Exercises for Producers: Elaine Ostroff


1. State the purpose and objective you are pursuing:

The overall purpose of the new website is to: Engage and support design educators, designers, and advocates in the use of universal design in the planning, design and production of built environments. The objectives are to:

A. Provide introductory materials that will engage a wide range of users

B. Highlight news and topical issues in universal design

C. Promote educational opportunities including advanced courses and workshops, on line

D. Provide online and linked resources

E. Provide interaction for the international network


2. Define your target audience:


There are 4 categories of audience that we have identified over the years as being essential in the implementation of universal design.

A. College faculty who are now teaching or are about to teach universal design:


B. Design practitioners (including students) and producers, such as architects, industrial designers, contractors:


C. Consumers of universal design, others who have limited knowledge - these are primarily end users, family members, employers and managers:


D. Policy makers and decision makers who influence the demand: Often the policy and decision makers are not the end user; however, they are the clients who contract for services, for purchases.


3. Define the information needs of target audience that you intend to meet:

(This information is based on past experience. I am planning a telephone and/or e-mail survey with key informants to discuss their information needs)

A. College faculty who are now teaching or are about to teach universal design

1) Current examples of universal design from range of design disciplines

2) teaching resources such as CD-ROMs, slides, videos, project assignments

3) Detailed information about diverse users, including how to find local resources

4) Network opportunities to contact colleagues





4. Describe the main technological and disability characteristics of the target audience:


I am assuming a low to medium level of ability and comfort with the Internet and with computers. Most people will have modest to substantial computer capacity, at both workplace and home. I also assume that a small percentage will have vision disabilities and may need text based information that can be accessed by a screen reader.

I‚ll get this information regarding technology in my interviews. My design approach to a highly visual topic will incorporate descriptive text of the visual information.


5. Describe your main area of expertise in comparative advantage terms:

I am known as one of the leading providers in universal design education, especially in the built environment. My advantage is that I work closely with most of the major providers of information in the topic and have a respected reputation as a team player. I don‚t know of anyone else who has access to as wide a range of experts. I have a unique ability to make the links, and to create a comprehensive, international, learning resource. I work with these providers and most recently have initiated international conferences with a website that links to them.


6. Describe in general terms the data sets you intend to provide:

The main data sets include:

A. Graphic examples of universal design in the built environment, from a range of design disciplines

B. Resource materials, in the form of annotated bibliographies of available media

C. Online readings

D. Links to the international resources

E. Links to courses leading to certificates and degrees.


7. Describe the main intended results of the data sets:

This is incremental.

For each target audience there are different expectations.

A. College faculty who are now teaching or are about to teach universal design-

1) They will either begin, or continue or increase their teaching of universal design.

2) They will begin to communicate with other faculty around the world, to address issues in their teaching.

3) They will use Œuser experts‚ in their teaching from the local community.

4) They will expand their ability to evaluate the impact of their teaching.

5) They will build stronger alliances with other faculty.




8. Describe how you plan to schedule updates of the information:

9. Describe the type of site you think would be most appropriate, given the kinds of information you want to present, the target audience and your resources (financial and technical):


10. Describe your strategy for publicizing the site:


11. Describe briefly how you think you will monitor and evaluate your site: