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UN Programme on Disability   Working for full participation and equality


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Part V. Rights of Vulnerable Groups with Disabilities

Among the general human rights fields, a large area has to be devoted to certain marginalised groups, including indigenous peoples, ethnic minorities, refugees, migrant workers and the poor. Among these groups, the rate of disability is higher than among the rest of the population. Whereas the concept of a special regime for certain groups has been developed during the last few years by the UN and some international instruments such as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (article 27), the human rights and fundamental freedoms of marginalised people are vastly underserved. Furthermore, the human rights of persons with disabilities are lagging behind even further.

Section I, paragraph 24 of the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action imposes on States the obligation to create and maintain measures for the protection of the rights of marginalised groups.

This section looks at the rights of special groups with disabilities who are doubly vulnerable to discrimination.


PART I. National Frameworks for the Protection of Rights of Persons with Disabilities
PART II. The International Human Rights System
PART III. The Regional Human Rights System
PART IV. Towards a Rights Based Perspective on Disability
PART V. Rights of Special Groups with Disabilities
1. Rights of the Child
1.1 General International Instruments Pertaining to the Rights of the Child
1.2 General Regional Instruments Pertaining to the Rights of the Child
1.3 International Instruments Specifically Relating to Children with Disabilities
2. Rights of the Youth
3. Rights of the Aged
4. Rights of Women with Disabilities
4.1 The Situation
4.2 International Norms Concerning Women with Disabilities
4.3 Regional Instruments pertaining to Women with Disabilities
5. Rights of Refugees with Disabilities
5.1 Rights of Refugee Children
5.2 Rights of Refugee Women
5.3 Regional Instruments Applicable to Refugees
6. Rights of Indigenous Populations
7. Rights of Ethnic Minorities
8. Rights of the Poor
8.1 Disability and Poverty
8.2 United Nations instruments and measures for the eradication of poverty
9. Rights of Migrant Workers
9.1 United Nations Provisions on the Migrant Worker
9.2 Regional Instruments Pertaining to the Rights of the Migrant Worker

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