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UN Programme on Disability   Working for full participation and equality

Republic of Korea proposal for inclusion as a separate article

Possibly between Article 15 and Article 16
27 May 2004
3rd Ad Hoc Committee

• Women with Disabilities

1. State Parties undertake to ensure the enjoyment of full and equal rights and freedoms by women with disabilities and their equal participation in political, economic, social and cultural activities without any discrimination on the basis of their gender and/or disabilities.

2. State Parties shall take the following steps from a gender perspective so as to ensure that women with disabilities are able to live with dignity in freedom, safety, and autonomy.

(a) Include a separate reference to the protection of the rights of women with disabilities in laws pertaining to women and persons with disabilities;

(b) Incorporate women with disabilities in social surveys and statistics collection efforts and collect gender-disaggregated data on persons with disabilities;

(c) Protect the motherhood of women with disabilities by developing and disseminating policies and programs for assistance based on the recognition of the special needs of women with disabilities in pregnancy, childbirth and post partum health care and child-care;

(d) Ensure that women with disabilities are not deprived of their right to work due to their pregnancy or childbirth, and provide the necessary assistances in this regard;

(e) Ensure that women with disabilities are protected from sexual exploitation, abuse and violence at home, institutional facilities and communities.

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