The work of single units in a system of equal players is the more fruitful the more networking and information exchange can take place. This website thus also offers a Communication Tool for all participating entities of ECESA.
Meeting of Deputies: 18 May 2009, New York
Conclusions and Decisions of the Meeting
HLCP Annex III: UN System Joint Crisis Initiatives
CEB Communique on Financial Crisis
Evaluation Report IED-08-003
on Implementation of Recommendation 4 of IED-08-03
Consolidated 2009 Calendar of Events for ECESA
Meeting of Principals: 13 February 2009, New York
Venue: DC2-2330
Time: 8:30-10:00 a.m.
Note to Deputy Secretary-General on the Policy Committee
Consolidated Narrative Snapshots - PPB 2010-2011
GA Informal Consultations on the UN Conference on the Financial Crisis
Policy Committee: Drafting Effective Recommendations
Policy Committee: Desk Officer Checklist
Statement by UN-Habitat