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Back to: Third Session of the Ad Hoc Committee
Proposals on international cooperationAustralia Australia Australia appreciates the work of the delegations from Mexico and China in drafting text dealing with the important issue of international cooperation. Australia agrees with the delegate for the EU and others, that the implementation of the convention is primarily a national responsibility and agrees that national compliance should not be conditional on receiving international assistance. Australia does not oppose mention of international cooperation in the convention and will consider the EU proposal for a 2 bis. Consideration could also be given to including a reference in the preamble either in addition to or instead of an operative article. Australia maintains its position that the provisions of the convention should allow flexibility in implementation and should not be overly prescriptive. If the concept of international cooperation is to be defined, which has yet to be agreed, then it should be defined as broadly as possible. Thank you. China’s proposal on International Cooperation States Parties recognize that international cooperation is conducive to the implementation of this Convention and undertake to take appropriate measures in coordination with each other as well as with international and regional organizations, in particular: (a) exchange and sharing of information especially that concerning
progress and challenges in implementing this Convention; Israel’s Proposals in relation to Mexico’s proposal on International
Cooperation Paragraph 1: Paragraph 2: Paragraph 3: Intervention of Lebanon about International Cooperation 3/6/2004 First: Lebanon confirms that it is necessary to include international cooperation in the preamble, as a reminder of the importance of solidarity between states, in order to secure a world accessible for all. We will provide a text on this issue when the preamble will be discussed. Second: Lebanon sees that a specific article must be dedicated to deal with the issue of international cooperation because it is one of the main supporting tools to guarantee the best implementation of this convention. International cooperation cannot be an objective of a convention concerning the rights of persons with disabilities, although it might constitute by itself an ultimate goal that all state parties may strive to achieve. As for the content of this article, Mexico and China have just provided 2 comprehensive proposals that deserve to be seriously explored. In light of this, and due to the fact that neither will this text be finalized during this session, nor will comments on the proposals be included to the draft, Lebanon will come back to the Ad-hoc Committee with its position at a later stage. Mexico State Parties shall engage in international cooperation as an essential element for the implementation of this convention in a spirit of solidarity, in particular for the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights and the dignity of persons with disabilities. State Parties at all levels of government should encourage and support the exchange of knowledge, experience and international cooperation with international and regional organizations, specialized agencies, organizations of persons with disabilities, non-governmental organizations, national human rights institutions, as well as other national institutions, private sector, financial institutions and other stakeholders. 1. International cooperation among States shall include, but not be limited to: a) Contribute to international and regional programmes and related
activities aimed at raising awareness about the rights of persons with
disabilities and combating stereotypes; a) The United Nations and its specialized agencies shall take steps
to ensure the effective integration of a disability perspective in their
work and to periodically assess the impact of their programmes and activities
on the full and equal enjoyment of all the human rights and dignity
of persons with disabilities and to adjust them where required; 3. International cooperation with respect to civil society and the private sector shall include: a) Promoting the sharing of knowledge and experiences between non governmental
organizations and organizations of persons with disabilities within
and between regions, particularly through meetings, courses, seminars
and workshops and other related activities; (including partnerships
and cooperation agreements between local and municipal authorities in
different states – Israel) (4. States Parties shall undertake all appropriate legislative, administrative,
and other measures for the implementation of the rights recognized in
the present convention. With regard to economic, social and cultural
rights, States Parties shall undertake such measures to the maximum
extent of their available resources and, where needed, within the framework
of international cooperation – Argentina) • Charter of the UN (Chapter IX articles 55 and 56) Vietnam’s proposal on International Cooperation States parties shall promote direct cooperation with international organizations, including bilateral, multi-bilateral organizations, and non-governmental organizations to strengthen capacity for the implementation of this convention. Fundamental issues are as follows: a) Development of national legislation, policies, programmes and projects
related to the rights of persons with disabilities; |