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UN Programme on Disability   Working for full participation and equality
Theme: Accessibility :
Accessibility for the Disabled - A Design Manual for a Barrier Free Environment
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Part 1/3

Part 1 : Part 2 : Part 3

Text in italics refers to existing constructions only.


Possible solutions
*Can all protruding objects within the path of travel be detected by a sightless person with a cane? *Remove or block out protruding parts.
*Place tactile markings in an area extending at least 0.60 m beyond the projection area of the obstruction.
*Are all overhanging obstructions mounted at a minimum height of 2.00 m (1.95 m)? *Construct a raised platform 0.10m high around the obstacle.
*Place an object, easily detectable with a cane, on the ground or floor beneath low-mounted overhanging obstructions.
*Can all obstacles within the path of travel be easily identified by a person with partial sight? *Mark obstructions at eye level with contrasting colour marking strips at least 0.30 m long in a contrasting colour.


Possible solutions
*Are accessible spaces identified by the international symbol of accessibility? *Mark accessible spaces with the international symbol of accessibility.
*Are there directional signs indicating the location of accessible facilities? *Provide directional signs.
*Are maps, information panels and wall-mounted signs placed at a height between 0.90 m and 1.80 m.? *Adjust the height of signs mounted too high or too low.
*Are signs clear, simple and easy to read? *Colour engraved texts.
*Replace sign.
*Is the colour of signs clearly distinguishable? *Use contrasting colours.
*Is the surface of the sign processed so as to prevent glare? *Provide a non-gloss surface.
*Is the sign supplement by a text in embossed letters or in Braille available next to information signs? *Add a text in embossed letters or in Braille.
*Is the lettering size proportional to the reading distance? *Change the lettering size.


Possible solutions
*Does the location of street furniture obstruct the free passage of pedestrians? *Change the location of street furniture.
*Mark the location of street furniture with tactile marking.
Resting facilities
*Are resting facilities provided at regular intervals?

*Provide seating facilities at regular intervals between 100.00 m and 200.00m.
*Is there an adjoining space for a wheelchair next to benches and public seats? *Rearrange the layout of seats to allow an adjoining space of at least 1.20 m.
*Are public seats between 0.45 m and 0.50 m high?
*Are the tops of tables between 0.75 m and 0.90 m high?
*Are knee spaces at accessible tables at least 0.70 m high, 0.85 m wide and 0.60 m deep?
*Modify or replace seats and tables that are too low or too high.
Public telephones
*Is there at least one telephone accessible to a wheelchair user?

*Enlarge or adjust one telephone booth.
*Is there at least one telephone equipped with hearing aids? *Install volume controls and induction loops.
*Are the numerals on the telepone raised to allow identification by touch? *Install push-buttons with raised numerals.
*Is the coin slot mounted at a maximum height of 1.20 m (1.40 m)? *Reduce the mounting height.
*Are accessible facilities identified? *Add signage.
*Are mail box slots mounted at a maximum height of 1.20 m (1.40 m)?

*Modify the height of the letter slot.


Water fountains
*Are water fountain spouts mounted at an approximate height of 0.90 m?
*Are controls easy to operate with one closed fist?

*Modify the height of high drinking fountains.
*Install a double-tiered fountain.
*Replace controls.


Possible solutions
*Is the pathway clear of obstructions? *Remove or relocate obstructions.
*Mark obstructions with tactile marking.
*Is the path of travel free of steps or stairs? *Provide an alternative accessible pathway.
*Construct a ramp.
*Is the path of travel easy to detect? *Continue natural guide lines.
*Construct guide strips.
*Provide a tactile marking area of at leat 0.90 m x 0.90 m at changes in the pathway direction
*Construct tactile marking to indicate the location of curb ramps, stairs, ramps and obstructions.
*Is the pathway at least 0.90 m wide? *Widen the pathway.
*Remove obstructions and landscape features that limit the pathway width.
*Is the surface, level, smooth and non-slip? *Does the pathway have a different colour and texture than the adjacent surfaces? *Replace gravel paths with a surface of uniform texture.
*Repair holes and uneven paving.
*Apply textured rubber stick - on tiles to slippery paving.
*Are manholes placed outside the pedestrian path of travel?
*Is grating flush with the surface of the pathway?
*Are the grating openings narrow, not more than 13 mm?
*Relocate grating outside the path of travel.

*Make grating flush with the pathway surface.
*Replace gratings with wide opening patterns.

*Are the edges of raised pathways protected?
*Are there barriers separating the pathway from planting areas, pools and other landscape features?
*Construct guards with a minimum height of 0.15 m.
*Are the plant varieties used obstructive to the pathway ?
*Are the plant varieties used harmful?
*Are the plant varieties used harmful to the surface of the pathway?
*Replace plant varieties.
*Relocate plant varieties.
*Clean pathway surface constantly.
*Erect warning signs.


Possible solutions
*Are curb ramps provided to overcome differences in level between the road surface and pathway level at:
  * Pedestrian crossings?
  * Drop-off zones?
  * Accessible parking spaces?
  * Building entrances?
*Install curb ramps.
*Slope narrow pavements to street level.
*Are curb ramps located at each corner of each street intersection?
*Is every curb ramp faced by another curb ramp on the opposite side of the street?
*Install curb ramps.
*Are curb ramps easy to identify? *Apply a coloured texture to the surface of the curb ramp.
*Construct guide lines to direct pedestrians to the location of curb ramps.
*Are curb ramps placed outside the usual line of pedestrian flow? *Widen pathway.
*Add a small built-up curb ramp.
*Is the maximum slope of a curb ramp 1:12 (1:10)? *Redesign or replace steep, unsafe curb ramps.


Possible solutions
*Is the road surface even and slip-resistant at pedestrian crossings? *Add a slip-resistant surface.
*Is the road surface at pedestrian crossings easy to identify? *Mark the pedestrian crossing area on the road surface with coloured stripes.
*Are pedestrian traffic lights installed? *Install traffic lights.
*Do traffic lights have both audible and visual signals? *Provide both audible and visual traffic light signals.
*Is the minimum time interval for crossing adapted to the slowest person? *Delay the crossing time interval.
*Are push-buttons located at a maximum height of 1.20 m? *Install push-buttons at a maximum height of 1.20 m.
*Do traffic islands have street-level pathways cut through them?
*Is the minimum width of the cut 1.50 m?
*Cut a level area, at least 1.50 m wide through traffic islands.
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Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Division for Social Policy and Development