Proposals to the draft text - Mexico
Article 6: Statistics and data collection
In order to formulate and implement appropriate regulations
and policies to protect and promote the rights of persons with
disabilities, States Parties should encourage actions for
the collection, compilation, analysis and dissemination
codification of statistics on persons with disabilities
and information on disabilities and their surroundings,
and on the effective enjoyment of human rights by persons with disabilities.
The process of collection collecting and preservation
maintaining this information should:
(a) Respect the right to privacy, the dignity and the rights of persons
with disabilities. Therefore, and the
collection of disability statistics information collected
from persons with disabilities should be done with the consent
of persons with disabilities on a voluntary basis;
(b) Be kept only in a statistical format without identifying individuals
and should be kept secure to prevent unauthorized access or misuse of
(b) Adhere to ethic regulations and principles regarding respect
of anonymity and confidentiality, as well as the use of the disability
statistics for social awareness;
(c) The governmental authorities responsible for statistics
in the States Parties shall ensure that the design and implementation
of data collection is done in partnership with persons with disabilities,
their representative organizations and all other interested
relevant stakeholders;
(d) Be disaggregated Disaggregate the data
according to the purpose of the collection of statistics information,
and should include at least, information about age,
sex and type of disability;
(e) Include detailed information on their access to public services,
rehabilitation programmes, education, housing and employment, as
well as the barriers faced by persons with disabilities to exercise
their rights;
(f) Adhere to established ethics regarding respect for anonymity
and confidentiality in the collection of statistics and data.
(f) Establish regulations and mechanisms to safeguard disability
statistics and ensure their adequate use;
(g) State Parties shall assume the responsibility for the
dissemination of disability statistics and ensure its accessibility
to all interested stakeholders.
Comments on Article 10 Liberty and security of the person
Para 2.a. – Mexico wants the Spanish version to say
“inherente” (inherent) instead of the current “inmanente”.
Para 2.d. – Mexico supports to move current para 2.d
as a separate paragraph. It should start as follows:
New para 3. to be placed at the end of the article
3. The States Parties shall assure to persons with disabilities within
the jurisdiction effective protection and remedies, through the competent
national tribunals and other State institutions, against any unlawful
deprivation of liberty which violate his human rights and fundamental
freedoms contrary to this Convention, as well as the right to seek from
such tribunals just and adequate reparation or satisfaction for any
damage suffer as a result of such acts.
(Based on article 6 of CERD (this can be included as a specific provision
for this article or as a general provision for reparations against all
acts contrary to this Convention))
New para 4. to be placed at the end of the article –
4. The States Parties shall commit to make a thorough revision of
their legal frame, in criminal and civil matters as well as in execution
of sentences, in order to take into consideration the different types
of disabilities and adapt their legal frame to guarantee the respect
of the human rights of the persons with disabilities who are deprived
of their freedom for the commission of a crime.
Art. 11 - Freedom from Torture or Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment
May 26th, 2004
New paragraph.
3. In order to monitor living conditions and facilities of places
where persons with disabilities are placed, international instruments
shall be applied, as appropriate including, the Optional Protocol of
the Convention against Torture, for the realization visits by national
or international bodies to detention centers.
Mexican revised proposal to Art. 12 Protection against violence
and abuse
May 27th, 2004
1. State Parties recognize that persons with disabilities are at greater
risk, both within or outside the home, of abandonment, violence, injury
or mental or physical abuse, neglect or negligent treatment,
maltreatment or exploitation, including sexual and economic
exploitation and abuse.
2. Therefore, State Parties shall take all appropriate
legislative, administrative, social, educational and other measures
to protect persons with disabilities and to prevent these forms
of violence and abuse, by ensuring, inter alia, the provision
of information.
3. Measures should also prohibit and protect persons with disabilities
from, forced interventions or forced institutionalization aimed at correcting,
improving or alleviating any actual or perceived impairment. and
4. Where persons with disabilities are victims of any form of violence,
injury or abuse, neglect or negligent treatment, maltreatment or exploitation,
including sexual exploitation and abuse, Where persons are the victims
of any form of violence , injury or abuse, State Parties shall take
all appropriate measures to promote the physical and psychological recovery
and social reintegration of persons with disabilities victims of any
form of violence and abuse and shall guarantee judicial involvement
when appropriate. Such recovery and social reintegration shall take
place in an environment which foster self respect and autonomy of persons
with disabilities XXXX- New Zeland)
5. States Parties shall ensure the identification, reporting, referral
and investigation, prosecution and follow-up of instances of violence
and abuse, and the provision of protection services and, as appropriate,
judicial involvement.
