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CSD-6 Follow-up: Multi-stakeholder Review of Voluntary Initiatives and Agreements for Industry |
Multi-Stakeholder Consultations to Identify the Key
Elements of a Review of Voluntary Initiatives and Agreement
Toronto, Canada, 10-12 March 1999
List of Participants
Business and Industry
Mr. Damian Bassett
President and CEO
Corporations Supporting Recycling
26 Wellington Street East, Suite 601
Toronto, ONT, MSE 1S2, Canada
Fax: 416-594-3463,
Tel: 416-594-3456,
Email: bassett(at)csr.org
Mr. Dom Bausano,
Manager, Quality on Responsible Care
Huntsman Corporation
3040 Post Oak Boulevard
Houston, Texas, 77056, USA
Fax: 1-713-235-6440
Tel: 1-713-235-6290
Mr. Patrick ten Brink
ECOTEC Consulting
19 Buckingham Gate
London SW1E 6LB, United Kingdom
Fax: 44-171-630-6339
Tel: 44-171-630-6090
Email: Patrick_ten_Brink(at)ecotec.com
Mr. Paul Clements-Hunt
Policy Manager, Envi. and Energy Affairs
International Chamber of Commerce
38 cours Albert 1er, Paris, 75008, France,
Fax: 331-4953-2859
Tel: 331-4953-2808
Email: paul.clementshunt(at)iccwbo.org
Mr. Larry Dworkin,
Public Relations, Government Affairs
Packaging Association of Canada,
2255 Sheppard Avenue East Suite 407,
Willowdale, Ontario M2J 4Y1 Canada
Fax: 416- 480-7844
Tel: 416- 496-5075
Mr. Volker Hoenig
Head of Environment & Process Tech. Dept.
Research Institute of the Cement Industry
Tannenstr. 2-4, Düsseldorf
40476, Germany
Fax: 49-211-4578-256,
Tel: 49-211-4578-255,
Email: hoe(at)vdz-online.de
Ms. Norine Kennedy
Vice-President, Environmental Affairs
US Council for International Business
1212 Avenue of the Americas
New York, New York, 10036, USA
Fax: 1-212-575-0327
Tel: 1-212-703-5052
Email: nkennedy(at)uscib.org
Ms. Sonya Olbrantz
Corporate Environmental Director
Premdor Inc.
2675 Kings Gap Mtn. Road
Piedmont, AL, 36272, USA
Fax: 256-435-2899
Tel: 256-435-8701
Email: K36272(at)aol.com
Mr. Peter Scupholme
Environmental Relations Manager,
BP Amoco
Britannic House, 1 Finsbury Circus
London, EC2M 7BA, United Kingdom
Fax: 44-171-496-4379
Tel: 44-171-496-4801
Email: scuphopp(at)bp.com
Mr. Peter Southern
Principal Environmental Advisor
Rio Tinto plc
6 St James' Square
London, SW1Y 4LD, United Kingdom
Fax: 44-171-938-8594
Tel: 44-171-938-8567
Email: peter.southern(at)riotinto.com
Mr. Tom Vant
Executive Consultant, Syncrude Canada,
Postal Bag 4009,
Edmonton, AB T9H 3L1, Canada,
Fax: 1-403-970-6805,
Tel: 1-403-970-6959, Email: tom.vant(at)syncrude.com
Mr. Brian R. Wastle
Vice-President, Responsible Care,
Canadian Chemical Producers' Association,
Suite 805, 350 Spark Street,
Ottawa , Ontario, K1R 7S8, Canada,
Fax: 1-613-237-4061,
Tel: 1-613-237-6215,
Email: bwastle(at)ccpa.ca
Mr. Ron Yachnin,
Senior Research Associate
Business and Environment Research Program
The Conference Board of Canada
255 Smyth Road, Ottawa
Ontario K1H 8M7 Canada
Fax: 613-526-4857
Tel: 613-526-3280
Email: yachnin(at)conferenceboard.ca
Mr. Jeffrey Barber
