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CSD-18 Thematic Seminar Series: Mining

Friday 9 April 2010
10:00 am – 1:00 pm
New York, USA, UNHQ, Conference Room 7 (NLB)


Short video documentaries shown at the Seminar

'Sierra Leone -Mining & Minerals"
Diamond mining in Sierra Leone

Produced by Sierra Eye (2007)
Click here to watch the video on YouTube

"Poison Wind"
Uranium mining in the Southwest United States

Presented at the seminar by Manny Pino
Produced by 220 Productions and the Environmental Filmmaking Corporation Coalition (2008)
Click here to watch the Trailer -- actual DVD used at the seminar

"Lapis Lazuli mining in Sari-i-Sang in northern Afghanistan"
Small-scale lapis lazuli mining in Northern Afghanistan

Produced by Al Jazeera English (2007)
Click here to watch the video on YouTube

"Ecuador Gold Mining "
Artisanal gold mining in Ecuador

Produced by primevoices2 (2009)
Click here to watch the video on YouTube

"Bauxite, from heaven to hell in Guinea"
Bauxite mining in Guinea

Produced by France 24 English (2008)
Click here to watch the video on YouTube

Mining Channel on the DSD's YouTube

The DSD created a channel for videos of interest on Mining
- this channel may contain videos additional to the above listed items.

Click here to view the "DSD YouTube Channel on Mining & Sustainable Development"