6. States Parties shall ensure that all facilities and programmes,
public and private, where persons with disabilities are placed, are
effectively monitored, in coordination with civil society, of these
forms of violence and abuse.
Mexican proposals to Article 14
Respect for privacy, the home and the family
1. Persons with disabilities, including those living in institutions,
shall not be subjected to arbitrary or unlawful interference with their
privacy, and shall have the right to the protection of the law against
such interference. States Parties to this Convention shall take effective
measures to protect the privacy of the home, family, different
kinds of communications and medical records of persons with
disabilities and their choice to take decisions on personal matters.
2. States Parties to this Convention shall take effective and appropriate
measures to eliminate discrimination against persons with disabilities
in all matters relating to their private life, including family
relations and marriage, and in particular shall ensure:
(a) That persons with disabilities are not denied the equal opportunity
to experience their sexuality, have sexual and other intimate relationships,
and experience parenthood;
(b) The right of all men and women with disabilities who are of marriageable
age to marry on the basis of free and full consent of the intending
spouses, and to found a family;
(c) The rights of persons with disabilities to decide freely and responsibly
on the number and spacing of their children on an equal basis with
other persons and to have access to information, reproductive and
family planning education, and the means necessary to enable them to
exercise these rights. States parties shall also ensure that
persons with disabilities are not subject to forced sterilization;
(d) The rights of persons with disabilities with regard to guardianship,
wardship, trusteeship and adoption of children, or similar institutions
where these concepts exist in national legislation. For the purpose
of guaranteeing these rights, States Parties shall render appropriate
assistance to disabled parents in the performance of their child-rearing
(e) That a child shall not be separated from his or her parents
with disabilities on the basis either directly or indirectly
of their disability. A child shall not be separated from his or
her parents against their will, except when competent authorities subject
to judicial review determine, in accordance with applicable law and
procedures, that such separation is necessary for the best interests
of the child;
(f) The promotion of awareness and the provision of information aimed
at changing negative perceptions and social prejudices towards sexuality,
marriage and parenthood of persons with disabilities.
Mexican Proposal - Article 16 -Children with disabilities
1. States Parties undertake to ensure that each child with a disability
within their jurisdiction shall enjoy, without discrimination of any
kind on the basis of disability, the same rights and fundamental freedoms
as other children.
2. States Parties recognize that children with disabilities should
enjoy a full and decent life, in conditions that ensure dignity, promote
self-reliance and autonomy, and facilitate the child’s active participation
in the community.
3. States Parties recognize the right of children with disabilities
to inclusive care, which shall include:
(a) Early provision of appropriate and comprehensive services, including
early detection and pre-natal care;
(b) The extension, subject to available resources, to the eligible child
and those responsible for his or her care, of assistance for which application
is made and which is appropriate to the child’s condition and to the
circumstances of the parents or others caring for the child.
4. Recognizing the needs of children with disabilities, assistance
extended in accordance with paragraph 3 of the present article shall
be provided free of charge, whenever possible, taking into account the
financial resources of the parents or others caring for the child and
shall be designed to ensure that a child with a disability has effective
access to and receives education, training, health-care services, comprehensive
habilitation and rehabilitation services, preparation
for employment and recreation opportunities in a manner conducive to
the child’s achieving the fullest possible social integration and individual
development, including his or her cultural and spiritual development.
5. States Parties shall create the necessary mechanisms to
provide adequate advice and information to children with disabilities,
their parents, or, where applicable, legal guardians or other persons
legally responsible for the child, on the full exercise of all human
rights and fundamental freedoms by children with disabilities, in a
manner consistent with the present Convention. Children
with disabilities and their parents or other persons caring for or legally
responsible for the child shall be provided with appropriate information,
referrals and counselling, and information made available in these ways
should provide them with a positive view of their potential and right
to live a full and inclusive life.
5 bis. States Parties shall adopt all legislative, administrative,
and other measures to protect the child with disability from torture
or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, and from
all forms of violence and abuse, including economic exploitation and
sexual exploitation and abuse, while in the care of parents, legal guardians
or any other persons who have the care of the child, or by any other
persons, within or outside the child’s home.
Article 17. Education
1. States Parties recognize the right of all persons with disabilities
to education. With a view to achieving this right progressively and
on the basis of equal opportunity, the education of (persons with disabilities
shall take into account their best interests and - Mexico) shall be
directed to:
a) the full development of the human potential and sense of dignity
and self worth, and the strengthening of respect for human rights, fundamental
freedoms and human diversity;
b) enabling all persons with disabilities to participate effectively
in a free (and inclusive – Mexico) society;
c) the development of the (person’s – Mexico) personality, talents and
mental and physical abilities to their fullest potential;
d) (satisfy the special educational needs of persons with disabilities.