Integrative Strategies Forum,
1012 K Street, NW, Suite 630,
Washington, DC, 20006, USA,
Fax: 202-33108166,
Tel: 202-872-5339,
Email: jbarber(at)igc.apc.org
Mr. Rajat Chaudhuri
Consumer Unity and Trust,
3-B Camac Street, Mansarovar Building,
Calcutta, 700-016, India,
Fax: 91-33-2297-665,
Tel: 91-33-2297-391
Email: cutscal(at)cal.vsnl.net.in
Mr. Mark Dorfman,
120 Wall Street, 16th Floor,
New York, NY, 10005, USA,
Fax: 212-361-2412
Tel: 212-361-2400
Email: markdorfman(at)hotmail.com
Mr. Pieter van der Gaag
Deputy International Coordinator
PO Box 12111 3501 AC Utrecht
The Netherlands
Fax: 31-30-234-0878
Tel: 31-30-231-0300
Email: pjvdgaag(at)anped.antenna.nl
Mr. Paul Griss,
Coordinator, New Directions Group,
140 Benchlands Terrace,
Canmore, Alberta, T1W 1G2, Canada
Fax: 403-678-9414
Tel: 403-678-9956
Email: Pgriss(at)ns.expertcanmore.net
Mr. Marcello Levy
Coordinator for the FSC Canadian Initiative,
49 Myrtle Avenue,
Toronto, Ontario M4M 2A4, Canada
Fax: 416-778-5568
Tel: 416-778-0044
Email: fscca(at)web.net
Ms. Michelle Leighton,
Director, International Program,
Natural Heritage Institute,
144 Sansome Street, Suite 1200,
San Francisco, CA, 94104, USA,
Fax: 415-288-0555
Tel: 415-288-0550
Email: mls(at)n-h-i.org
Mr. Tom Natan
Research Director,
National Environmental Trust (PEW),
1200 18th Street, NW, Suite 500,
Washington, DC, 20036, USA,
Fax: 202-887-8880
Tel: 202-887-8828
Email: tnatan(at)envirotrust.com
Ms. Jagjit Kaur Plahe,
EcoNews Africa,
Mbaruk Rd. off Mucai Drv. (Ngong Rd.)
P.O. Box 76406,
Nairobi, Kenya,
Fax: 254-2-725-171
Tel: 254-2-721-099
Email: jplahe(at)icoonect.co.ke
Mr. Kelly Quirke
Rainforest Action Network,
221 Pine Street, Suite 500,
San Francisco, CA, 94104, USA,
Fax: 415-398-2732,
Tel: 415-398-4404
Ms. Anju Sharma
Center for Science and Environment,
41 Tughlakabad Insitutional Area,
New Delhi, 110062, India,
Fax: 91-11-698-5879
Tel: 91-11-698-1110
Email: anju(at)cseindia.org
Mr. Zoltan Toth
WWF International
c/o WWF Canada
90 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite 604
Ontario M4P 2Z7, Canada
Fax: 416- 489-3611
Tel: 416-489-4567, ext. 232
Email: zoltan_toth(at)hotmail.com
Workers and Trade Unions
Mr. Per Eric Boivie
Swedish Confederation of Professional Employees, TCO Development,
11494 Stockholm, Sweden
Fax: 468-782-9207
Tel: 468- 228-504
Email: pererik(at)boivie.nu
Ms. Rebecca Joaquin Fuellos
Trade Union Congress of the Philippines,
TUCP-PGEA Compound,
Maharlika and Masaya Streets, 1101 Diliman,
Quezon City, , 3008, Philippines,
Fax: 632-921-9758
Tel: 632-922-2185
Email: Tucp(at)easy.net.ph
Mr. Nick De Carlo
Canadian Auto Workers (for CLC),
205 Placer Court,
Willowdale, Ontario, M2H 3H9, Canada,
Fax: 416-495-3785
Tel: 416-718-8437
Email: nickdec(at)caw.ca
Mr. John Danchiro
General Secretary,
Timber and Woodworker's Union of Ghana,
Hall of Trade Unions,
P.O. Box 701, Accra, Ghana,
Fax: 2166-7285
Tel: 2166-2849
Mr. Bjorn Erikson
European Trade Union Confederation
