI Business and Industry
CBD Convention on Biological Diversity
Fan, Shenggen Director General,
International Food Policy Research Institute
- Achieving Sustainable Food Security: New Trends and Emerging Agenda
- [additional paper]
Forster, Thomas New School Food Studies Program,
International Partners for Sustainable Agriculture
Scaling Up Sustainable Agriculture Practices: Requirements For a Fast Track Approach
G77 & China Group of 77 & China Statement
Kramer-LeBlanc, Carol


Crosby, Greg
Director of Sustainable Development,
Office of the Chief Economist,
U.S. Department of Agriculture
National Program Leader for Sustainable Development, U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and Agriculture
- Co-authored Intervention

- Co-authored Presentation Capacity Building of Farmers through e-Extension Model, Challenges and Opportunities
Morden, Cheryl Director, North American Liaison Office,
International Fund for Agricultural Development
Mohamedahmed, Siham Gender, Climate Change and Sustainable Development Unit,
African Development Bank
- Realizing agricultural potential in Africa, what should we do differently?
- Implementing CSD-17 Decisions: Role of African Development Bank
Nabarro, David Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Food Security and Nutrition
Coordinator of the High-Level Task Force on the Global Food Security Crisis
Promoting synergies between the Comprehensive Framework for Action and CSD-17 decisions
Niasse, Madiodio The International Land Coalition Land Governance Responses to Climate Change, Desertification and Land Degradation
Opportunities LAND Partnerships for Action and Informed Dialogues
SARD Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development Initiative
People Shaping their Sustainable Futures
Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Statement
Schwaiger, Peter
- EU
Deputy Head of Delegation, Delegation of the European Union
Scientific & Technological Community Scientific & Technological Community
Toenniessen, Gary Managing Director,
The Rockefeller Foundation
African Agriculture Climate Change Resilience
Townsend, Robert Senior Economist,
Agriculture and Rural Development Department, World Bank (WB)
Strengthening international cooperation and partnerships for agricultural development to deliver CSD-17 decisions
Vidal, Alain Director, (CPWF) Partnerships change the way science impacts on development The CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food