– Mexico)
2. In realising this right, States Parties shall ensure:
a) that all persons with disabilities can choose inclusive and accessible
education in their own community (including access to early childhood
and pre-school education);
b) the provision of required support, including the specialized training
of teachers, school counsellors and psychologists, an accessible curriculum,
an accessible teaching medium and technologies, (appropriate assistive
devices – Mexico), alternative and augmentative communication modes,
alternative learning strategies, accessible physical environment, or
other reasonable accommodations to ensure the full participation of
(persons – Mexico) with disabilities;
c) that no child with disabilities is excluded from free and compulsory
primary education on account of their disability;
d) (promote access to scholarships and financial resources for persons
with disabilities, without restricting that access for only those who
course compulsory primary education. – Mexico)
3. States Parties shall ensure that where the general education system
does not adequately meet the needs of persons with disabilities special
and alternative forms of learning should be made available. Any such
special and alternative forms of (teaching – Mexico) should:
a) reflect the same standards and objectives provided in the general
education system;
b) be provided in such a manner to allow children with disabilities
to participate in the general education system to the maximum extent
c) allow a free and informed choice between general and special systems;
d) in no way limit the duty of States Parties to continue to strive
to meet the needs of students with disabilities in the general education
4. States Parties shall ensure that persons with sensory disabilities
have access to sign language or Braille, as appropriate, to facilitate
their learning process and to follow the curriculum. States Parties
shall take appropriate measures to ensure quality education for persons
with sensory disabilities by ensuring the employment of teachers who
are fluent in sign language or Braille.
5. States Parties shall ensure that persons with disabilities may access
general tertiary education, vocational training, adult education and
lifelong learning on an equal basis with others. To that end, States
Parties shall render appropriate assistance to persons with disabilities.
Mexican proposal to Article 19.- June 1, 2004
1. States Parties to this Convention shall take appropriate measures,
gradually to identify and eliminate obstacles, and
to ensure accessibility for persons with disabilities to in
the built environment, furniture and equipment, to
transportation, to information and communications, including information
and communications technologies, and to other services, so
that any person with disabilities can access, move around, exit, be
oriented, to be evacuated in emergency conditions and communicate in
a safe and autonomous way, adopting the necessary measures
in order to ensure the capacity of persons with disabilities to live
independently and to participate fully in all aspects of life. The focus
of these measures shall include, inter alia:
a. the construction and renovation of public buildings, roads and
other facilities for public use, including schools, housing, medical
facilities, in-door and out-door facilities and publicly owned workplaces;
a. identify and eliminate, systematically, existing
architectural obstacles, to transportation and communications, with
the aim to facilitate their access and use by persons with disabilities;
b. the construction and renewal of public buildings, roads
and other indoor and outdoor public facilities, such as schools, housing,
medical establishments and public property work spaces;
b. c. the development and remodeling of public
transportation facilities, communications and other services, including
electronic services.
2. States Parties shall also take appropriate measures to:
a. provide in public service spaces with visual and
tactile signaling, as well as the use of international accessibility
symbols, to orient persons with disabilities; buildings
and facilities signage in Braille and easy to read and understand forms;
b. provide qualified personnel to assist and guide persons
with disabilities in public service spaces; other forms
of live assistance and intermediaries, including guides, readers and
sign language interpreters, to facilitate accessibility to public buildings
and facilities;
c. assist persons with disabilities, if required, with interpreters
of sign language and/or guides or companions;
d. develop, promulgate and monitor implementation of minimum national
standards and guidelines for the accessibility of public facilities
and services;
e. encourage private entities that provide public facilities and services
to take into account all aspects of accessibility for persons with disabilities;
f. undertake, and promote and disseminate research,
development and production of new assistive technologies, giving priority
to affordably priced low cost technologies;
g. promote universal design and international cooperation in the development
of standards, guidelines and assistive technologies;
h. ensure organizations of persons with disabilities are consulted
when standards and guidelines for accessibility are being developed;
i. provide training for all stakeholders on accessibility issues facing
persons with disabilities;
j. promote among persons with disabilities the benefits they
can obtain from the use of new information technologies and telecommunications.
Article 21
Right to health and rehabilitation
- Mexico supports the elaboration of a separate article on rehabilitation
and habilitation, which is broad in scope and not linked only to health
or medical issues, nor to education or work.