Youngs Gate 11, N-0181 Oslo 1, Norway
Fax: 47-2306-1753,
Tel: 47-2306-1714
Email: berikson.lo(at)fagdata.no
Mr. Nilton Freitas,
Sindicato dos Trabalhadores Nas Industrias Quimicas, (CUT-Brazil),
Av. Lino Jardim, 401, V. Bastos, Santo Andre, Sao Paulo, CEP 09041-030, Brazil,
Fax: 5511-444-9504
Tel: 5511-444-6566
Email: sindiquim(at)uol.com.br
Mr. Winston Gereluk
Public Services International,
11207 70th Avenue
Edmonton Canada T6G 0P5
Fax: 403-930-3392
Tel: 403-930-3358
Email: winstong(at)cs.athabascau.ca
Mr. Andre Giacini de Freitas
Regional Forestry Coordinator
International Federation of Building and Wood Workers
Via Fernandez de Cordoba, Vista Hermose, local # 25, Planta Alta, Apartado 4518,
Fax: 507-229-1896,
Tel: 507-229-2952
Email: orl(at)sinfo.net
Mr. Reg Green
International Federation of Chemical, Energy, Mine and General Workers' Unions,
Avenue Emile de Beco 109,
Brussels, 1050, Belgium,
Fax: 322-648-4316
Tel: 322-626-2020,
Mr. Peter Hurst
International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco
and Allied workers Associations,
Rampe du Pont-Rouge 8,
CH 1213 Petit Lancy, Geneva, Switzerland
Fax: 4122-793-2238
Tel: 4122-793-2233
Email: peter.hurst(at)iuf.org
Mr. Neil Kearney
General Secretary,
International Textile, Garment and Leather Workers Federation,
Rue Joseph Stevens 8 (Boite 4) ,
Brussels, , B-1000, Belgium,
Fax: 322-512-2833
Tel: 322-512-2606
Mr. Kenneth Perkins
General Secretary
Penang and Province Wellesley Textile and Garment Manufacturing Employees Union
No. 23 Lorong Taland Satu, Prai Garden, 136 Prai, P.W Malaysia,
Fax: 604-390-5887
Tel: 604-390-1397
Email: kennethsperkins(at)hotmail.com
Mr. Lucien Royer
Trade Union Advisory Committee at OECD
26 Av de la Grande Armee
75017 Paris, France
Fax: 33-1-4754-9828
Tel: 33-1-4763-4263
Email: Lroyer(at)compuserve.com
Mr. Jon Peter Whitlow
International Transport Workers Federation
49-60 Borough Road
GB-London, SE1 1DS, United Kingdom
Fax: 44171-357-7871
Tel: 44171-403-2733
Email: whitlow_jon(at)itf.org.uk
Governments (participating in their personal capacity)
Mr. Gottlib M. Arendse
Assistant Director, Environment
Pollution Impact Management
S. African Dept of Env’l Affairs
Pretoria, South Africa
Fax: 27-12-322 2682
Tel: 27-12-310 3608
Email: bes_ga(at)ozone.pwv.gov.za
Mr. John Banigan
Assistant Deputy Minister
Industry Canada
235 Queen Street
Ottawa, ON, K1A 0H5, Canada
Mr. Frank Bill
Head of Department
Danish Environmental Protection Agency,
Strandgade 29, Copenhagen K,
DK-1401, Denmark
Fax: 45-32-66-03-72
Tel: 45-32-660-489
Email: fb(at)mst.dk
Ms. Linda Dunn
Environmental Affairs Branch,
Industry Canada
235 Queen Street
Ottawa, ON, K1A 0H5, Canada
Fax: 613-954-3419
Tel: 613-952-4081
Email: dunn.linda(at)ic.gc.ca
Mr. Hazem Fahmy
Permanent Mission of the Arab Republic of Egypt to the United Nations
36 East 67th Street, New York, NY, 10021
Fax: 212-949-5999
Tel: 212-503-0318
Email: hmfahmy(at)aol.com
Mr. Scott Ghagan
Head of Branch
