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Capacity Building Workshop, Bangkok, Thailand, 25-27 July 2006

Capacity Building Workshop on Partnerships for Improving the Performance of Water Utilities in the Asia and Pacific Region

(updated 7 August 2006)


Utility Case Studies

Name Affiliation/Title Presentation
Hedayetullah Al-Mamoon Managing Director, Dhaka WASA, Bangladesh Water Utility Services in Dhaka City: Present and Future
Mohammed Osman Amin Chittagong Water and Sewerage Authority (CWASA), Bangladesh Status of Water & Sanitation Services in Chittagong Water Supply and Sewerage Authority, Bangladesh
Pan Anjun Beijing Water Authority, China Water Management in Beijing
Young-June Choi Office of Waterworks, Seoul Metropolitan Government, Republic of Korea Water for All
Mazhar Ali Khan Department of Public Health, Punjab, Pakistan Pro-Poor Initiatives in Water Supply and Sanitation by Government of Punjab
N.C. Muniyappa Bangalore Water Supply and Sewage Board, India Improving the performance of Public Water Utilities: A case study of Bangalore
Tian Qi Water Affairs Division in the Department of Water Resources, Ministry of Water Resources, China Providing Sustainable Water Services to Cities: The Chinese Experience
P.B. Ramamurthy Karnataka Urban Water Supply and Drainage Board, Bangalore, India Improving the Performance of Public Water Utilities: A case study of Urban water supply systems in Karnataka state
Wutichai Rangsiyawath Metropolitan Waterworks Authority (MWA) Bangkok, Thailand Metropolitan Waterworks Authority: Bangkok Water Supply Improvement Projects
S.R.J.R. Senanayake National Water Supply & Drainage Board (NWS&DB), Sri Lanka Comprehensive Proposal for Institutional Development for the National Water Supply and Drainage Board (NWSDB)
Arasu Sivaraman Public Utilities Board Singapore Desalination and Ulu Pandan Newater Dboo Projects - PUB's Experience


Public Utility Partnership Experiences

Name Affiliation/Title Presentation
Visoth Chea Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority, Cambodia Performances Improvement: Phnom Penh's Experience
Vibhu Nayar Tamil Nadu Rural Water Supply Programme, India
Mohd Zin Othman Ranhill Water Services, Malaysia Capacity Building Workshop on Partnerships for Improving the Performance of Water Utilities in the Asia and the Pacific Region
Kumala Siregar South East Asian Water Utilities Network (SEAWUN) Southeast Asian Water Utilities Network
Abdelali I Zerouali African Water Association Providing Water and Sanitation Services to Urban Poor in Africa Region


Thematic Presentations

Name Affiliation/Title Presentation
Reza Ardakanian Regional Center on Urban Water Management (RCUWN), Iran Urban Water Demand Management in Iran
David Boys Public Services International Partnership with the Workers; A Priority for Improving Performance
M. Aslam Chaudhry UN DESA Managing Public Water Utilities for Efficient Service Delivery
Christel Rose UN ISDR Hyogo Framework of Action (HFA): Building the Resilience of Nations and Communities to Disasters 2005-2015
Manuel B. Dengo UN DESA Introduction of the CSD Partnerships Database
Andre Dzikus and Kulwant Singh UN HABITAT
Sergio Feld UNDP Thailand Sustainable Water and Sanitation Services and Poverty Reduction
Kenzo Hiroki Inter-regional Adviser, UN DESA Overview of the Compendium of Actions: United Nations Secretary-General’s Advisory Board on Water and Sanitation
Mikio Ishiwatari JICA Water ODA Policy of JICA and its Implementation in Asia
Hubert Jenny ADB Public Private Partnership in the Water Sector: How ADB could help?
Batdelger Luuzan UNDP Water Supply & Sanitation Services, the Poor & Public–Private Partnerships
Meera Mehta World Bank Financing Mechanisms and Reforms to Leverage Local Resources
Antonio Miranda Institutional Framework for Improving the Performance of Water Operators
Water Operators Partnerships – WOPs
Nadim Mulhem GTZ Improving PU Performance in Conflict Affected Areas - JWU Case Study
David O’Connor UN DESA A Financial Framework for Water Utility Management
John Pasch USAID Experiences/Lessons Leaned in Connecting Regulators/Operators to the Urban Poor
Gerard Payen Gurria Task Force Water and Sanitation Services: Enhancing Access to Finance for Local Governments/Operators
Jean-Luc Redaud ISO/TC224 Secretariat Service activities relating to drinking water supply systems and wastewater systems
Darren Saywell International Water Association (IWA) IWA support to WOP
Sven-Erik Skogsfors SIWI Experiences and Lessons Learned in Financing Municipal Water Services
Le Huu Ti UN ESCAP Tracking the Progress on W&S Goals in the Asia and Pacific Region
Niels van Dijk USAID Innovative Financing Approaches to Water and Sanitation Infrastructure