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UN Programme on Disability   Working for full participation and equality

Implementation of the
World Programme of Action
concerning Disabled Persons

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Annex. Projects supported by the United Nations Voluntary Fund on Disability, 1 September 1999 to 31 October 2000, by region

Implementation of the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons


I. Introduction

II. Progress in equalization of opportunities by, for and with persons with disabilities

III. Regional cooperation for equalization of opportunities

IV. Perspective framework for the fourth review and appraisal of the implementation of the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons

Annex. Projects supported by the United Nations Voluntary Fund on Disability, 1 September 1999 to 31 October 2000, by region

A. Africa

1. Association être comme les autres (ECLA), in cooperation with the Ministère de l'Action sociale et de la famille: Centre for production and training in traditional crafts, Ouahigouya (Burkina Faso).

2. Groupement des personnes handicapées producteurs de Ouagadougou (GPHO), in cooperation with the Ministère de l'Action sociale et de la famille: Assistance to improve training in income generation and social action among persons with disabilities in the Department of Toécé (Burkina Faso).

3. Namibian National Association of the Deaf, in cooperation with the Ministry of Lands, Resettlement, and Rehabilitation: Support for sign-language workshops, leadership training workshop for youth, and production of local sign language dictionary (Windhoek, 11 July-20 November 2000) (Namibia).

4. Ministry of Health, in collaboration with the World Rehabilitation Fund: Development and testing of improved models of rehabilitation medical services to meet the needs of amputees (Uganda).

5. Mobility Appliances by Disabled Women Entrepreneurs (MADE), in cooperation with the Office of Minister of State for Gender, Labour and Social Development and in collaboration with Whirlwind Women of Whirlwind Wheelchair International: Uganda disabled women's whirlwind wheelchair training project, Kampala (Uganda).

6. Deaf Women Wing, Kenya National Deaf Association, in cooperation with the Department of Social Services, Ministry of Home Affairs, Heritage and Sports: Seminar on key issues facing deaf women in Africa (Nairobi, December 2000) (Eastern Africa subregion).

7. Eastern Africa Federation of the Disabled (EAFOD), in cooperation with the Department of Social Services, Ministry of Home Affairs, Heritage and Sports and in collaboration with the United Disabled Persons of Kenya: Workshop on application of universal design concepts and information technologies to the Africa Decade of Disabled Persons (Nairobi, 6-10 November 2000) (Eastern Africa subregion).

8. African Rehabilitation Institute (IAR), Dakar Regional Office: Seminar [for IAR Francophone member States] on the Standard Rules for the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities (Dakar, 10-12 April 2000).

9. Pan African Federation of the Disabled (PAFOD), in cooperation with the Department of Social Services, Ministry of Home Affairs, Heritage and Sports and in collaboration with United Disabled Persons of Kenya: Consultative meeting on leadership training in support of the African Decade of Disabled Persons (Nairobi, December 2000) (Regional Africa).

B. Asia and the Pacific

10. International General Construction School, in cooperation with the Ministry of Social Affairs, Labour, Vocational Training and Youth Rehabilitation, and Ministry of Public Works: Education, professional training and apprenticeship for young disabled persons (Cambodia).

11. Nepal Disabled Women Society, in cooperation with the Social Welfare Council: Socio-economic training and rehabilitation services for children with disabilities (Nepal).

C. Central and Eastern Europe

12. Association for Social Inclusion of Persons with Mental Retardation of Tuzla, in cooperation with the Ministry for Labour, Social Policy and Refugees: Pilot action for social integration of persons with mental retardation: Brcko, Gradac and Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

13. Association for Promotion of Inclusion, in cooperation with the Ministry of Social Welfare: Community-based rehabilitation of persons with mental retardation (Croatia).

14. Salva Vita Foundation, in cooperation with the Ministry of Social Welfare: Supported employment in Hungary for people with mental disabilities (Hungary).

D. Latin America and the Caribbean

15. Fundación Amor y Energía (AM-EN), in cooperation with the Ministry of Social Welfare, and National Council on Disability (CONADIS): Capacity- building for rehabilitation of children with disabilities (Ecuador).

16. Fundación Momentum Internacional (FMI), in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Culture: Assistance for training and development of Fábrica de Sillas de Ruedas Momentum, Quito (Ecuador).

17. Asociación por Desarrollo de la Persona con Discapacidad (APRODDIS), in cooperation with the National Council for Integration of Persons with Disabilities (CONADIS): Elimination of architectural barriers: assistance for workshops and outreach on accessibility (Peru).

18. Defensoria del Pueblo de Republica del Perú; Equipo de Defensa y Promoción de las Personas con Discapacid, in collaboration with the College of Architects of Perú: National seminar on accessibility: a city for all (Lima, 22 June 2000) (Peru).

19. Ministerio de la Juventud, la Mujer, la Niñez y la Familia, in collaboration with the Instituto Panameño de Habilitación Especial: Seminar on children with disabilities: issues and trends in development policies and programmes in the Americas region (Panama City, 16-20 October 2000) (Regional Latin America).

20. Fundación Mexicana de Integración Social, in cooperation with Sistema Nacional para el Desarrollo Integral de la Familia: Seminar on strategies for implementing the Standard Rules on Equalization of Opportunities with regard to Internet accessibility (Mexico City, 6-10 March 2001) (Regional Latin America).

E. Western Asia

21. Local Council for Welfare of Disabled Persons (Boujr al-Barajneh), in cooperation with the Ministry of Social Affairs and in collaboration with ESCWA: Promoting self-reliance, with particular emphasis on employment: community based rehabilitation in Bourj al-Barajneh (Lebanon).

22. Bethlehem Arab Society for Rehabilitation, in cooperation with the Ministry of Social Welfare of the Palestine Authority: Computer training for Arab blind girls and women (Palestine Authority).

23. Saudi Centre for Rehabilitation and Training of Arab Blind Girls (Amman, Jordan), in cooperation with ESCWA: Assistance for Braille computer training for blind girls and women (Regional Western Asia).

F. Interregional

24. Equal Opportunities Commission, Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region of China, in cooperation with Hong Kong University, Faculty of Law: Interregional seminar on international norms and standards relating to disability (Hong Kong, 13-17 December 1999) (Interregional).

25. World Institute for Disability: Seminar for young women with disabilities (New York, 1-8 June 2000) (Interregional).

26. Southern African Federal Council on Disability: International workshop on environmental accessibility and universal design in developing economies (Providence, RI (United States), 13-19 June 2000) (Interregional).

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