States Parties recognize that all persons with disabilities have the
right to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health
without discrimination on the basis of disability. States Parties shall
strive to ensure no person with a disability is deprived of that right,
and shall take all appropriate measures to ensure access for persons
with disabilities to health and rehabilitation services. In particular,
States Parties shall:
(a) Provide persons with disabilities with the same range and standard
of health and rehabilitation services as provided to
persons without disabilities, including sexual and reproductive
health services;
(b) Strive to provide those health and rehabilitation services
needed by persons with disabilities specifically because of their disabilities;
(c) Endeavour to provide these health and rehabilitation services
as close as possible to people’s own communities;
(d) Ensure that health and rehabilitation services include the
provision of safe respite places, to use on a voluntary basis, and counselling
and support groups, including those provided by persons with disabilities;
(e) Provide programmes and services to prevent and protect against secondary
disabilities, including among children and the elderly;
(f) Encourage research and the development, dissemination and application
of new knowledge and technologies that benefit persons with disabilities;
(g) Encourage the development of sufficient numbers of health and
rehabilitation professionals, including persons who have disabilities,
covering all disciplines needed to meet the health and rehabilitation
needs of persons with disabilities, and ensure that they have adequate
specialized training;
(h) Provide to all health and rehabilitation professionals an
appropriate education and training to increase their disability-sensitive
awareness and respect for the rights, dignity and needs of persons with
disabilities, in line with the principles of this Convention;
(i) Ensure that a code of ethics for public and private health care,
which promotes quality care, openness and respect for the human rights,
dignity and autonomy of persons with disabilities, is put in place nationally,
and ensure that the services and conditions of public and private health
care and rehabilitation facilities and institutions are well monitored;
(j) Ensure that health and rehabilitation services provided to
persons with disabilities, and the sharing of their personal health
or rehabilitation information, occur only after the person concerned
has given their free and informed consent, and that health and rehabilitation
professionals inform persons with disabilities are informed
of their relevant rights;
- The need for consent in the sharing of health information should be
dealt with in a way that it does not constitute an obstacle to the collection
of disability data with the purpose of identifying health needs and
designing and implementing public policies and programs in that regard,
in line with the provisions of article 6.
(k) Prevent unwanted medical and related interventions and corrective
surgeries from being imposed on persons with disabilities;
(l) Protect the privacy of health and rehabilitation information
of persons with disabilities on an equal basis;
- The convention should contain strong provisions regarding the protection
of privacy of medical information in the context of article 14, and
the issue is additionally covered in paragraph (j) above. Repetition
in this article should be avoided.
(m) Promote the involvement of persons with disabilities and their
organizations in the formulation of health and rehabilitation legislation
and policy as well as in the planning, delivery and evaluation of health
and rehabilitation services.
- The convention should contain a comprehensive and strong provision
for the participation of persons with disabilities in the design and
implementation of policies, in the context of article 4, in order to
avoid selective repetition of such a provision in other articles.
Article 22. Right to work
States Parties recognise the equal right of persons with disabilities
to work, which includes the opportunity to gain a living by work that
they freely choose or accept, with a view to promoting equal opportunity
and treatment of persons with disabilities and to promote their full
participation and development in the productive life. States Parties
shall take appropriate steps to safeguard and promote the realisation
of this right, including measures to:
a) promote labour rehabilitation as part of the integral rehabilitation
for persons with disabilities, where appropriate, by providing and evaluating
orientation, training and selective–designation services, with the purpose
of enabling persons with disabilities to gain access, continuity and
career advancement, as well as for labour reintegration;
b) promote an inclusive labour market which favors labour integration
of persons with disabilities;
To separate concepts contained in old c):
Old c), new d) encourage the finding, obtaining and maintaining of employment
and career advancement opportunities for persons with disabilities through
the implementation of an active policy related to the labour market;
New e) encourage self-employment for persons with disabilities through
training, financing and an expeditious and effective regulatory framework,
in particular in the rural sector;
Old e), new g) ensure that workplaces have reasonable accommodations
to allow access of persons with disabilities and to permit them to perform
their activities;
Delete old subparas f) and g)
h) promote the inclusion of specific regulations under labour legislation
of States Parties to protect persons with disabilities with regard to
employment, continuance of employment, career advancement, working conditions,
including equal remuneration for work of equal value and equal opportunities,
and the redressing of grievances, and to ensure that persons with disabilities
are able to exercise their labour and trade union rights;
To separate concepts contained in subpara j):
j) promote recognition of the skills, merits, abilities and contributions
of person with disabilities to the workplace and the labour market,
new i) combat stereotypes and prejudices about persons with disabilities
in the workplace and the labour market.
