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Statements & Presentations: Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD)

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CSD 14th Session [CSD-14:Home]
1 - 12 May 2006
New York

Monday, 8 May 2006

Country/Affiliation Document Title
SIDS Day Panel I: Towards increased energy efficiency, energy access, and the development and expanded use of renewable energy technology in SIDS
Azerbaijan Statement by Ms. Husniyya Mammadova,
Member of Delegation
European Union Statement by EU
Iceland Statement by Ambassador Gunnar Pálsson,
Director, Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs, Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Indonesia Statement by Mr. Dana A. Kartakusuma,
Assistant Minister, Technology and Sustainable Development, Ministry of Environment
Italy Statement by Italy
Scientific & Technological Community Statement by Scientific & Technological Community
SIDS Day Panel II: Innovative strategies to enhance industrial development in SIDS
Kuwait Statement by Kuwait
Marshall Islands Statement by Marshall Islands
Switzerland Statement by Switzerland
SIDS Day Panel III: Mitigating air pollution and promoting adaptation to climate change in SIDS
Dominican Republic Statement by John R. Gagain Jr.,
Executive Director, Presidential Commission on the Millennium Development Goals and Sustainable Development (COPDES)
India Statement by India
Italy Statement by Italy
Senegal Statement by Senegal
Farmers Statement by IFAP-Farmers

Additional Statements & Presentations

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