THURSDAY, 26 JUNE 1997 No. 1997/122 (PART I)
10 a.m. | General Assembly Hall |
Overall review and appraisal of the implementation of Agenda 21: debate [8]:
His Excellency Mr. Jaime David Fern�ndez, Vice-President of the Dominican Republic.
His Excellency Mr. Norbert Marxer, Minister of the Environment of Liechtenstein.
His Excellency Mr. Yao Komlavi, Minister of the Environment and Forest Resources of Togo.
His Excellency Mr. Samuel Bigawa, Minister of Land Management and the Environment of Burundi.
His Excellency Mr. Alhaji Abdullahi Adamu, Minister of State for Works and Housing of Nigeria.
His Excellency Mr. Anatolijs Gorbunovs, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Environment and Regional Development of Latvia.
Her Excellency Begum Syeda Sajeda Chowdhury, Minister of the Environment and Forest of Bangladesh.
(continued overleaf)
Note: The PROGRAMME OF MEETINGS AND AGENDA and the SUMMARY OF SCHEDULED MEETINGS of bodies other than those of the General Assembly at its nineteenth special session appear in PART II (English/French) of the present issue of the Journal (No. 1997/122 (PART II)).
His Excellency Mr. Jos� Antonio Monteiro, Minister of Agriculture, Food and the Environment of Cape Verde.
His Excellency Dr. Atef Ebeid, Minister of Public Enterprise Sector, Administrative Development and Environmental Affairs of Egypt.
Her Excellency The Honourable Elizabeth Thompson, Minister of Health and the Environment of Barbados.
Her Excellency Syeda Abida Hussain, Minister for Population, Welfare, Women's Development, Social Welfare, Special Education, the Environment and Food and Agriculture of Pakistan.
His Excellency Dato Law Hieng Ding, Minister of Science, Technology and the Environment of Malaysia.
His Excellency the Honourable Martin Aliker, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs of Uganda.
His Excellency Mr. Tuiloma Neroni Slade, Chairman of the Delegation of Samoa.
His Excellency Mr. Jo�o Serodio Almeida, Vice-Minister of the Environment of Angola.
His Excellency Mr. Narendra Bikram Shah, Chairman of the Delegation of Nepal.
His Excellency Mr. Sergio Alejandro Zelaya, Vice-Minister of National Resources and the Environment of Honduras.
Mr. Emilio Izquierdo, Chairman of the Delegation of Ecuador.
Mr. James Gustave Speth, Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme.
Dr. Hiroshi Nakajima, Director-General of the World Health Organization.
Ms. Yolanda Kakabadse, President of the IUCN - The World Conservation Union, speaking on behalf of the Scientific and Technological Community Major Group.
3 p.m. | General Assembly Hall |
Overall review and appraisal of the implementation of Agenda 21: debate [8]:
His Excellency Mr. Jii Skalick�, Minister of Environment Protection of the Czech Republic.
His Excellency Mr. Oscar Ceville, Vice-Minister of the Presidency of Panama.
His Excellency Mr. Tariq Aziz, Deputy Prime Minister of Iraq.
Her Excellency Dr. Ljerka Mintas Hodak, Deputy Prime Minister of Croatia.
His Excellency The Honourable Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka, EGH, MP, Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Kenya.
His Excellency Mr. Arjan Starova, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Albania.
His Excellency Mr. Ali bin Saeed Al-Khayareen, Minister for Municipal Affairs and Agriculture of Qatar.
His Excellency Dr. Mikhail Wehbe, Chairman of the Delegation of the Syrian Arab Republic.
His Excellency Mr. Sadyk Safaev, Chairman of the Delegation of Uzbekistan.
Her Excellency Mrs. Aksoltan Ataeva, Chairman of the Delegation of Turkmenistan.
His Excellency Mr. Juli Minoves-Triquell, Chairman of the Delegation of Andorra.
His Excellency Mr. Abuzed Omar Dorda, Chairman of the Delegation of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya.
His Excellency Mr. Kim Hyong U, Chairman of the Delegation of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
His Excellency Mr. Elfatih Mohamed Ahmed Erwa, Chairman of the Delegation of the Sudan.
His Excellency Mr. Eldar Kouliev, Chairman of the Delegation of Azerbaijan.
His Excellency Mr. Rashid Alimov, Chairman of the Delegation of Tajikistan.
His Excellency Mr. Naste alovski, Chairman of the Delegation of The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.
