Sustainable Development Success Stories

The Pro-Local Supply

Location Bad Goisern, Austria
Responsible Organization

Local Municipalities fund and provide leadership for the project, whilst local organizations, enterprises, retailers, schools, hospitals and individuals actively participate in the network.


Pro-Local Supply started in 1995 in several upper Austrian municipalities. Within two years it spread to include more than fifty pilot municipalities in five federal provinces. Pro-Local Supply promotes the establishment of an integrated network of local business (suppliers) including enterprises, farms etc. and local consumers (purchasers) including schools, hospitals, retail outlets and individuals etc.

Its overall goal is the preservation of local quality of life and it stresses the importance of responsible behavior on the spot. Its primary objective is to keep purchasing power in the locality. After a period of carefully organized awareness raising efforts, the project’s profile captures the imagination of the local population, and began to change their purchasing decisions. The impact alters consumption and production patterns, strengthens local enterprise structures thereby creating the foundation for sustainable social and economic development. Pro-Local Supply also produces significant environmental gains to the region.

Pro-Local Supply task force groups were established in key areas, to develop greater social and economic co-operation and alliances, for example between local agriculturists, who are then able to produce unified brands to be marketed under the Pro-Local Supply ‘umbrella’. Twice a year the members of the Pro-Local Supply-working group initiate activities in the municipality to encourage greater participation, or to facilitate contacts between different segments in the network.

Issues Addressed Consumption and Production Patterns, Sustainable Agriculture, Trade, Economic Growth, Investment, Finance, Poverty, Capacity Building.
Results Achieved
  • Responsible purchase of local products keeps purchasing power and net output within the region, by strengthening local economic structures, mitigating against enterprise succession and contributing to retain local jobs and apprenticeships.

  • Pro-Local Supply research discovered an excess supply of certain products in the region, and an under-supply of other products. The municipality made efforts to attract, or create, local enterprises to fill the gaps. Where over supply of products occurred, efforts were made to differentiate in order to retain local competition, improving performance and efficiency in the local economy.

  • Ecological benefits include a reduction in commuting, reduction in transportation distances, emission levels, the prevention of waste by less packaging and improved freshness of local seasonal produce.

  • Opportunities are created for small local firms to enter the market.

  • The project has already been expanded into comprise neighboring municipalities, for example in Gosau, Hallstatt and Obertraun. A full analysis of the project will be undertaken in 2001.

Lessons Learned

The project positively demonstrates how individual awareness influences purchasing decisions which in turn affects the way in which local markets function. Ultimately this impacts on, and improves the quality of local economic, social and environment conditions. Pro-Local Supply shows that modification towards sustainable lifestyle does not necessarily entail renunciation, but can provide a positive impetus for regional economy, quality of life and environment. Consumption is about responsible participation for an improved quality of life.

Awareness raising was necessary for the whole municipality: kindergarten, schools, clubs, social infra-structure, enterprises, town council, mayor, town council and all households. Although the project has been designed to operate on a municipal level, high awareness of the project also takes place at regional level since Inter-municipal co-operation and co-ordination is also necessary for the success of the project.

Contacts Ms Gabriele Langschwert
Division of Transport, Mobility, Regional Planning and Noise
Federal Ministry of Environment, Youth and Family Affairs
Stubenbastei 5
A – 1010 Vienna, Austria
Tel. (+43 1) 51 522 1216; Fax (+43 1) 51 522 7208
Email: gabriele.langschwert@bmu.gv.at