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Documents: Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD)

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CSD 18th Session [CSD-18:Home]
3 - 14 May 2010
New York

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CSD-18 HIGHLIGHTS HIGHLIGHTS: Background, Innovations, Overview, Results, Key Messages & Moving towards CSD-19...-new

Chairman's Summary
Part I and Part II
(advanced unedited text)

Word Cloud of words/concepts most frequently appearing in the full document

Information Note for Participants Access to the North Lawn Building: * NLB access restrictions have been lifted and no secondary passes are required through 10 May.

Annex 1: CSD-18 Organization of Work
Annex 2: Major Groups’ Organizing Partners
Annex 3: Major Groups Registration Desk Schedule
Organization of Work Annotated Organization of Work
CSD-18 Organization of Work
Division of Work
CSD-18 Division of Work among Bureau Members

NRF cover Practices in the Sound Management of Chemical -new
NRF cover Natural Resources Forum (NRF)
Checked Out Consumers International’s publication: “Checked Out: Are European supermarkets living up to their responsibilities for labour conditions in the developing world?”
Trends SCP CoverTrends Cover
Trends Cover Sustainable Development Insights latest issues available:
  • Global Environmental Governance: The Challenge of Accountability , by Adil Najam and Mark Halle
  • The Role of Cities in Sustainable Development, by David Satterthwaite
  • Are Women the Key to Sustainable Development? by Candice Stevens

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Additional CSD-18 Documents

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