How the Day may be observed
- Involve: Observance of the Day provides opportunities for participation
by all interested communities - governmental, non-governmental and the private sector - to
focus upon catalytic and innovative measures to further implement international norms and
standards related to persons with disabilities. Schools, universities and similar
institutions can make particular contributions with regard to promoting greater interest
and awareness among interested parties of the social, cultural, economic, civil and
political rights of persons with disabilities.
- Organize: Hold forums, public discussions and information campaigns in
support of the Day focusing on disability issues and trends and ways and means by which
persons with disabilities and their families are pursuing independent life styles,
sustainable livelihoods and financial security.
- Celebrate: Plan and organize performances everywhere to showcase - and
celebrate - the contributions by persons with disabilities to the societies in which they
live and convene exchanges and dialogues focusing on the rich and varied skills, interests
and aspirations of persons with disabilities.
- Take Action: A major focus of the Day is practical action to further
implement international norms and standards concerning persons with disabilities and to
further their participation in social life and development on the basis of equality. The
media have especially important contributions to make in support of the observance of the
Day - and throughout the year - regarding appropriate presentation of progress and
obstacles implementing disability-sensitive policies, programmes and projects and to
promote public awareness of the contributions by persons with disabilities.