General Information
(Creation Year & Reason)
Netherlands - 1992
Germany - 1995
Reason: Avoid taxes and/or legal measures; lowering costs of reduction
France - 1996
CEMBUREAU (The European Cement Association) along with
Dutch government with the industry sector
German cement industry; Ministry of Environment;
Ministry of Economy
French cement industry and the French Ministry of
Timeframes and Milestones
Based on 1989 figures, the Dutch cement industry
will reduce its energy consumption by 10% by end of 1995 with
long-term commitment to improve energy efficiency by 20% between
1989 and 2000.
ENCI N.V., the Dutch cement company which is the
owner of all 3 plants located in Netherlands, signed second
covenant to improve its energy efficiency by 21% for the 1989-2000
period (based on 1989 figures). A reduction of 15% to be achieved
through direct energy savings and a 6% reduction through the use
of alternative fuels substituted for fossil fuels in cement kilns.
Between 1987 and 2005, German cement industry to
reduce specific fuel energy consumption by 20% (based on 1987
production levels) - the equivalent of a CO2 reduction
of 3 million tonnes/year.
Energy consumption of cement plants in former East
Germany will be reduced by 35% until 2005 (based on 1987 levels)
through increased technology transfer.
West Germany commits to a further 10% energy
saving, through additional investment in energy efficiency and
changes in energy consumption and production patterns with the use
of alternative materials. (Energy saving potential of West German
cement industry is smaller because of the implementation of past
energy efficiency measures which have already resulted in a 55%
reduction of energy consumption between 1950 and 1987.)
Implementation Process
Implementation process of energy efficiency
Improving manufacturing processes
Concentrating more production in most efficient
"Valorising" wastes in the production
Optimizing the composition of cement
Improved products
Monitoring Process & Parties
Covenants are agreements between the Dutch government, licensing
authorities and the particular industry sector regarding the control
of industrial emissions. Agreements provide for detailed arrangements
regarding the implementation of sector specific medium and long-term
emission targets. Implementation is monitored and evaluated by a
Sectoral Consultative Committee (composed of representatives of all
parties involved in agreement), issuing annual progress reports to the
Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs.
The monitoring of the German cement industry is part of the monitoring
system coordinated by the BDI (Federation of the German Industries).
The data are collected and evaluated by VDZ and its Research
Institute. To achieve the maximum possible transparency, the data are
submitted to an independent institution (Rhine-Westfalian Institute
for Economic Research, RWI), which has been commissioned by BDI and
the German government. The RWI's task is to survey the consumption of
thermal energy and electrical power in the sectors that participate in
annual intervals. After verification of the data the RWI publishes an
annual monitoring report. Progress reports have been published in
1996, 1997 and 1998.
Detailed procedures for calculating the CO2 emissions.
French cement industry committed to report on annual basis to French
Ministry of Environment.
Success in Achieving Stated Objectives
Netherlands 1996 Progress Report stated energy
efficiency in 1996 improved by 18% compared to 1989.
Specific fuel consumption of the German cement industry decreased by
15.2% from 1987 to 1997 (West Germany 4.3%; East Germany 31.6%). Total
fuel energy consumption decreased by 17.2% partially due to lowered
cement production.
Public Education & Information Components
The German cement industry organized several meetings and congresses
focusing on the potential for the process engineering and operational
optimization of the production process. The aim is to give information
and experiences about optimization measures to all VDZ member
Replication Potential
High. Three individual countries already involved.
Mechanisms for Improvement
Germany The German cement industry has
implemented a special working group (participants from industry and
VDZ/Research Institute) to coordinate the monitoring in the cement
industry and to develop and improve the agreement itself.
Contacts for Further Information
Tania Goutoudis, Communications Manager
Rue d'Arlon 55
B-1040 Bruxelles
Tel. +32 2 234 10 11
Fax +32 2 230 47 20