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NGO Comments at the third session

Comments by NGOs at the Third Session
World Blind Union

Draft article 17 - Education

World Blind Union
International Disability Alliance

1. States Parties recognise the right of all girls, boys, young people, women and men with disabilities to quality education. With a view to achieving this right progressively and on the basis of equal opportunity, the education of girls, boys, young people, women and men with disabilities shall be directed to:

(a) building a society that is inclusive to all girls, boys, young people, women and men

(b) the full development of the human potential and sense of dignity and self worth, and the strengthening of respect for human rights, fundamental freedoms and human diversity;

(c) enabling all persons with disabilities to fully participate effectively in a free and inclusive society;

(d) the development of the individual’s personality, talents and abilities to their fullest potential;

(e) take into account individual learning needs;

2. In realising this right, States Parties shall ensure:
(a) that all girls, boys, young people, women and men with disabilities can choose inclusive and accessible education in their own community including access to early childhood and pre school education;

(b) the provision of required support, including the specialised training of teachers and other educational staff, an accessible curriculum, accessible teaching medium and materials, appropriate assistive devices, alternative and augmentative communication means, alternative learning strategies, universally accessible built environment, or other reasonable accommodations to ensure the full participation of persons with disabilities;

(c) that no child with disabilities is excluded from free and compulsory primary education on account of their disability;

(d) that no person with disability shall be required to undergo any medical treatment or intervention to correct, improve or alleviate any impairment, any actual or perceived disability as a condition of inclusive and full quality education

(e) reflect the same standards and objectives provided in the general education system moving towards national educational plans and curriculums

3. States Parties shall ensure that:

(a) Deaf and deafblind children and young persons have the right to receive education in their own groups and to become bilingual in sign language and their national spoken and written language. They also have the right to learn additional foreign languages, both signed and spoken/written. Each state Party shall take legislative, administrative, political and other measures needed to provide quality education using sign language, by ensuring the employment of Deaf teachers and also hearing teachers who are fluent in sign language

(b) Blind, partially sighted and deafblind children and young persons, have the right to receive education in their own groups and to gain literacy, mathematics, geography and chemistry skills with learning materials, in Braille and or through alternative formats including assistive devises. Daily life skills and mobility training must be provided parallel with the class room education, in order to gain full independence. This also includes right to an education provided by teachers with competence to teach communication skills and have received training relevant to the specific needs of blind, partially sighted and deafblind persons.

4. States Parties shall ensure that persons with disabilities shall access secondary and higher education, vocational training, adult education and lifelong learning on an equal basis with others. To that end, States Parties shall render appropriate assistance to persons with disabilities.

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