General Inquiries:
Division for Sustainable Development/UN-DESA
Two United Nations Plaza, 22nd Floor, New York, NY,
10017, USA
Fax: +1 212 963-1267, -4260, -1795; E-mail
Major groups:
Ms. Federica Pietracci, Major Groups Programme
Communication and Outreach Branch
Division for Sustainable Development/UN-DESA
Tel.: +1 212 963-8497 Fax: +1 917 367-2341 E-mail
Ms. Tonya Vaturi, Major Groups Programme Officer
Global Policy Coordination Branch, Division for Sustainable Development /UN-DESA
Tel.: +1 212 963-4704 Fax: +1 917 367-2341 E-mail
Small Island Developing States:
Ms. HirokoMorita Lou, Chief
SIDS Unit, Division for Sustainable Development/UN-DESA
Fax: +1 917 367-3391 E-mail
Partnerships and Partnership Fair:
Ms. Patricia Chaves, Senior Officer
Global Policy Coordination
Division for Sustainable Development/UN-DESA
Fax: +1 917 367-2341 E-mail
NGO Branch (for inquiries related to NGO accreditation)
NGO Branch, Division for ECOSOC Support and
One United Nations Plaza, Room 1480, New York, NY,
10017, USA
Tel.: +1 212 963-8652 Fax: +1 212 963-9248 E-mail
UN Non-Governmental Liaison Services (NGLS), New York
One United Nations Plaza, Room 1106, New York, NY,
10017, USA
Tel.: +1 212 963-3125 Fax: +1 212 963-8712 E-mail: