"Accessibility in Public
Accommodations". 581: Readily Achievable Checklist .ADA Compliance Guide,
USA, Thompson Publishing Group, December 1991. pp. 113-119.
Adaptive Environments Center, Inc.,
Access Boston. Boston Redevelopment Authority, 1990. 42 pages.
Adaptive Environments Center, Inc.
and Barrier Free Environments, Inc., "The Americans with Disabilities Act
Checklist for Readibly Achievable Barrier Removal." USA, 31 March 1992. 12
American National Standards Institute.
American National Standard for Buildings and Facilities: Providing Accessibility and
Usability for Physically Handicapped People. New York, 1986. 84 pages.
Beckman, Mats. Building
for Everyone. Stockholm, Ministry of Housing and Physical Planning, 1976. 108
The Canadian Paraplegic Association,
Manitoba Division. Access: A Guide for Architects and Designers. Second
Edition, Manitoba, Canada, the Canadian Paraplegic Association, Manitoba Division, 1989.
Central Coordinating Committee for
the Promotion of Accessibility for the Disabled (CCPT). Accessibility of
Buildings and the Outdoor Environment. Delft, Dutch Standard Institute, 1988.
67 pages.
Dansk Ingeniørforning (Danish
Engineering Association) Planning of Open Spaces as regards Access for
Disabled People. Translated by Eva Eriksen, Copenhagen, Forlag Normstyrelsen
Publicationer, 1984. 51 pages.
Denmark. Ministry of Housing,
Circular No.49 of 23 MARCH 1972. 6 pages.
Goldsmith, Selwyn, Designing
for the Disabled. Third Edition. London, RIBA Publications Ltd, 1976. 525
Grosbois, Louis- Pierre. Handicap
Physique et Construction. Third Edition. Paris: Le Moniteur, 1991. 327 pages.
The Housing Committee for the
Handicapped (NKB). "Accessibility of Buildings to Handicapped Persons:
Guidlines for Nordic Building Regulation" (preliminary draft). Copenhagen,
1973. 14 pages.
_____. "Bathrooms and Toilets for
Everybody". Copenhagen, 1974. 5 pages.
_____. "Dwelling for Everybody". Copenhagen,
1974. 5 pages.
Netherlands. Ministry of Transport
and Public Works. Manual Traffic Provisions for people with a Handicap. The
Hague, 1986. 138 pages.
Park, Sharon C. and Thomas C Jester
"Strategies for Making Historic Properties Accessible to Persons with
Disabilities". United States National Park Service, Preservation Assistance
Division. 6 pages.
The Swedish International Development
Authority (SIDA) in collaboration with the United Nations and Habitat. Designing
with Care: A guide to Adaptation of the built Environment for Disabled People. United
Nations, International year of Disabled Persons (IYDP) 1981. 102 pages.
The Research & Training Center of
Independent Living. Guidelines for Reporting and Writing About People With
Disabilities. Third Edition. Lawrence, Kansas, USA, 1990. 4 pages.
This manual has been prepared by SOLIDERE in collaboration with ESCWA and with the
approval of the Ministry of Social Affairs and the National Committee for the Disabled.
ESCWA expert
Research and text preparation
Autocad illustration
Arabic translation
Saudi Arabia Research Institute (SARI) |
The Communications Division- SOLIDERE |