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UN Programme on Disability   Working for full participation and equality


Part IV. Rights Based Perspective. 8/12 previousTable of Contentsnext

7. Right to Participate in Cultural Activities


PART I. National Frameworks for the Protection of Rights of Persons with Disabilities
PART II. The International Human Rights System
PART III. The Regional Human Rights System
PART IV. Towards a Rights Based Perspective on Disability
1. Civil and Political Rights
1.1 Right to Liberty and Security of the Person
1.2 Right to Equal Protection Before the Law
1.3 Right to Freedom of Assembly
1.4 Rights to be Free From Torture
1.5 Right to Freedom of Expression
1.6 Freedom from Discrimination
1.7 Access to the judicial system
1.8 Participation in Political Life
1.9 Freedom of Religion
1.10 Access to Information
1.11 Right to Private and Family Life
1.12 Property Rights
1.13 Freedom of Movement
1.14 Right to Seek Asylum
2. Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
2.1 Right to Work
    2.1.1 General Provisions on the Rights to Work
    2.1.2 Rights to Develop Work-Skills
    2.1.3 Equitable Recruitment Measures and Policies
    2.1.4 Fair and Equitable Employment Conditions
2.2 Right to Education
    2.2.1 Access to Education
    2.2.2 Quality of Education
    2.2.3 Integrated Education
    2.2.4 Special Education
    2.2.5 Teacher Training
    2.2.6 Vocational Training
2.3 The Right to Health
2.4 Right to Social Security and Social Services
    2.4.1 Right to Social Security
    2.4.2 Social Security and Social Insurance related to employment
    2.4.3 Social Services
2.5 Right to an Adequate Standard of Living
    2.5.1 Housing
    2.5.2 Food
    2.5.3 Transportation
2.6 Right to Social Integration
2.7 Right to Participation on Cultural Activities
2.8 Right to an Accessible Physical and Communication Environment
    2.8.1 Information on Standards of Accessibility
    2.8.2 Access to Public Places
2.9 International Cooperation
PART V. Rights of Special Groups with Disabilities

The right to participation in cultural activities should apply to all people, including those with disabilities. In reality, however, persons with disabilities are often denied the opportunities of full participation in the activities of the cultural life of the community to which they belong. This deprivation comes about through physical and social barriers that have evolved from ignorance, indifference and fear.

Many persons with disabilities are excluded from active participation in society because of doorways that are too narrow for wheelchairs; steps that cannot be mounted leading to buildings, buses, trains and aircraft; telephones and light switches that cannot be reached; sanitary facilities that cannot be used. Similarly, other types of barriers can exclude persons with disabilities, for example, oral communication, which ignores the needs of the hearing impaired and written information, which ignores the needs of the visually impaired. Such barriers are the result of the ignorance and lack of concern; they exist despite the fact that most of them could be avoided at no great cost by careful planning. Although some countries have enacted legislation and launched campaigns of public education to eliminate obstacles, the problem remains a crucial one.

Generally, existing services, facilities and social actions for the prevention of impairment, the rehabilitation of  persons with disabilities and their integration into society are closely linked to the Governments' and society's willingness and ability to allocate resources, income and services to disadvantaged population groups.

Article 27of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights confers a general right to participate in cultural life of the community. A right to participate in cultural life is contained in the Additional Protocol to the American Convention on Human Rights in the Area of Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights. Article 14 outlines the right of everyone to take part in the cultural and artistic life of the community. Article 17 (2) of the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights guarantees a right to every individual to take part in the cultural life of his community.

Article 15 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights recognises the right of everyone to take part in cultural life. This right is violated, for example, when access is not possible to facilities in which cultural activities take place (cinemas, theatres, libraries, sport stadiums, museums, etc), and when disabled persons are excluded on account of prejudices in respect of their ability to participate.

Rule 10 of The Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities provides that States must ensure that persons with disabilities are integrated into and can participate in cultural activities on an equal basis.

The World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons in itsparagraph 135, provides that States should commit themselves to ensure that disabled persons have the opportunity to utilise their creative, artistic and intellectual potential to the full, not only for their own benefit but also for the enrichment of the community. To this end, access to cultural activities should de ensured.

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