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Expert Group Meeting
Sustainable Land Management & Agricultural Practices in Africa: Bridging the Gap Between Research & Farmers

Gothenburg, Sweden, April 16 - 17, 2009


Press Releases
UN Expert Group Meeting: Sustainable Agriculture in Africa - Environment for Development
Breakout Sessions Reports
Session 1: Data and Modeling
Rapporteur: David le Blanc
Session 2: Institutions and Infrastructure
Rapporteur: Mahmud Yesuf
Session 3: Policy and Capacity building
Rapporteur: Chantal Line Carpentier
Background Documents
Brief on Sustainable Agriculture
Sustainable Land Management & Agricultural Practices in Africa: Bridging the Gap between Research & Farmers, Menale Kassie and Precious Zikhali
Agro-bio-climatic models: Towards a generic Land Management Typology
Andrew N Gillison
Inception Report: Swedish International Agricultural Network Initiative (SIANI)
Rasmus Klocker Larsen, Maria Osbeck, Christine King, Neil Powell and Ivar Virgin
SLWM Service Network for M&E and Learning: Diagram of Roles and Responsibilities
Martin Bwalya, Steve Danyo and Mohamed Sessay
The Global Adaptation Atlas: Executive Summary
Shalini P. Vajjhala
The Global Adaptation Atlas: Illustrated Summary
Shalini P. Vajjhala
The Global Adaptation Atlas: Overview
Shalini P. Vajjhala