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NGO Comments at the third session
Comments by NGOs at the Third Session
Center for International Rehabilitation
Draft article 6 – Statistics and Data Collection
Center for International Rehabilitation Intervention
Thank you, Mr. President.
On behalf of the Center for International Rehabilitation, I thank
you for your effort as president of this committee, and I thank the
Bureau and the members of this committee for favoring NGO participation
in the debate.
We consider it important to move Article 6 to the end of the text,
to include it under the Operative Provisions section. We value the European
Union’s proposal regarding this article, but would like to see it expanded
under a distinct section for Implementation.
We find it relevant to highlight that the collection of information
should be used not only in the planning and implementation of policies,
as proposed by the European Union, but also in the monitoring of such
policies. Furthermore, it is imperative that such information be made
We concur with the European Union’s proposal regarding provisions to
safeguard the confidentiality and respect the privacy of persons with
disability. This is an extremely sensitive topic that the convention
must expressly address. As proposed by the European Union, internationally
established norms must also be applied to data collection, in order
to protect the human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons with
We emphasize that it is always necessary to include disability organizations
in the design and process of gathering and interpreting information
on persons with disability. This process must not be segregated, however,
and should be integrated into the general statistics of the country.
The intention should be to evaluate the situation and needs of persons
with disability, which, more so than simply obtaining statistics, is
our true interest.
Furthermore, and given that a number of delegations deem it important
to gather information in discrete categories, such as gender, age, etc.,
we call for the inclusion of indigenous populations as its own category.
Finally, we stress the need for greater international cooperation in
order to improve and standardize the collection of information.
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