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Statements & Presentations: Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD)

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CSD 16th Session [CSD-16:Home]
5 - 16 May 2008
New York

Monday, 12 May 2008

Country/Affiliation Document Title
Desertification, Drought & Invasive species in SIDS
- presentation by Dr. Rolph Payet, Seychelles
Agro-tourism – Revitalizing agriculture and rural development
- presentation by Ms. Ena Harvey, IICA
Rural Livelihoods and Community Development in the Pacific Islands: Empowerment, Partnership, Policy and Action
- presentation by Mr. Rex Horoi, Executive Director, Foundation of the Peoples of the South Pacific International
United Nations Statement by Mr. Sha Zukang
Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs
AOSIS Statement by Dr. Angus Friday,
Permanent Representative of Grenada to the UN,  Chair of the Alliance of Small Island States
Australia Statement by Ms. Joanna Hewitt,
Head of the Australian delegation
Austria Statement by Austria
Bahamas Statement by the Bahamas
China Statement by Ms. Tang Xiaoyan
[English]  [中文]
Dominican Republic Statement by Excelentísimo Señor Enriquillo Del Rosario Ceballos
Embajador, Encargado de Negocios, a.i. Misión de la Republica Dominicana ante las Naciones Unidas
European Union Statement by Ms. Marta Hrustel Majcen, Deputy Head of Delegation
on behalf of the European Union
France Statement by France
G77 & China Statement by Mr. Byron Blake,
Ambassador, Permanent Mission of Antigua and Barbuda to the UN on behalf of G77 and China
Iceland Statement by Mr. Harald Aspelund,
Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN
India Statement by Mr. Sudhir Mital,
Joint Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Forests
Italy Statement by Mr. Paolo Soprano – Ministry of the Environment, Land and Sea
Jamaica Statement by Jamaica
Marshall Islands Statement by Marshall Islands
Maldives Statement by H.E. Mr. Ahmed Khaleel,
Permanent Representative of the Republic of Maldives to the United Nations
Micronesia Statement by the Federated States of Micronesia
New Zealand Statement by Ms Jan Henderson,
Director, Environment Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Norway Statement by Norway
Samoa Statement by H.E. Ambassador Ali’ioaiga Feturi Elisaia,
Permanent Representative of Samoa to the UN
Solomon Islands Statement by H.E Collin Beck,
Permanent Representative of Solomon Islands to the UN
Switzerland Statement by Mr. Hanspeter Wyss,
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
USA Statement by Ms. Susan Ware Harris,
Executive Director, International Affairs Council, Office of International Affairs, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce
Business & Industry Statement by Business & Industry
Children & Youth Statement by Children & Youth
United Nations Statement by Mr. Sha Zukang,
Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs
Australia Statement by Australia
China Statement by China
Czech Republic Statement by Ms. Emilie Nedvedova,
Ministry of the Environment
Estonia Statement by Mr. Harry Liiv,
Deputy Secretary General, Ministry of the Environment
European Union Statement by Ms. Marta Hrustel Majcen, Deputy Head of Delegation
on behalf of the European Union
Finland Statement by Finland
France Statement by France
G77 & China Statement by Ms. Janil Greenaway, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Antigua and Barbuda to the UN, on behalf of the Group of 77 and China
Germany Statement by Dr. Fritz Holzwarth
India Statement by Mr. Indra Raj, Commissioner,
Ministry of Water Resources
Iran, Islamic Republic of Statement by Mr. Javad Amin-Mansour
Israel Statement by Mr. Michael Zaide,
Planning Division, Water Authority of Israel
Italy Statement by Mr. Giorgio Sfara
Japan Statement by H.E. Mr. Jiro Kodera,
Ambassador, Permanent Mission of Japan to the UN
Mexico Statement by Mexico
Morocco Statement by M. Abdelhafid REFFOUH,
Chef de la Division des Etudes, Direction de l’Eau et de l’Assainissement
Netherlands Statement by H.E. Mr. Ton Boon von Ochssée,
Ambassador for Sustainable Development
Palestine Statement by Mr. Ammar Hijazi,
First Secretary, Permanent Observer Mission of Palestine to the UN
Saudi Arabia Statement by Saudi Arabia
Switzerland Statement by Mr. François Münger,
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
Business & Industry Statement by Mr. Gerard Payen, President, AQUAFED, International Federation of Private Operators on behalf of the Business and Industry Major Group.
FAO/IFAD Joint Statement by Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
Farmers Statement by Mr. Hama Boukary,
FCNM, Niger
Scientific & Technological Community Statement by Scientific & Technological Community
Workers & Trade Unions Statement by Workers & Trade Unions

Additional Statements & Presentations

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