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Observances Bulletin Outreach Accessibility
United Nations : DESA : Gateway to Social Policy and Development : Persons with Disabilities
Internet Accessibility for the 21st Century : Accessibility 1998 : Distance Collaboration

Bobby Approved Current as of 29 April 1999


The April 13th Assignment

Take me to the Chat Logs!

  • Matt Bonham During a Video Conference

    For this assignment you are to create a Web page and send it to me as an e-mail attachment. The Web page should describe your position on an Internet accessibility policy issue or a planning issue; for example, how the high cost of windows-based text readers restricts access to the international policy process. Alternatively, you might give your views on the efforts of Microsoft to make its software more accessible to the disabled. The Web page should consist of a header and at least two paragraphs of text.

    The instructions that are shown below describe the general assignment as well as three ways of creating the HTML document.

    If you can use Microsoft Word 97 or another word processing application that allows you to save a text document as an HTML file, then do the following:

    1. Convert the text to a single-spaced format, but leave two spaces between each paragraph.
    2. Add a title to the paper. Center and bold the title.
    3. Go to File and save it as HTML.
    4. Send it to me, gmbonham@maxwell.syr.edu, and I will post the HTML file on our Web site.

    If you can use an HTML editor like Netscape Composer or FrontPage98, then mark up your document and send it to me, gmbonham@maxwell.syr.edu, by e-mail.

    If you have only a text editor, such as WordPad or Notepad, then create your document and add the following tags:

    1. Begin the text with these two lines:

    HTML enclosed by brackets <HTML>.
    BODY enclosed by brackets <BODY>.

    2. Create the text in a single-spaced format, but leave two spaces between each paragraph.
    3. Between paragraphs add a paragraph tag consisting of a P enclosed by brackets <P>
    4. Add a title to the paper. At the beginning of the title, add an H1 enclosed by brackets <H1> . At the end of the title add a /H1 enclosed by brackets </H1>.
    5. End the text with these two lines:

    /BODY enclosed by brackets </BODY>.
    /HTML enclosed by brackets </HTML>.

    6. Review slide number 020 of my seminar presentation for an illustration.
    7. For more guidance on Web publishing, see A Beginner's Guide to HTML.
    8. Save the document as an HTML file and send it to me, gmbonham@maxwell.syr.edu, by e-mail.


  • Copyright (C) 1999, G. Matthew Bonham
    All rights reserved.