Artículo 22. Derecho al trabajo
Los Estados Partes reconocen el igual derecho al trabajo de las personas
con discapacidad, incluida la oportunidad de ganarse la vida mediante
un trabajo que elijan o acepten libremente, con miras a fomentar la
igualdad de oportunidades y trato en el ámbito laborar y promover
su plena participación y desarrollo en la vida productiva. Los
Estados Partes adoptaran las medidas adecuadas para proteger y promover
la realización de este derecho, entre otras para:
a) Promover e impulsar la rehabilitación para el trabajo como
parte de la rehabilitación integral para la población
con discapacidad que lo requiera, a través de proporcionar y
evaluar servicios de orientación, capacitación y colocación
selectiva y otros afines, con el propósito que las personas con
discapacidad logren el acceso, permanencia y progreso en el trabajo,
así como la reincorporación laboral;
b) Promover un mercado laboral incluyente que favorezca la integración
laboral de las personas con discapacidad;
Antiguo c), nuevo d) Fomentar las oportunidades de acceso, permanencia
y progreso al empleo de las personas con discapacidad, mediante la implementación
de una política activa relativa al mercado de trabajo;
Nuevo e) Fomentar el autoempleo a través de la capacitación,
el financiamiento y una normatividad expedita y efectiva, especialmente
en el sector rural;
Antiguo e), nuevo g) Asegurar la equiparación de oportunidades
en los centros de trabajo que permita el acceso de las personas con
discapacidad y facilite el desempeño de sus actividades;
Eliminar antiguos incisos f) y g)
h) Promover la inclusión de normatividad específica dentro
de la legislación laboral, para proteger a las personas con discapacidad
en relación con el empleo, la permanencia en el mismo, los avances
en la carrera, las condiciones de trabajo, incluidas la igualdad de
remuneración para el trabajo de igual valor y la igualdad de
oportunidades, y la reparación de los agravios, y asegurar que
las personas con discapacidad puedan ejercer sus derechos laborales
y sindicales;
Separar conceptos del inciso j):
j) Promover el reconocimiento de las aptitudes, los méritos,
las habilidades y las contribuciones de la persona con discapacidad
al lugar y el entorno laboral, y
Nuevo i) Combatir estereotipos y prejuicios respecto de las personas
con discapacidad en el lugar y en el mercado de trabajo.
Mexican proposal to Article 24.- June 2, 2004
1. States Parties recognize the right of all persons with disabilities
to take part in cultural life, and shall take all appropriate measures
to ensure that persons with disabilities:
a. have the opportunity to develop, and utilize and express
their creative, artistic and intellectual potential, not only
for their own benefit, but also for the enrichment of their community;
b. enjoy access to literature and other cultural materials in all accessible
formats, including in electronic text, sign language and Braille, and
in audio and multi-media formats;
c. enjoy access to television programmes, films, theatre, and other
cultural activities, in all accessible formats, including captioning
and sign language;
d. enjoy access to places for cultural performances or services, such
as theatres, museums, cinemas, libraries and the hospitality
hotel industry and services, and, as far as possible,
enjoy access to monuments and sites of national cultural importance;
2. States Parties shall take all appropriate steps to ensure that laws
protecting intellectual property rights do not constitute an unreasonable
or discriminatory barrier to access by persons with disabilities to
cultural materials, while respecting the provisions of international
3. Persons who are deaf shall be entitled, on an equal basis with others,
to recognition and support of their specific cultural and linguistic
4. States Parties recognize the right of persons with disabilities,
on an equal basis with others, in conditions of equity with
other persons, to participate in recreational and
leisure activities, physical culture and sports sporting
activities and shall take appropriate measures to:
a. encourage and promote the participation, to the fullest extent possible,
of persons with disabilities in mainstream physical culture and sports
sporting activities at regional, national and international levels;
b. ensure that persons with disabilities have an opportunity to organize
and participate in sporting activities and to receive the same
instruction, training and resources in support, in conditions
of equity with other participants that is available to other
c. ensure that all persons with disabilities have access
to sporting and recreational venues, to participate in sporting
activities in conditions of equity within then education system, including
children with disabilities; and that children with disabilities
have equal access to participating in sporting activities with the education
d. ensure that persons with disabilities have access to services from
those involved in the organization of recreational, and
leisure and sporting activities, physical culture and
Mexican Proposal
To be included in the final clauses of the convention:
Nothing in the present Convention shall affect any provisions that
are more conducive to the full enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental
freedoms and the dignity of persons with disabilities which may be contained
(a) the law or practice of a State Party; or
(b) any other international convention, treaty or agreement in force
for that State.