Dr. Jacques Diouf, Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
Mr. Fawzi Al-Sultan, President of the International Fund for Agricultural Development.
Ms. Denise O'Brien of the World Sustainable Agriculture Association, speaking on behalf of the Farmers' Major Group.
Mr. Sheku Syl Kamara of Peace Child International, speaking on behalf of the Children and Youth Major Group.
His Excellency Mr. William J. Clinton, President of the United States of America.
10 a.m.- 1 p.m. |
| Conference Room 5 |
3 p.m.- 6 p.m. |
| Conference Room 5 |
Cross-sectoral issues (and programme of work of the Commission on Sustainable Development) in the draft proposed outcome
10.30 a.m.- 1 p.m. |
| Conference Room 3 |
3 p.m.- 6 p.m. |
| Conference Room 3 |
Draft political statement
10 a.m. | General Assembly Hall |
1. Credentials of representatives to the nineteenth special session of the General Assembly: report of the Credentials Committee (A/S-19/3) [3 (b)].
2. Overall review and appraisal of the implementation of Agenda 21: debate [8]:
Her Excellency Mrs. Isatou Njie-Saidy, Vice-President of the Republic of Gambia.
His Excellency The Honourable William Harrington, Minister of the Environment and Natural Resources of Zambia.
His Excellency Mr. Alpha Ibrahima Diallo, Minister of Communication and Culture of Guinea.
His Highness Dr. Turki Bin Mohammed Al-Kabir, Director-General of the Department of International Organization, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Saudi Arabia.
Her Excellency Mrs. Nino Chkhobadze, Minister of the Environment of Georgia.
His Excellency Mr. Luc Ayang, President of the Economic and Social Council of Cameroon.
His Excellency Mr. Modibo Traore, Minister of Rural Development and the Environment of Mali.
His Excellency Sheikh Khalid Bin Abdulla Al-Khalifa, Minister of Housing, Municipalites and the Environment of Bahrain.
His Excellency Mr. Mohammad Abulhasan, Chairman of the Delegation of Kuwait.
His Excellency Mr. Mohammad Samhan, Chairman of the Delegation of the United Arab Emirates.
Mr. Pierre- Emmanuel Ubalijoro, Chairman of the Delegation of Rwanda.
His Excellency Mr. Muhamed Sacirbey, Chairman of the Delegation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
His Excellency Mr. Samir Moubarak, Chairman of the Delegation of Lebanon.
His Excellency Dr. Ravan Farhadi, Chairman of the Delegation of Afghanistan.
His Excellency Dr. Ahmed Fathi Sorour, Speaker of the Egyptian Parliament and President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union.
Dr. Wally N'Dow, Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations Centre for Human Settlements.
Mr. Mohamed El-Ashry, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Global Environment Facility.
Mr. Martin Khor, Director of the Third World Network, speaking on behalf of the Non-Governmental Organizations'Major Group.
Mr. David Kerr of the International Chamber of Commerce, speaking on behalf of the Business and Industry Major Group.
Mr. Bill Jordan, General Secretary of the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, speaking on behalf of the Workers and Trade Unions'Major Group.
Prof. Godwin O. P. Obasi, Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization.
3 p.m. | General Assembly Hall |
1. Overall review and appraisal of the implementation of Agenda 21: debate:
His Excellency Mr. Paljor Dorji, Minister of the Environment of Bhutan.
His Excellency Mr. Abou Demba Sow, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Mauritania.
His Excellency Mr. Robert Millette, Chairman of the Delegation of Grenada.
His Excellency Mr. Jean Ravou-Akii, Chairman of the Delegation of Vanuatu.
Mr. David Orrukem, Chairman of the Delegation of Palau.
His Excellency Archbishop Jean-Louis Tauran, Secretary for Relations with States of the Holy See.
His Excellency Mr. Pascal Gayama, Assistant Secretary-General of the Organization of African Unity.
His Excellency The Honourable Ieremia Tabai, Secretary-General of the South Pacific Forum Secretariat.
Mr. Collin Marake Matjilla, of the World Executive of the International Union of Local Authorities, speaking on behalf Local Authorities' Major Group.
Ms. Andrea Carmen, Executive Director of the International Indian Treaty Council, speaking on behalf of the Indigenous Peoples' Major Group.
2. Overall review and appraisal of the implementation of Agenda 21; report of the Ad Hoc Committee of the Whole of the Nineteenth Special Session* [8]; adoption of the final document (s) [9].
3. Minute of silent prayer or meditation [2].
4. Closure of the nineteenth special session.
* To be issued.
