Observance of the International Day
UPDATE: * Reception at Lincoln Center on 2 December 1998 * Secretary General's Message |
The United Nations observes annually, on 3 December, the International Day of Disabled Persons. The theme for the observance of the Day in 1998 at United Nations Headquarters is "Arts, Culture and Independent Living".
The theme for 1998 reflects a number of priority concerns of the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons, its "equalization of opportunities" objective in particular. The World Programme urges, for instance, that Governments, which have not already done so, ensure that persons with disabilities have opportunities to utilize their creative, artistic and intellectual potential to the enrichment of society as a whole. The Programme also encourages Governments: to provide services to enable persons with disabilities to live as independently as possible; to promote opportunities for persons with disabilities to establish, develop and manage such services; and to adopt policies and establish structures and services that ensure equal opportunities for productive and gainful employment by people with disabilities in open markets.
The General Assembly of the United Nations adopted unanimously, in 1982, the "World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons". In 1992, the Assembly proclaimed, by resolution 47/3, that 3 December be observed annually as the International Day of Disabled Persons. Observance of the Day aims to promote increased awareness and understanding of disability issues and trends and to mobilise support for practical action at all levels by, with and for persons with disabilities to improve their well-being and livelihoods on the basis of equality.
The World Programme of Action has two goals: full participation of persons with disabilities in social life and development, and equality. When adopting the World Programme the General Assembly defined equality for persons with disabilities on a parity with opportunities for those of the entire population. Parity in this sense is viewed not as a static phenomenon but one that is fostered and changes as countries develop. The Assembly thus envisaged what can be termed the "disability perspective" on development.
In 1993, the General Assembly adopted, by resolution 48/96, the "Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities". The "Rules" identify preconditions for equal participation, target areas for action, and measures to implement and monitor progress.
Since the adoption of the World Programme of Action and the Standard Rules, there is growing recognition that disability issues are best addressed as an integral part of national development policies and programmes. Such recognition may be due to increases in both the absolute number of disabled persons and the percentage of the population with a disability in countries. As countries develop they not only create new forms of societal structures but replace existing structures to reflect new approaches and needs of larger and more diverse populations.
The decade of the 1990s has witnessed increased attention being accorded to the participation of persons with disabilities in development, to the disability perspective in policies and plans, and to the placement of disability issues in a broader human rights framework.
Development participation represents both a means and an end. In the World Programme of Action participation pertains to the full and effective involvement of persons with disabilities in development decision making, to their contributions to development efforts, and to their equal sharing in the results of development action. International development conferences held during the 1990s have addressed the situation of persons with disabilities with reference to a number of substantive concerns and not simply as an issue relating specifically to disability. Human rights of persons with disabilities now are recognized to be less the concern of a social group with particular needs and increasingly to be a prerequisite for advancing the rights of all. Human rights are used in a broad sense and pertain both to civil and political rights, and to social, economic and cultural rights.
During the past two decades much has been accomplished by, with and for the full and effective participation of persons with disabilities in social life and development. The International Day of Disabled Persons provides opportunities for Governments, organizations of disabled persons and society as a whole to focus upon and take stock of the ways in which the skills, initiative and potentials of persons with disabilities contribute to the betterment of the societies in which they live.
Recent events organised in connection with the observance of the Day have included special exhibitions, workshops and discussions, media presentations and recently use of the Internet to promote an active and wide-ranging dialogue on the Day in cyberspace. The theme for 1998 - "Arts, Culture, Independent Living" - presents important opportunities to observe the Day at all levels in a number of new and innovative ways, which might include:
- Plan and organise performances everywhere to showcase and celebrate - the artistic and cultural contributions by persons with disabilities to the societies in which they live and convene exchanges and dialogues focussing on the rich and varied skills, interests and aspirations of person with disabilities in artistic and cultural realms.
- Hold forums, public discussions and information campaigns in support of the Day focussing on disability issues and trends and ways and means by which persons with disabilities and their families are pursuing independent life styles, sustainable livelihoods and financial security.
- Observance of the Day provides opportunites for participation by all interested communities - governmental, non-governmental and the private sector to focus upon catalytic and innovative measures to further implement international norms and standards related to persons with disabilities.
- Schools, universities and similar institutions can make particular contributions with regard to promoting greater interest and awareness among interested parties of the social, cultural, economic, and civil and political rights of persons with disabilities.
- A major focus of the Day is practical action to further implement international norms and standards concerning persons with disabilities and to promote thereby their full and participation in social life and development on the basis of equality. The media have especially important contributions to make both in support of observance of the Day and throughout the year - regarding appropriate presentations concerning progress and obstacles in designing and implementing disability-sensitive policies, programmes and projects, and to promote public awareness and understanding of the contributions by persons with disabilities not only to the arts and culture but to social, political and economic well being of society as a whole;
Via the Internet, point your browser to the Gateway for Social Policy and Development at the United Nations: http://www.un.org/esa/socdev its "Persons with Disabilities" site on the World Wide Web has been designed to be accessible to all. Or contact us via the post or facsimile:
Division for Social Policy and Development
Attn: International Day of Disabled Persons
Two United Nations Plaza (DC2-1320)
New York NY 10017 -USA
FAX: (++1 212) 963-3062.