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During the course of CSD-14, more than 700 representatives from 134 non-governmental organizations and other major groups contributed to the Review Session by reporting on and sharing their results-oriented activities in the form of case studies, lessons learned, and best practices. They also identified obstacles, constraints, challenges and opportunities for the way forward.
Experts from major groups served as panelists in the thematic discussions, and major groups’ representatives participated in all thematic, regional and SIDS day related discussions. Each thematic discussion included at least two major groups’ interventions (leading to a total of 86 oral inputs by the major groups) and reflecting CSD-11 decisions on major groups’ integrated participation in the CSD implementation cycles.
A Multi-stakeholder Dialogue Session held on Wednesday 3 May provided major groups with the opportunity to introduce their discussion papers. The session was organized in an issue-driven fashion, comprised of three blocks of 30 minutes each that included interventions from both major groups and Governments.
A Ministerial Dialogue was held on Wednesday 10 May to focus on the role of the business sector in energy, industrial development and climate change. Ministers and business leaders presented their views on the critical factors for fostering public-private partnerships and for enhancing the contributions of the business sector to improving access to modern energy services, promoting industrial development and combating climate change.
On Thursday 11 May, all nine major groups and Ministers participated in a High-Level Interactive Discussion on “Making a Difference.” The segment was organized into three blocks of 30 minutes each, comprised of short presentations from three major groups followed by interactive discussion among major groups and Ministers.
During the closing Plenary on Friday 12 May, major groups offered closing remarks on how they would initiate action in implementation in relation to the thematic cluster of issues.
Major groups also actively participated in the CSD-14 Partnerships Fair, Learning Centre, and Side Events.
To complement the CSD-14 official programme of activities, a “Day of Business and Industry” was held on Tuesday 9 May 2006. The discussions held in that context focused on the role and contributions of the private sector and other stakeholders in addressing the thematic cluster, by bringing together and engaging business, governments, and other major groups sectors in a dynamic dialogue on topic related to energy for sustainable development. The “Day of Business and Industry” was co-organized by Business Action for Energy (BAE)—an ad hoc coalition of business associations spearheaded by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), and the World Energy Council (WEC)—in collaboration with the CSD Secretariat.
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