Environment Protection International
UK Department of the Environment
Ashdown House, 123 Victoria Street
London SW1E 6DE United Kingdom
Fax: 44-171-890-6259
Tel: 44-171-890-6188
Email: sghagan(at)epint.demon.co.uk
Mrs. Claudia Maciel
Third Secretary
Division on Environment (DEMA)
Ministry of External Relations (MRE) 70170-900 Brasilia – DF, Brazil
tel.: 55-61-411-6985
fax: 55-61-322-5523
Email: cmaciel(at)mre.gov.br
Ms. Blanca Nury Vargas
Ambassador, Second Alternate Permanent Representative
Permanent Mission of Costa Rica to the United Nations
211 East 43rd Street, Room 903,
New York, NY, 10017
Fax: 212-986-6842
Tel: 212-986-6373
International organisations
Mr. Jean-Philippe Barde
Environment Directorate, OECD,
2 rue Andre Pascal,
Paris, CEDEX 16, 75775, France,
Fax: 33-1-4524-7876
Tel: 33 1 45 24 98 22
Email: jean-philippe.barde(at)oecd.org
Ms. Nancy Bennet
Technology, Industry and Environment Division, UNEP
Tour Mirabeau, 39-43 Quai Andre Citroen,
Paris, CEDEX 15, 75739, France,
Fax: 33-1-33-37-14-74
Tel: 33-1-44-37-14-41
Email: nancy.bennet(at)unep.fr
Key note speakers
Dr. Andrew King
Stern Business School, New York University 40 West 4th Street, Room 707
New York, New York, 10012, USA
Tel: 212-998-0288
Email: aking(at)rnd.stern.nyu.edu
Dr. Lawrence Susskind
Consensus Building Institute, MIT
131 Mt. Auburn Street
Cambridge, MA, 2138, USA
Fax: 617-492-1919
Tel: 617-492-1414 ext. 12
Email: susskind(at)mit.edu
Ms. Janet Martinez
Consensus Building Institute, MIT
131 Mt. Auburn Street
Cambridge, MA, 2138, USA
Fax: 617-492-1919
Tel: 617-492-1414 ext. 22
Email: jmartinez(at)igc.org
Mr. Robert Kominar,
Integrity Dispute Resolution Services Inc.
864 Beeforth Road,
Millgrove, Ontario, L0V 1V0, Canada
Fax: (905) 690-0024
Tel: (905) 690-0026
Mr. Phillip Nicholson
Policy and Management Consultants Inc.
27 Goulburn Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 8C7, Canada
Fax: (613) 238-1272
Tel: (613) 238-4184
Local support staff
Support Staff
Andre Gaudet
Industry Canada
Environmental Affairs Branch
Fax: 613-954-3430
Tel: 613-941-2445
Email: gaudet.andre(at)ic.gc.ca
Frederic Savard
Industry Canada
Environmental Affairs Branch
Fax: 613-954-3419
Tel: 613-941-8181
Ms. Ramona Baksh
Natural Resources Canada
Ms. Jennifer Pearson
Canadian Council for Int’l Business
Tel: 613-238-4000 ext. 232
Ms. Janet Stephenson
Natural Resources Canada
Mr. Jean-Louis Wallace
Environmental Relations Division, Department of Foreign Afairs and International
Fax: 613-995-9625
Tel: 613-944-1723
Email: jean-louis.wallace(at)dfai.maeci.gc.ca
Division for Sustainable Development (convener of meeting)
Ms. JoAnne DiSano
Tel: 212-963-0902
Mr. Lowell Flanders
Assistant Director
Tel: 212-963-8792
Ms. Zehra Aydin
Major Groups Focal Point
Meeting Coordinator
Tel: 212-963-8811
Ms. Dorothy Perricone, Admin. Assistant
Tel: 212-963-2803
Ms. Karen Chier, Intern
2 UN Plaza, 22nd Floor
New York, NY, 10017, USA
Fax: 212-963-1267 or 963-4260