5th plenary meeting
Tribute to the memory of Mr. Jacques-Yves Cousteau
The President made a statement.
The representative of France made a statement.
Scale of assessments for the apportionment of the expenses of the United Nations (Article 19 of the Charter) (A/S-19/20/Add.1)
The General Assembly took note that Seychelles had made the necessary payment to reduce its arrears below the amount specified in Article 19 of the Charter.
Overall review and appraisal of the implementation of Agenda 21 [8]
The Assembly heard statements by H.E. The Hon. Imata Kabua, President of the Republic of the Marshall Islands; H.E. Mr. Rafael Martinez-Monro, Minister of the Environment of Venezuela; H.E. Mr. Herizo Razafimahaleo, Deputy Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Madagascar; H.E. Mr. Mahamane Brah, Minister of Water Resources and the Environment of the Niger; H.E. Dr. Ali Akbar Velayati, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran; H.E. Mr. Martin Bartenstein, Federal Minister of the Environment, Youth and Family Affairs of Austria; H.E. Mr. Sarwono Kusumaatmadja, Minister of State for the Environment of Indonesia; H.E. Mr. P. Mosisili, Deputy Prime Minister of Lesotho; H.E. The Hon. George W. Vella, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs and the Environment of Malta; H.E. The Hon. Frank H. Watson, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of National Security of the Bahamas; H.E. Mr. Pekka Haavisto, Minister of the Environment and Development Cooperation of Finland; H.E. Mr. Costas Petrides, Minister of Agriculture, Natural Resources and the Environment of Cyprus; H.E. The Hon. Vilisoni Cagimaivei, Minister of Urban Development, Housing and the Environment of Fiji; H.E. Mr. Tawfiq Kreishan, Minister of Municipal and Rural Affairs and the Environment of Jordan; H.E. The Hon. George W. Odlum, Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Trade of Saint Lucia; H.E. The Hon. Rodney Williams, Minister of Tourism, Culture and the Environment of Antigua and Barbuda; H.E. Mr. Soubanh Srithirath, Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Lao People's Democratic Republic; H.E. Mr. David
Peleg, Chairman of the Delegation of Israel; Mr. Rubens Ricupero, Secretary-General of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development; Mr. Federico Mayor, Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization; Mr. Eugenio Clariond Reyes of the International Chamber of Commerce, on behalf of the Business and Industry Major Group; and Mr. James D. Wolfensohn, President of the World Bank.
6th plenary meeting
Overall review and appraisal of the implementation of Agenda 21 [8]
The Assembly heard statements by H.E. Dr. Arp�d G�ncz, President of the Republic of Hungary; H.E. The Rt. Hon. Justin Malewezi, Vice-President of the Republic of Malawi; His Royal Highness Crown Prince Sidi Mohammed, Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Morocco; H.E. The Hon. Albert Shabangu, Minister of Economic Planning and Development of Swaziland; H.E. The Hon. David Sitai, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Solomon Islands; H.E. Mr. Pham Gia Khiem, Minister of Science, Technology and the Environment of Viet Nam; H.E. The Hon. Nandimitra Ekanayake, Minister of Forestry and the Environment of Sri Lanka; H.E. Mr. Juan Villarzu, Minister Secretary-General of the Presidency of Chile; H.E. Sheikh Amer bin Shuwain Al-Hosni, Minister of Regional Municipalities and the Environment of Oman; H.E. Mr. Fritz Longchamp, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Worships of Haiti; H.E. Mr Adyasuren Tsohio, Minister of the Environment of Mongolia; H.E. Mr. Abdulkader Bagamal, Minister of Planning and Development of Yemen; H.E. Mr. Valeriu Bulgari, First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova; H.E. Dr. Duri Mohammed, Chairman of the Delegation of Ethiopia; H.E. Mr. Philip Dimitrov, Chairman of the Delegation of Bulgaria; H.E. Mr. Arnulfo Fretes Escario, Vice-Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment of Paraguay; H.E. Mr.Wan Chat Kwong, Chairman of the Delegation of Mauritius; H.E. Dr. Ahmed Esmat Abdel Meguid, Secretary-General of the League of Arab States; H.E. Mr. Ibrahim Auf, Assistant Secretary-General of the Organization of the Islamic Conference; H.E. Dr. Nafis Sadik, Executive Director of the United Nations Population Fund; and Ms. Wangari Maathai of the Women's Environment and Development Organisation, on behalf of the Women's Major Group.
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